Which Callings Do You Desire Most?


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For that matter, what kind of crazy woman wants her husband to be bishop? :lol:

The ward I grew up in actually had a guy who campaigned to be bishop. He got the calling, too. I'm guessing he wasn't all that effective, since in his previous calling of ward custodian, half the adults were afraid of him....

Good point. What woman would want that? Maybe she thinks it's a sign of righteousness, prestige, whatever. I bet they don't think it's so much fun when their husband is hardly ever home. My husband is gone too much as it is and I miss him.

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Because I think people in general strive for higher aspirations and goals. Now, I realize I might be hitting upon an area that people are reluctant to be open about - especially if they feel such aspirations are forbidden. Whether they are forbidden or not, I think they are quite natural and I would really be surprised if no members actually had such aspirations. Ask any group of kids and somewhere one of them wants to be President (USA) or some other leadership position.

Now that I think of it, I should have added Relief Society and Primary Presidents to the mix for the women.


You are absolutely correct, when you stated that you "think people strive for higher aspirations and goals". I think you are using the word 'forbidden' with a bit too much suggestion of 'bad' undertones with it. What other things and why do you consider them or it forbidden? I can think of many things, but for different reasons.

Anyway... that is beside the point. Why do people strive for what they do in the first place? I believe that is maybe the best way to help you understand that to refrain from desire or aspiring position, power, etc... in the Kingdom of God, and that is precisely what you are asking or feeling to encourage here, should maybe be rethought... perhaps?

The main purpose of The Church, is to invite ALL to Come Unto Christ, and be perfected in Him... thus to put off the natural man, then becomes the challenge of a lifetime. The very first thing we do as we become a part of His Kingdom, is that we step up and out of the world... and put off the natural man. The natural man is an enemy to God... you know the rest, right? Reason is, because of the natural tendency toward 'selfishness and pride'.

So again, I would ask 'why do people strive for higher aspirations and goals'? What are their motives? Desires? Intentions? Are they looking inside or outside of themselves, to whom will benefit in their goals and aspirations?

And, what is the hopes that you are desiring as you learn that although other members certainly have preferences in what they feel they may do better and enjoy more... isn't there a big difference in someone who desires a thing?

Desire is a powerful word, in that God will make sure you do have that which you desire... of your heart. Thus, we must examine our true motives to what others may suggest to be only innocent...

Things that are forbidden of God, are only to protect His children from spiritual death. Is there anything I have said that would fall into that category, and that you feel is a bit too much drama or over-reacting?

As a man thinketh, so is He...

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an ex-bishop I knew years ago said that those that aspire to become a bishop, deserve it. ;)

I knew an Elders quorum pres on my mission that always seemed less than humble to even me. I heard later after I transfered to another area that the ward's bishop was released. Apparently this EP, and his wife, felt assured that he would be called as the new bishop. He wasn't. A month or so later, he was found dead on a street corner, murdered. Now, I'm not one to make hasty conclusions about things that happen to people. But this one was TOO wierd. :blink:

Anywho, I've always firmly believed that we're not to aspire to "lofty" callings in the church. Not for us to try and predict what the Lord knows we need. And I think I'd never be very trusting of such a person. Something conflicting about aspiring to such a calling, and this thing called humility.

The bishop or the EQP ended up dead?

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So again, I would ask 'why do people strive for higher aspirations and goals'? What are their motives? Desires? Intentions? Are they looking inside or outside of themselves, to whom will benefit in their goals and aspirations?

Things that are forbidden of God, are only to protect His children from spiritual death. Is there anything I have said that would fall into that category, and that you feel is a bit too much drama or over-reacting?

As a man thinketh, so is He...

Dunno, I would suggest you take the higher aspirations point up with Steven R. Covey. I doubt members having aspirations would put them in a category of spiritual death. Actually, I think the Natural Man you are talking about is more akin to Freud's concept of the unrestrained Id or Thomas Hobb's brutish man of nature. The higher aspiration I am discussing is what make us naturally want to excel. The forbiddeness I was talking about is this concept that to have these desires either demonstrates a lack of humility or is intrinsically wrong in some way. Although taken out of a Church context, most Mormons would praise Mitt Romney for wanting to be President. Same desire, in one situation it is an accepted ambition but in a Church setting it borders on being in the realm of an unrighteous forbidden desire.

Personally, for a job as involved as that of a Bishop, I probably would prefer someone who enthusiastically wishes to make the tremendous time commitment ahead of time.

Your are really 99 years old? When will the big 100 happen? I admire elder elders.

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Dunno, I would suggest you take the higher aspirations point up with Steven R. Covey. I doubt members having aspirations would put them in a category of spiritual death. Actually, I think the Natural Man you are talking about is more akin to Freud's concept of the unrestrained Id or Thomas Hobb's brutish man of nature. The higher aspiration I am discussing is what make us naturally want to excel. The forbiddeness I was talking about is this concept that to have these desires either demonstrates a lack of humility or is intrinsically wrong in some way. Although taken out of a Church context, most Mormons would praise Mitt Romney for wanting to be President. Same desire, in one situation it is an accepted ambition but in a Church setting it borders on being in the realm of an unrighteous forbidden desire.

