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Everything posted by beefche

  1. You are absolutely correct that if you keep doing the same thing, you'll get the same results....if you are relying solely upon yourself. Marriage is between 2 people (3 when counting the Lord). I can move to a target rich area and still remain single. I can completely change my personality and remain single. My point is that we do have to make choices in our life. Marriage is one of the most important decisions anyone can make in this life. But it is not the only decision. If I must remain single, then being near family and in a satisfying career helps the loneliness and emptiness. I would hope that I have the courage to move away from family and great job if the Lord tells me to. Your advice is great if the Lord leads one in that direction. I worry that people think too often in terms of "I'll be happy when..." We should be happy now regardless of our circumstances. And I disagree with you on the whole "soul mate" idea. I don't think God appoints someone for me. I think I choose my companion. There is no "one" for me. There are several and we just have to decide together to make the same choice.
  2. Whoa....not too many women want the world to know their weight. You ARE lucky!
  3. What are some areas that are good neighborhoods? I've heard Overland Park is nice. What is the average house price there? What about the wards in that area? Are they "strong" or more like a branch? Any info on the Single Adults program? Strong? Need help? I'll be there for 4 weeks in February, but won't have a car. So I won't be able to visit any areas. Advice for someone potentially moving there? What areas would you suggest I research?
  4. I mean this in the spirit of discussion, not attack. On the surface, your points are valid and practical. However, if someone is not in a relationship and it doesn't appear as if one will be in a relationship any time soon (soon being relative), then what do you propose this person do? Going to graduate school requires many hours of work. Building a career requires work. There are some people who will not be married in this mortal life. None of us know for certainty if we are the unlucky ones. In the meantime, we need to care for ourselves and our future (and any dependents, of course). Developing a career is one way. Obviously, it's not to the exclusion of all else. I can only use myself as an example. I do not live in a Mormon rich environment. Now that I'm over the "desirable" marriage age, it is more difficult to find single worthy Mormon men. I have had several people encourage me to move to Utah, Arizona, or California where the worthy male Mormon population is more abundant. However, I have family and a fantastic job where I currently live. Since there is no guarantee that moving will result in marriage, I must make a personal decision based on my circumstances. I have not felt the Spirit inspire me to move to any of those areas. Does this mean that marriage isn't important to me? Of course not. It simply means that I must follow the Spirit as best I can and bloom where I live.
  5. There is a slight possibility that I might move there. Wondering about anyone who lives there who can give me some info on things such as homes, taxes, neighborhoods, church, etc.
  6. That reminds me of a situation on my mission. My comp and I were tracking and one dude opens the door to the past. I swear he stepped out of a 70's bad movie. He was wearing skin tight blue jeans with a white ruffled shirt that was opened down the front exposing his hairy chest which he had covered in long gold chains. He leaned against the door jam and said, "hello, there....wanna come in?" Then when we told him we were Mormon missionaries, he quickly shut the door.
  7. I am not married, so take this as you will. Women are stupid (in general, not specifically). They will say, "Do these pants make me look fat?" The problem with that question is that it traps the man. That ISN'T her real question. Her question is "Do you find me attractive?" Women quit being coy, dumb, whatever to your husbands. Talk to them! If you want to know if he still finds you attractive, then ask him that. And then listen to him and not berate him for his answer. If he doesn't find you attractive, then discover why and work on it. However, the same goes for men. If you feel unappreciated as the husband/man of the home, let your wives know and then listen to her. Although women have a difficult time to tell their man their true feelings (for some reason most women want the men to know instinctively what she wants/needs and then interpret her answers towards that end), men can learn to interpret the words and women can learn to better express their true feelings. Overall, I think Dr. Laura has some fantastic advice. I liked her book about feeding husbands. I think she can be used as a reference in addition to GAs, scriptures, other good books on communication.
  8. Huh, I've never heard of this. But this seems to answer a question I've had for a long time. I noticed children and mothers, when leaving the chapel for whatever reason, walk with folded arms. I could never understand why...thought it was some weird Utah Mormon thing. Now I know it's not a weird Utah Mormon thing, but rather a leftover from their primary days.
