Hunter Biden -- Guilty

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Just now, Vort said:

Thomas Jefferson: "Indeed I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just [and] that his justice cannot sleep for ever..."

We see it everywhere the hubris, the egotistical haughty attitude, "oh that will NEVER happen here", we know better than anyone else who has ever lived that's why we allow things that societies have said were wrong and horrific for thousands of years.

God will use the wicked to chastise the wicked.

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Biden says he won’t pardon his son. I for one, believe him fully. You can trust him. He‘s not like the others. Nope. Not at all. 

Sorry @Phoenix_person, but he’s going to pardon Hunter. 

Edited by LDSGator
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2 hours ago, LDSGator said:

going down the crabby and grumpy road like a bunch of senior citizens who missed nap time

BTW, emerging into this state has taken years.  I won't let anyone turn me aside from the joys of curmudgeonlytude.  


39 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

Biden says he won’t pardon his son.

I don't trust, I verify.  So, I see a narrow path to an admission that Biden did something I liked and can brag on. 

IF, Hunter is convicted,

and WHEN, Biden ends his term having never pardoned or commuted or otherwise used his position to get his kid out of his conviction, 

THEN, I'll brag on him publicly. 


It's been known to happen.  I'll always appreciate when Obama held his beer summit.  I thought it was a genuine good-faith effort from our president, to help move the country in a better and positive direction.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

and WHEN, Biden ends his term having never pardoned or commuted or otherwise used his position to get his kid out of his conviction, 

Well, he has no need to.  The punishment is bound to be light to begin with.  Nothing but a slap on the wrist.

And he already told his DOJ/FBI to lay hands off of him during the Burisma investigation.  So, he already used his power to get his son out of REAL punishment.

This is nothing more than a dog and pony show to say that Trump is getting equal treatment.

Equal treatment... Yeah, yeah.  That's the ticket.

If Biden really wanted to show his goodwill, he'd pardon Trump and admit that these were really just non-crimes.  THEN we'd know that conservatives were overreacting.

Edited by Carborendum
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On 6/12/2024 at 2:33 PM, Phoenix_person said:

Among everything else that was happening in 2020, I think a lot of people in both parties glossed over the Abraham Accords. I don't think it would be accurate to say that the left opposes the accords. Broken clocks and all. I also don't think there's any reason to assume that the accords are at risk under Biden.

I believe there is ample reason to assume that the Abraham Accords are at risk under Biden.  It appears to me that Biden has abandoned the Abraham Accords especially in getting Jordan and Saudia Arabia to join (both countries were very close to signing when Biden took office, and nothing has happened.)  It is my opinion that the liberal wing of our government does not want to give Trump any credit for anything.  The reason I believe this to be the case is because with the rise of the Ayatollah regime in Iran, Saudia Arabia (Sunni) has been at odds with Iran (Shia).  In fact, since the Hamas Israel war Saudia Arabia has been left out to dry by the Biden Administration.  Most likely because of the spat between Biden and the crown prince of Saudia Arabia.  Biden has supported Iran with dropping sanctions and giving them access to funds held by the Trump Administration.   

There is no way that Iran would sign the Abraham Accords.  So why give Iran political advantages in the Middle East?  I do not believe there would currently be war in the Middle East if Biden is willing to press the Abraham Accords.  I want you to think this through carefully and respond why you think Biden is supporting the Abraham Accords – especially in light of the stand he has taken in pressuring Israel and appearing to support the Anti-Semitic protesters (that are increasingly becoming more bolden).

Do you realize that the Abraham Accords require the recognition if Israel and a sovereign country with Arab countries normalization of trade and diplomatic relationships.   That the main reason Trump pushed the Accords is to oppose the state sponsored terrorism (primarily Iran) to prevent war and attacks on Israel.  I am aware that the Biden Administration has given lip service – but everything I see the Biden Administration doing in opposition.  Since congress ratified the Abraham Accords – Bidan cannot dismiss it with executive order but other than this roadblock of the law – I have yet to see the Biden Administration push forward in foreign affairs anything supporting the Abraham Accords.  If you feel differently – I would very much like to know what I have missed.


The Traveler

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4 hours ago, old said:

Meh, you only claim to not care b/c your guy isn't in charge. It's all about power.  You've admitted to being petty and that in effect whether one side is using the power of the government it doesn't really matter...b/c it's not "your guy".

But as soon as "your guy" gets in charge, you'd either a) do the same thing to others or b) moan and groan if it was done to your guy.

The last time I can honestly say "my guy" was in charge was on January 19th, 2017. And a lot of that guy's former voters have shifted further left while Obama has remained a moderate liberal.