Personally, for a job as involved as that of a Bishop, I probably would prefer someone who enthusiastically wishes to make the tremendous time commitment ahead of time.

Your are really 99 years old? When will the big 100 happen? I admire elder elders.

Thanks, I will definitely take your advice and give Steve a call... when my aspirations fall into that category of which he has expertise. No doubt he is the bomb, when it comes to motivating those who have goals in their lives to excel in their jobs, etc... of which they are seeking to be their best and maintain their motivation to achieve that which they desire... he is a good personal coach, and is very well ascribed to in the world. I understand he makes a ____load of money doing what he does! :lol:

Problem is, if I were to ascribe or purchase his goods, as you are suggesting I need to... are you saying that his purchased goods are better teachings than what are in place inside the Kingdom? Now if you believe that his selling of principles of the gospel, and made appealing out of the Kingdom would serve me better in understanding your point of view... I think that could be considered as priestcraft? I don't think Steve would like that being pointed out... do you?

Certainly that is not his intention...

Again, as members we step out of the world and up into a place where we submit our will... thus we have Prophets, Apostles, Bishops.... and personal revelation to confirm those things that are taught to us, that they are true and that they do come from God.

And once again, you make a good call in noting the differences between the 'mind of Christ' and the ways of His Kingdom, and 'the world' and the ways of The Kingdoms of this World...

The ways of the Kingdom of God are 'giving' ways, in contrast to, The ways of The Kingdoms of this World, which are the taking ways.

Although, it may appear from just looking at this suggestion, with natural eyes, that perhaps this is mixed up.... but when seen with spiritual eyes, one is able to see truth, with clarity, and not be deceived, by he who is the god of this earth.

President Benson gave the great and classic talk on PRIDE... you might want to look it up at lds.org Pride, he said, IS the great stumbling block. He tells of how, that in the Book of Mormon, this was the major issue being dealt with throughout the history covered in that sacred record. And of course, we are given this book that we might learn to do better...

What sanctifies the soul is sacrifice, and sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. One of the great blessings of heaven while here upon the earth is that of revelation. I hope that all of my bishops are overwhelmed by their call to serve, that they are humbled by their lack of abilities... be it time, knowledge, etc... this, so that they must sacrifice their heart, might, mind and strength unto God, and say okay, this is all I have... what are we going to do?

In this way, He will come unto this fallible man and bless him with His Spirit. The Lord magnifies and qualifies him who He calls and comes unto Him, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Look at so many prophets of the past, and of course Joseph Smith. The Lord calls the weak, so that He might make them strong.

These men are given Keys of Priesthood and authority, which belong to the Lord. He expects these men to depend on Him completely as they seek inspiration to know what it is HE would have them do, in regards to His children and Kingdom or Church here upon the earth.

So, bring it down and when it has to do with my spiritual progression, I like to know that my sweet Bishop is seeking our Heavenly Father, to know what it is that is best for me, as he counsels me, my children and husband... and conducts interviews, preaches the words of Christ from the pulpit and when he looks at me across his desk... and humbly states that he is representing the Lord, as he interviews me for my temple recommend.

I am not looking for my Bishop to have been or be, at the head of the class, when he leaves the church building and has to then step out into the world. I am happy to allow the Lord to look at all of our hearts, and decide what we all have need of. Frankly, I prefer His Kingdom, much more than the competitive nature of the world...

By the way, I really do love your spirit and spunk. And when I do hit the big 100, I will send you all an e-vite! :P And for sure I want you there... because then I will know for sure, that we will have a gooooood time!

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Because I think people in general strive for higher aspirations and goals. Now, I realize I might be hitting upon an area that people are reluctant to be open about - especially if they feel such aspirations are forbidden. Whether they are forbidden or not, I think they are quite natural and I would really be surprised if no members actually had such aspirations. Ask any group of kids and somewhere one of them wants to be President (USA) or some other leadership position.

Now that I think of it, I should have added Relief Society and Primary Presidents to the mix for the women.

When I'm older I'd like to be a Mission President. I don't get why anyone would want to be Bishop or Elder's Quorum President or any of the rest. Who wants to deal with all that paperwork and hours of meetings......maybe it's better than being a counselor though as you get to make the decisions.

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For that matter, what kind of crazy woman wants her husband to be bishop? :lol:

The ward I grew up in actually had a guy who campaigned to be bishop. He got the calling, too. I'm guessing he wasn't all that effective, since in his previous calling of ward custodian, half the adults were afraid of him....

The kind that wishes she hadn't married this guy and want him far away from the house and kids. :P

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Ward Pointer.

He's the fella that sits up front during a Sacrement Meeting, and as a speaker is talking about various gospel matters, he'd stand up and point to those in the congregation to which that particular subject relates.

Could come in handy on judgement day.

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Ward Pointer.

