Oh No; Snow! - Did you Know???


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You and I have been around this lone and dreary forum a long time - looking at our date of beginning here you and I could be considered "Sons of the Morning".

The Traveler

:) ... and we go back further than that don't we? Seems to me that I came on board about 6 plus years ago and you were already an established (and respected) member then. Then we migrated to the newly rebuilt forum and I think I was member #2 to move over.

I have to say that I found this board at the end of a bad and unhealthy time of my life and this website played a pivot role in getting things turned around and pointed in the right direction. We are told to study the scriptures everyday, and in researching topics for discussion I probably went four years and only missed a handful of days of scripture study.

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Wow, so this site has been around since 2003 or longer?

I posted on LDS Talk many years ago. In those days they had a moderator named "bat". Not sure if this is the same LDS Talk. If it is, then it has come a long way since those days. Does anyone know about "bat"? The former moderator of LDS Talk?

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I posted on LDS Talk many years ago. In those days they had a moderator named "bat". Not sure if this is the same LDS Talk. If it is, then it has come a long way since those days. Does anyone know about "bat"? The former moderator of LDS Talk?

Bat and I would bitter constantly.

We went to lunch twice when I visited SLC and then he and girlfriend and kids came on vacation to So Cal and we took them to dinner down at the beach.

That was a couple years ago but he has posted on the board since then. I suspect he is around somewhere while not building wood carpentry items in SLC.

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My first experience on an internet forum was a Dr. Laura forum that I was recommended to try. The trashing of Mormons got so bad that Dr. Laura fired her moderator and canceled the forum from her web site. I was attempting to write a novel and that forum was recommended to sharpen my writing skills - which are still horrible. Though I may not ever get something published I have, among other things influenced a screenplay that may show up next year – if it does it will do for camping what Jaws did for beach vacations - we’ll see.

During the early years there were harsh things being said non-stop to us LDS. I did not know that there were types like Prison Chaplin. He has been a most pleasant surprise. The interesting thing about those times was that on a weekly basis someone decided to be baptized stating that the Mormons were the only ones on the internet that acted like Christians.

Snow: I had no idea that those were hard times for you. I thought I was going through bad times and ended up starting a new business; though for sure I would be declaring bankruptcy. I think there were months I did not sleep. Now it seems that things are out of control the other way. Just bought a new business (last week) and I am trying to finish another contract and finalize another proposal that I cannot possibly complete.

All this time I have thought of many on the forum and what has become of them. Someday, Snow, if you are in SLC, Phoenix or Detroit I will have to make time to have dinner with you. The wife and I will be in LA in April to see Wicked (our anniversary). We have been apart a lot the last year and she wants a quiet weekend for just us. Take care Snow.

The Traveler

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...Though I may not ever get something published I have, among other things influenced a screenplay that may show up next year – if it does it will do for camping what Jaws did for beach vacations - we’ll see.

Traveler, will you call it CLAWS? ;)

PS - I've been on LDStalk since the beginning.


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I posted on LDS Talk many years ago. In those days they had a moderator named "bat". Not sure if this is the same LDS Talk. If it is, then it has come a long way since those days. Does anyone know about "bat"? The former moderator of LDS Talk?

Yeah I know Bat and I am proud to call him friend. :D

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Traveler, will you call it CLAWS? ;)

PS - I've been on LDStalk since the beginning.


Sorry I cannot give the title - it would give too much away but it is not called CLAWS. The story is based on a campfire story I started telling my scouts many years ago on our camp outs. They wanted scary camp fire stories so I made up something based on some of my camping experiences as a boy and some ancient Native American Legends. I updated it with some modern evolution concepts to make everything plausible.

One of my scouts is now working as a writer in Hollywood and told the story to some associates. The next thing I know, I get a phone call to do some consulting and read the rough draft script. It is intended to be action like Jurassic Park but the opening scene (a dark night in a dense North Western Forest) is quite a shock. I am also doing all I can to keep things PG13. But who knows it may never be produced. It has all been fun.

The Traveler

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BTW- Many thanks to all you old timers and some new ones that have put up with the Traveler for all these years. As for BAT - I often wondered about him. I wondered if we were dealing with someone's alter internet ego. I think he lived on the internet to yank people's chain.

The Traveler

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My first experience on an internet forum was a Dr. Laura forum that I was recommended to try. The trashing of Mormons got so bad that Dr. Laura fired her moderator and canceled the forum from her web site. I was attempting to write a novel and that forum was recommended to sharpen my writing skills - which are still horrible. Though I may not ever get something published I have, among other things influenced a screenplay that may show up next year – if it does it will do for camping what Jaws did for beach vacations - we’ll see.

During the early years there were harsh things being said non-stop to us LDS. I did not know that there were types like Prison Chaplin. He has been a most pleasant surprise. The interesting thing about those times was that on a weekly basis someone decided to be baptized stating that the Mormons were the only ones on the internet that acted like Christians.

Snow: I had no idea that those were hard times for you. I thought I was going through bad times and ended up starting a new business; though for sure I would be declaring bankruptcy. I think there were months I did not sleep. Now it seems that things are out of control the other way. Just bought a new business (last week) and I am trying to finish another contract and finalize another proposal that I cannot possibly complete.

All this time I have thought of many on the forum and what has become of them. Someday, Snow, if you are in SLC, Phoenix or Detroit I will have to make time to have dinner with you. The wife and I will be in LA in April to see Wicked (our anniversary). We have been apart a lot the last year and she wants a quiet weekend for just us. Take care Snow.

The Traveler

Glad your business is going well. If I plan a trip in your area - I have to be in touch.

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