I don't believe in personal loyalty to politicians. That's more of a MAGA thing. I'm an organizer. My job is to keep politicians focused on what the voters want. I don't particularly care what pet projects the DFL/Dems have apart from what's being prioritized by my organization. If "our guys" can't get it done, we'll find someone else who can. 

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17 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:



It's been known to happen.  I'll always appreciate when Obama held his beer summit.  I thought it was a genuine good-faith effort from our president, to help move the country in a better and positive direction.



Nope, it was a photo op/press release trying to cover up his own "acted stupidly."


"not seeing all the facts"

"police acted stupidly"






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4 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

It’s a politics/true believer thing. We all saw delusional devotion to Obama in 2008. 

Even moreso in 2012. The margin of victory was smaller, but the Obama worship was strong and was openly engaged in by pretty much all the major news networks not named Fox.

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16 minutes ago, Vort said:

Even moreso in 2012. The margin of victory was smaller, but the Obama worship was strong and was openly engaged in by pretty much all the major news networks not named Fox.

And they're doing the same thing with Biden.

The video that Youtube has removed and continues to remove is when Biden said


And if Congress (indistinguishable) I will veto it.

<great applause from the Democrats in the chamber>

No one in the country knew what the heck he said.  But the liberal media made a huge deal about how wonderful it was.

I still don't know what he was threatening to veto.  But Biden made a threat to veto.  So, that was enough to celebrate.

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18 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I still don't know what he was threatening to veto.

Abortion ban, I believe. Who wouldn't cheer a nominal Catholic that supports abortion?

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9 minutes ago, Vort said:

Abortion ban, I believe. Who wouldn't cheer a nominal Catholic that supports abortion?

No, I've seen that address as well.  The abortion ban was clearly stated. 

The event I'm thinking of was completely unintelligible. 

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1 hour ago, mirkwood said:

Nope, it was a photo op/press release trying to cover up his own "acted stupidly."

"not seeing all the facts"

"police acted stupidly"

I remember.  Those comments matched the general tone of his administration.  The Obama years in many ways, brought all the racial tensions and anticop stuff into focus, and gave a massive boost to all those people.  It's just that in the middle of all that, Obama made a big deal over having two humans getting together over beer to talk and listen to each other.  

I remember no end of criticism leveled at him about it, from both sides.  The law & order folks criticized him for sensationalizing the raicist left. The liberals criticized him for forcing an "innocent black professor" to come to the powerful white man's table and get talked down to.  Everyone was mad at everyone else, and everyone was yelling past each other.  Obama was the only significant leader that I saw, who gave at least a photo op lip service to the notion that opposing sides could sit down and discuss things civilly.  I don't remember that message coming from anywhere else (except of course, our church).

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4 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I remember.  Those comments matched the general tone of his administration.  The Obama years in many ways, brought all the racial tensions and anticop stuff into focus, and gave a massive boost to all those people.  It's just that in the middle of all that, Obama made a big deal over having two humans getting together over beer to talk and listen to each other.  

I remember no end of criticism leveled at him about it, from both sides.  The law & order folks criticized him for sensationalizing the raicist left. The liberals criticized him for forcing an "innocent black professor" to come to the powerful white man's table and get talked down to.  Everyone was mad at everyone else, and everyone was yelling past each other.  Obama was the only significant leader that I saw, who gave at least a photo op lip service to the notion that opposing sides could sit down and discuss things civilly.  I don't remember that message coming from anywhere else (except of course, our church).

Obama is the kind of liberal that most of my liberal friends are. Liberal, sure, but they can talk and disagree with you without screaming in rage. In fact, most handle dissent better then my Trumper friends.  

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8 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

 It's just that in the middle of all that, Obama made a big deal over having two humans getting together over beer to talk and listen to each other.  


He did do that and it was all horse doo doo.  He was backpedaling from a stupid thing he said.  



Obama was the only significant leader that I saw, who gave at least a photo op lip service to the notion that opposing sides could sit down and discuss things civilly. 

 He did, but it was all horse doo doo.



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1 hour ago, mirkwood said:

He did do that and it was all horse doo doo.  He was backpedaling from a stupid thing he said.  

 He did, but it was all horse doo doo.

My Mom used to say, "Perception is reality." (I think she was quoting me.) But this is fundamentally cynical, to a really disgusting degree. "Discussing things over a beer" sounds great, and if it were real, it would be great. But, as he did with pretty much everything else in his life*, Obama meant this as a photo op and a talking point. There was no substance behind it. He said something stupid, and he tried making a silk purse out of a sow's ear. And the press, no surprise, helped their savior out all they could. The Obama years were nauseating.

*Except apparently for his children. I remember he refused to send his daughters to DC public schools. He actually caught some heat in the media for that, but he didn't back down. That was one of the very, very few things that Obama did that I actually had respect for.

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