Do you use any aids when studying scripture?

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Just curious if there is anyone else out there who has books that they utilize to help them further understand scripture. I do a lot of studying on my own, so it's nice to have a few literary aids to further my study.

I have a copy of The Message: Remix. Which is essentially just a modern language translation of the new and old testaments. I've found it to be particularly helpful over the years.

However, i've yet to come across anything similar for my LDS set. Does anybody have any suggestions for aid with my study from the LDS scripture? Are there any books that you guys use that you would suggest I check out?

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I can't help too much on LDS commentaries that are similar to some of the in depth voluminous series on the Bible, but if you have not heard of it, The Interpreter's Bible Series is incredible on Bible study. Of course you have other LDS commentaries like you see in Deseret Book etc. Perhaps if you went to FAIR/FARMS and asked there they would be able to assist you.


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The "Treasures from the Book of Mormon" volumes by Cleon Skousen was what I used several years ago. I only have the first volume and it has been quite insightful.

I have used many old Ensign and Liahona articles to further my research and have lately enjoyed my new best friend: Google

Google has helped me find many old articles and lots of new ones for my current exploration into the Book of Mormon:

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A word of caution about using Study Aids. There is the possibility of the Author inserting personal opinions and

the other is not relying on prayer and the Holy Spirit for help. However, there is a lot of help available using the Church resources.

Yeah, i've come across that problem before. Which is why I thought it would be best to get opinions on study material from this board, as I trust the opinion of you guys more than I do some random internet review.

Before the "contemporary" bible that I now own (The Message:Remix) I had another one that was meant specifically for preteens. I used it a lot, then when I got older and my reading comprehension improved, I started noticing that some of the "interpretations" featured in that book were completely slanted. I got really mad once I realized the author's bias in the studybook. I've become very selective about my study material since then.

Even though I like the one I have now, I try to only use it when it's a matter of language comprehension and literal meaning. When it comes to understanding the spiritual idea behind the lines I like to use prayer instead.

Also in a similar thought, does anyone here use the Pioneer scripture markers? I've always just used crayons to mark my verses, but they tend to be bulky and messy. I saw those makers advertised on deseret and wondered if they were worth it.

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Some have used two or three color pencils for different themes/subjects. I seldom mark my scriptures anymore. If I do it's with a pen and a simple underline. I still use my missionary scriptures which are replete with markings and underlinings of all kinds, colors, ink, pencil, color pencil, etc. and tons of cross references and scribblings and more. My wife bought me a new set a while ago, but I still use my old set. I've had it for over 20 years. I can find anything quite easily with them. I don't want to start over with a "blank slate" if that makes sense.

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I have found that Elder Bruce R. McConkie's(who has been regarded as the greatest scriptorian of our time, by some.) works are extremely, doctrinally sound. His commentary's were written like a doctrinal background of the whole gospel because of his use in the scriptures. I read the scriptures, then moved towards these doctrinal commentaries to refine my understanding which helped me gain insight into how read with easy comprehension. I rarely use them now, not because I don't like them, but because I "know" how to read scriptures properly and can learn effectively. The scriptures are more direct and are of more benefit. lilered made an excellent point about using study aids. Because we are men and not perfect, we cannot often keep the word of God perfect, unless we use scripture. That is why we read scriptures, to find the mind, will, word and voice of the Lord and to find the power of God unto Salvation.

This is the process I used to gain a greater understanding of the gospel.

For the Record, The greatest commentator of the scriptures is the Holy Ghost. Pray for the Spirit to guide you as you read and the mysteries of God will unfold.(as you put the time and effort into it.)

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Just curious if there is anyone else out there who has books that they utilize to help them further understand scripture. I do a lot of studying on my own, so it's nice to have a few literary aids to further my study.

I have a copy of The Message: Remix. Which is essentially just a modern language translation of the new and old testaments. I've found it to be particularly helpful over the years.

However, i've yet to come across anything similar for my LDS set. Does anybody have any suggestions for aid with my study from the LDS scripture? Are there any books that you guys use that you would suggest I check out?

One book I read recently, "A Scriptural Discussion of Light" is a tremendous book which gives an example of how to effectively take ONE subject in the scriptures and thoroughly explore it. In this case, the topic is "LIGHT". The book explores all the different meanings of LIGHT as they are referenced in the scriptures, how the connections are drawn, and how they apply to our daily lives.

The point of the book is: You can take what the book did with the word LIGHT -- and apply the same methodology to ANY word or phrase or topic that you find in the scriptures.