He's the fella that sits up front during a Sacrement Meeting, and as a speaker is talking about various gospel matters, he'd stand up and point to those in the congregation to which that particular subject relates.

Could come in handy on judgement day.

Oh man, that might make me go inactive, 'cause he'd always be poiting at me. If I were the pointer, I'd just stand there pointing at myself the whole time :)

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Ha! I've heard that said before also Rick about deserving the call to Bishop.

I'm not comfortable with the idea that someone is aspiring for a calling unless the motives behind it are very sincere. For example if someone is wanting to be Bishop because they look upon it as a job of prestige and power, shame on them. And believe me there are people who are like that. I know a fellow who had been second counciler in a Bishopric for just a short time when the entire Bishopric was re-organised. He was pretty sure he was going to be called as new Bishop and was pretty let down when he was not called, even as a counciler. He was then called to be a Scout leader and turned it down because he felt it was beneath him. So then he was called to serve on the High Council. He accepted that one. I was stunned at his actions and was a little surprised he was called to the Stake calling.

But now if someone is wanting a calling because they feel they could best serve there, or are more comfortable , I can understand that. Most folks will serve where they are called to do, which is one of the more amazing things about how the Church functions. Tell me it isn't inspired. :D

Recently when there was an vacancy in the Quorum of the Twelve of course I know who would not be called. However, I asked myself how would I deport myself if I had that impression. And if so, why not act with a term that I have coined which is just-as-if-i-cation, and act just as if the call were going to come. Of course it did not matter one way or the other but if we were that in tune, that close to the Saviour, that Christlike, that kind, and loving, and able to receive that kind of revelation or perhaps better said, that able to respoind to the spitit of revelation than it would not matter. Here is a statement that is attributed to President (then Elder) Erying that kind of sums it up:

You may be familiar with, if so it bears repeating:


Henry B. Eyring

"I am part of the fellowship of the unshamed. The dye has been cast out. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down, or be still.

"My past is redeemed, my presence makes sense, my future is secure. I am done with low living, small talking, colorless dreams, tamed visions, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.

"I no longer need pre-eminece, positions, promotions, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on his presence, walk with patience, am uplifted by prayer and labor with power. My face is set, my gate is fast, my goal is heaven.

"My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, divided, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ.

"I must go till he comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till he stops me and when he returns for his own, he will have no problem recognizing me, my banner will be clear."

May you see the heavens and things as they really are (See Jacob 4:13)

13 Behold, my brethren, he that prophesieth, let him prophesy to the understanding of men; for the aSpirit speaketh the btruth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really care, and of things as they really will be; wherefore, these things are manifested unto us dplainly, for the salvation of our souls. But behold, we are not witnesses alone in these things; for God also espake them unto prophets of old.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I am wondering what others who are not old and jaded may feel in this regard. Do you seek after positions of power or authority, or wish to be an assistant in some calling, or have a burning desire to serve others? Maybe something cushy without a big time drain? Want to work with kids or adults? I hope we could feel free to speak candidly and not feel constrained to furnish only the appropriate answers.

Bench warmer. That is my Goal.
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Guest AutumnBreez

Just got my new calling: YW Secretary

Had a meeting with former Sec. and the now YW Pres. and she had it all organized, it was real nice.

Great start. I presented some ideas (popped into my head on way home from work) to the Pres. and she was delighted.

- Think I am going to really like this calling! :D

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I don't have a calling I want, I just want a calling. Well not anymore since I joined the Army, I'm going to be pretty busy for the next 6 months.

I went months without a calling, and I BEGGED for a calling. Every time the Bishop stopped to talk to me I would say I needed a calling. By the time he had one for me it was too late, I'm gone. I have 1 Sunday left in my ward.

However, my favorite calling ever has been choir director. I LOVE choir. I do not let people get away with saying "I can't sing." Not true. You just haven't learned how to. Church choir is a learning experience for everybody. I'm learning how to handle a choir, and the choir is learning how to sing as a group. In my last ward there was maybe 3 people who professed to be able to sing, and the rest of them were first time choir singers. We sang some Sally Deford stuff at ward conference and it was SOOOOOOO awesome. I just love the feeling of standing in front of a bunch of untrained singers and the most beautiful sound comes out :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Years ago, after two and a half years of marriage I was called to be the Bishop. Previously I had served as a counselor in the Bishopric, Elders President, Young Men's President (twice), Ward Mission Leader, Elder's secretary and as a member of a Sunday School Presidency.

I loved serving as Elder's Quorum President. It was wonderful. I disliked the YM calling a little and it wasn't any better the second time around. I loved serving in the Sunday School and as WML.

Since then I've been on the High Council, Stake YM president and as the president of our stake's high priest quorum.

Now I teach Gospel Doctrine every other week, Principios del Evangelio every other week and early morning seminary once a week. I also did a short stint teaching priesthood meeting.

I must say I loved teaching Priesthood meeting


For now I'll enjoy my busyness and the opportunity to sit with my family (I sat on the stand for 14 of the last 20 years) and just move along with a smile. Besides I'm getting old... I'll soon be 50.

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