  9. I don't know what the budget is for your ward, but here's some thoughts from one woman. Don't do flowers--of any sort. Typically, women like flowers from their honey...getting them in sacrament meeting just isn't as special as some would like to think. Something to collect dust isn't a good idea....because it collects dust and will either require cleaning or be given to DI. Something that is consumable is a good idea. Things such as bath salts, candles, CHOCOLATE, etc. The women in our ward always prepare pies and serves slices after church for Father's Day....why can't that happen for the women (and have the men serve and clean up--not the RS). A CD or DVD from the Church would be a great idea. Or perhaps a book. The Distribution Center has a lot of things on there for really cheap (especially if you buy in bulk). And....there are some single sisters that really have a hard time on Mother's Day. Please, please, please PLEASE!!! don't make the women stand up to receive a gift. If you can't tell who is a woman, just hand the gift to the person. Make sure that any women who may not be there receives a gift as well....HT would be a great resource to make sure their HTees receive a gift.
  10. MOE, you should always give 100% to work. Monday = 15% Tuesday = 25% Wednesday = 35% Thursday = 20% Friday = 5% Adjust accordingly during holidays.
  11. What a fabulous goal. I think what I like most about this goal (other than the obvious) is that it is attainable with very specific things to do to prepare and accomplish it. Go Pammie!
  12. Hah! Yes I am smarter than a 5th grader! I won a million without any help from the kiddos. Actually, I'm a little addicted to this game now. My best friend got one of her kids the little handheld game of this and I keep snatching it away. Some days I'm only smarter than a 2nd grader to my consternation.
  13. I don't have anything more to add than what has been said regarding the advice to seek the counsel of your bishop. I would urge you to be humble so that if your bishop says you are not ready that you will take that in the spirit it was given. If you do receive your endowments, then I would encourage you to ask a woman with whom you feel comfortable to be your escort. An escort is someone who remains with you throughout the endowment (not completely as there are some things that an escort cannot be a part of). My escort was my best friend who had received her endowments a year previous. She sat me down the night before and explained what to expect in the temple (without divulging sacred things). She relieved my mind tremendously as I knew what to expect and it took some of the mystery out of it. I wasn't scared of the endowment, but just of doing something I had never done before (much like I felt the first time I flew in an airplane).
  14. I don't think saying to get a job is insulting. It is expected that a missionary pay for at least a portion of his/her mission. In fact, when I wanted to serve a mission, my bishop told me to get a job. I was not able to pay for my entire mission by myself (my family did not support my mission). After discussing the situation with my bishop, I was able to receive financial help from other sources. So, getting a job is a realistic and practical start in preparing for a mission. Secondly, I must warn will deal with more than just "pathetic people" while serving a mission. I was cursed, called names, physically attacked, among other things. Trust me, if you cannot deal with someone over the internet, then perhaps you are not prepared to serve as a representative of the Lord. Again, I urge you to discuss your thoughts with your bishop. He is there to guide you and help you prepare spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically, etc. for a mission.
  15. I believe that the $400/mo is for missionaries who leave from US/Canada. Any other missionary leaving from another country will not have the $400/mo--instead their expenses will be determined by the country where they are serving. My understanding is that for those missionaries that pay the $400/mo but whose missions are less than that, will have the remainder of the $400 go towards another missionary who's expenses are more than the $400.
  16. Merry Christmas from Mexico and my home, Indy! Thanks everyone for the laughs and thoughts.
  17. Ok, Hemi, did we listen to the same 80's songs? Checks! You said you're an 80's fan. Jump in please!
  18. Huh, I'm not sure if I've heard the song. I looked on you tube and didn't find the song...just that it was an album title. You're sneaky! Gimme another one.
  19. How in the world do these people sleep? I have no idea what time these vids were taken, but the house is dark inside. But with all those lights flashing, I'd never get any sleep!
  20. Hey, Funk, this is for you: YouTube - The Muppet Show - It's Hard To Be Humble
  21. Hemi, you realize this is the 1980's, right?
  22. There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to yourself (verbally or visually). The problem starts if you say, "What did you say?"
  23. Good job, Hemi. Now you provide the song and you'll see the Mistress of 80's (except Depeche Mode) dazzle.
  24. See, I had this very question on a board game and I had no clue about this song! The radio stations didn't play anything but pop, rock and R&B in the 80's in my neck of the woods. I never even heard of Depeche Mode until I went to BYU. So I lost my round on this song! Ok, checks dude... Your Wildest Dreams
  25. I'm sorry, Funk, but Gore won that one. If today you should be nominated for your awesomeness, what's on the agenda tomorrow?