Here is a link to that book: A Scriptural Discussion of Light: Allen J. Fletcher: Books

Another technique I use, is to take each scripture I am studying, and to record the verse in my journal, but I do it as a conversation between myself and the Lord, like this (the Lord's words to me are in CAPS):


Tuesday, 11 March, 2008

Dear Jesus,

Good morning



1 Hearken, O ye people of my church, [HEARKEN, TOM] saith the voice [MY VOICE THAT YOU FEEL INSIDE OF YOU, MY VOICE THAT YOU FEEL MORE THAN AUDIBLY HEAR] of him who dwells on high, [READ THIS AS MY INVITATION TO YOU TO JOIN ME, TO COME TO WHERE I AM!] and whose eyes are upon all men; [iN MY CAPACITY AS YOUR GOD I MONITOR ALL THAT ALL THAT YOU DO, SO THAT A MERCIFUL JUDGEMENT MAY BE WROUGHT UPON YOU AT THE LAST DAY] yea, verily I say: Hearken ye people [HEARKEN, TOM] from afar; and ye that are upon the islands of the sea, listen together.

Why do you say "listen together," instead of just "listen"?



2 For verily the voice of the Lord [sTILL, SMALL, QUIET, PEACEFUL] is unto all men, [iS UNTO YOU, TOM] and there is none to escape; [THE WORD ESCAPE HERE REFERS TO THE FACT THAT THE LIGHT OF CHRIST FILLS THE IMMENSITY OF SPACE, IT IS IN AND THROUGH ALL THINGS - THERE IS NONE TO ESCAPE] and there is no eye that shall not see, neither ear that shall not hear, neither heart that shall not be penetrated.




I need to go =/




The above is not a joke or a gimmick. It is my sincere desire to connect with my Jesus, and to record what I feel are His words to me. I try not to doubt or worry that I am just "making all of this up." I just try to have faith in His words and in what I feel inside.

This process has blessed my life significantly! I feel closer to Jesus than the previous 38 years of my life -- no question about that.

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I am reading Commentary on the Book of Mormon as I read through the Book of Mormon this year. It is by George Reynolds and Janne M. Sjodahl. It is nice cause it is set up to go along with the chapters and verses as you read them in the Book of Mormon.

I also love anything by Hugh Nibley. That man was a genius. Seeing as I have LDS Library I have just about any reference book anyone has written on any subject. It was perhaps the greatest purchase I have ever made.

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Some have used two or three color pencils for different themes/subjects. I seldom mark my scriptures anymore. If I do it's with a pen and a simple underline. I still use my missionary scriptures which are replete with markings and underlinings of all kinds, colors, ink, pencil, color pencil, etc. and tons of cross references and scribblings and more. My wife bought me a new set a while ago, but I still use my old set. I've had it for over 20 years. I can find anything quite easily with them. I don't want to start over with a "blank slate" if that makes sense.

As an aside, I do the same thing and I really think it is because "My Scriptures" are like an old friend and personal so much so, that I can't bear the thought of using a new set, even though, they might be better.

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I have The New Testament Made Easier Part 1 by David J. Ridges.

Without it I would be totally lost in the New Testament. I read

a chapter in the Net Testament, then read the same chapter in

the Ridges book. For the most part I understand the Book of Mormon

very well but I'm also going to get Ridges books on the BoM for

new insight.

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I circle the verse number of important passages. I also underline key words and phrases, but rarely will I underline an entire passage (that's what circling the number is all about).

I write notes on the edges, wishing I had thicker margins to write in.

I read a variety of help books. What I read now are very different from what I started with 32 years ago. I do recommend the Messiah series from Elder McConkie, Jesus the Christ from Elder Talmage (use a dictionary), Lectures on Faith. For those with a great vocabulary and intense study habits, I recommend Nibley's writings, particularly Enoch the Prophet and Approaching Zion. For those with a strong philosophy background, I recommend Blake Ostler's books on LDS theology/philosophy. My understanding is that volume 3 comes out this week. I'm still trying to understand the first two books!

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Amongst non-LDS Christians. pentecostals and charismatics are the most likely to "rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit"--including in their studies. Nevertheless, of course I use study aids. I'll use well-written subject-matter books, recognized commentaries, Bible encyclopedias, and dictionaries. Good study Bibles have historical notes, concordances, and even maps. All of these give background and information that helps us to understand the text. Looking to the wisdom of those gifted to teach does not mean ignoring the leading of the Holy Spirit. Knowledge and Spirit are compliments, not competitors. Where discernment is needed is in choosing the aids.

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My personal choices for study are first, the Institute manuals. They are available online in PDF format.

My next choice is two bible dictionarys. First is Strongs Exhaustive Concordance and Dictionary. It has the actual root word in Hebrew (old testiment) and Greek (new testiment) and it's original meanings. I find it helps clarify choices of words used if the Bible dictionary in my bible doesn't.

Next choice is the Harper Collins Bible dictionary. It explains more of the customs about things which often helps open my understanding of what might be going on at the time.

The internet has been fun and has given many interesting things. I do caution anyone using the internet to not beleive everything you see written, but I do have to admit I've seen some very good arguements as to why they list some of the things they do on the internet sites. And yes, it has answered many questions too about the Bible and such.

Farms is a great site for reference. I've not used it very much because it's more a reading site. But there is a ton of research there that has been done. If you can land a document that relates with what you are looking for, it's a gold mine of information. It's just a matter of finding it there.

Above all, we are reminded to use first, church resourses. I know they don't go very good in some studies. Then we are told to use other resources, but to allow the Holy Ghost to guide in in learning the truth. It is why we have been blessed with that gift, if we only but learn to use it. The Holy Ghost is your greatest study companion.

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In the days of my mission, I bought the finest point pencils I could find for writing notes in my margins. Some pages have four or five lines/rows of notes.

That is some tiny writing!

I have done that as well in the past. I have some notes that start out beside the verse in question and wrap all the way around the page. Kind of a mess, but fun to read!

Now-a-days, I write the scripture into my journal, that way I have all the room I need. The weak link in that system is - I can't really take my journal with me, like I can my scriptures.

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Just curious if there is anyone else out there who has books that they utilize to help them further understand scripture. I do a lot of studying on my own, so it's nice to have a few literary aids to further my study.

I have a copy of The Message: Remix. Which is essentially just a modern language translation of the new and old testaments. I've found it to be particularly helpful over the years.

However, i've yet to come across anything similar for my LDS set. Does anybody have any suggestions for aid with my study from the LDS scripture? Are there any books that you guys use that you would suggest I check out?

First, no book or church teaching material will help you to fully comprehend within unless the spirit is with you. I have learned over the years, I could read the scriptures at times, while pondering over what was read, be filled with enlightenment on interruptions without outside aid. So, what I am saying is to make the Holy Ghost your study companion when questioning for understanding the texts first.

Next, depending your home space for a study room or library at home, there are scores of books that can fill a large library today on variety of theological topics by subject matter experts; both inside the church and outside. Remember, to choose wisely. As other already noted, it is nothing more than an academic reasoning or opinion with interruptions. If limited on size of room in collecting such materials or books, medium-range laptop with large external USB hard drive, you can access LDS.Org scripture site and download the scriptures, reference materials, or access Google Books and create a library online. Another is InfoBase Electronic software is now over 4500 electronic books and growing. Though, expensive subscription rate for those who seek a lot of cross references. Deseret Book Club is a start with limited first hand purchases and then rack up the points to purchase discounted books. Another source I found quite valuable is Deseret Auction and eBay Book auction with rare materials or out of print.

We are living in a wonderful age of electronic media in a fullness of time. Global information is at our fingertips to be gleaned. However, for me, I do carry my scripture, audio media, church music, innumerable talks and articles, and the last three years of electronic journal on a 1.5 inch USB drive.

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I am reading Commentary on the Book of Mormon as I read through the Book of Mormon this year. It is by George Reynolds and Janne M. Sjodahl. It is nice cause it is set up to go along with the chapters and verses as you read them in the Book of Mormon.

I also love anything by Hugh Nibley. That man was a genius. Seeing as I have LDS Library I have just about any reference book anyone has written on any subject. It was perhaps the greatest purchase I have ever made.

I guess you never had a class with Hugh? :lol: You are better off having a digital or tape voice recorder for a post class analysis of what was said. That man had a recitable memory that shook many classes. :D

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I believe that there are several study aids that are amazing. The first are the Institute manuals, and although it is not a study aid, I would recommend reading the scriptures with the audio version, playing them as you read. That has helped me a lot. Several web sites and software have helped me. Here are some of them: This site lets people put in their own insights on the scriptures.

religion online This site lets you see hundreds of articles and books on most every subject you can think of in Christianity.

Logos Bible Software - Bible Study has never been easier! This site lets you buy the most comprehensive Bible software available. I have it and it is amazing! One thing that is great is that the “library” is always being added to and you can buy new e-books that can be downloaded to your computer and intergraded to the software.

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home This site has the most sacred texts of all religions that I have ever found on a single site yet! The great thing about this site is it is free. The next thing is that it has e-books on the Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, The Koran, and books on Buddism and Hinduism, and many other Faiths. - The Ultimate LDS Study Library LDS Library - Home These two sites you will need to pay for to use. The information on them are awesome. They have pretty much the same content so beware of double paying for the same thing.

Main Page - FAIRMormon This page is useful but not necessarily for scripture study. It is based on Wikipedia. It explains several teachings of the church and lets people edit how they want.

Bible Software for believing Bible study: SwordSearcher This site brings you, what I think is the best Bible study program that I have ever seen. It just has the Bible, but it has 25 commentaries and 17 Bible dictionaries and helps. I cannot tell you just how helpful this program has been to me!

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  • 5 weeks later...

If you are just starting your scripture study then you need to prioritize what you use the most. If you do not you could spend hundreds or even thousands on reference books that you will use only a few times.

Check your local library, which alone could save you hundreds of dollars. Also, see if you can find any local Priests, Preachers, or Bishops that would give you old copies of books that you can use.

I said this in a post above but I will say it here. Save money and buy a computer with internet connection. Go to the web addresses that I have listed in the previous post. There are software and web sites with information that could save you not only hundreds but thousands of dollars. Not only will you save money but you will also save a massive amount of space. Instead of taking up the space of several bookshelves, you can have the same information on your lap (i.e. laptop computer).

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