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    Connie got a reaction from carlimac in I can't get married and neither can my friends.   
    You remind me of my cousin. She enjoys playing the victim card, too. Her ex-husband has full custody of their 2 girls, has kept a string of girlfriends living with him one after the other, gives her the barest minimal contact with the kids and poisons their minds against her by speaking nothing but negativity about her. The judges in her mind are no better. She has tried many times to gain custody of her girls, but they won’t budge.
    From where I stand, you have two options. You can continue to play the victim card for the rest of your life or you can turn to the Lord and find out what He would have you do in your current circumstances. The world is what it is, and the only person you have any control over is yourself. Turn to the Lord. If He tells you to move to a different country, then fine. Just make sure you’re not doing things your own way out of fear or doubt. Chose the path of faith and trust that the Lord’s plan for you is much greater than your own would be. My cousin has decided to continue to be a victim and as such has turned very bitter and negative about men and life, and she wonders why people don’t want to be around her and she can’t find a man to marry her. I would encourage you to try the other route. It is the path to greater peace and happiness.
  2. Like
    Connie got a reaction from hagoth in I can't get married and neither can my friends.   
    You remind me of my cousin. She enjoys playing the victim card, too. Her ex-husband has full custody of their 2 girls, has kept a string of girlfriends living with him one after the other, gives her the barest minimal contact with the kids and poisons their minds against her by speaking nothing but negativity about her. The judges in her mind are no better. She has tried many times to gain custody of her girls, but they won’t budge.
    From where I stand, you have two options. You can continue to play the victim card for the rest of your life or you can turn to the Lord and find out what He would have you do in your current circumstances. The world is what it is, and the only person you have any control over is yourself. Turn to the Lord. If He tells you to move to a different country, then fine. Just make sure you’re not doing things your own way out of fear or doubt. Chose the path of faith and trust that the Lord’s plan for you is much greater than your own would be. My cousin has decided to continue to be a victim and as such has turned very bitter and negative about men and life, and she wonders why people don’t want to be around her and she can’t find a man to marry her. I would encourage you to try the other route. It is the path to greater peace and happiness.
  3. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Floridagal in I can't get married and neither can my friends.   
    You remind me of my cousin. She enjoys playing the victim card, too. Her ex-husband has full custody of their 2 girls, has kept a string of girlfriends living with him one after the other, gives her the barest minimal contact with the kids and poisons their minds against her by speaking nothing but negativity about her. The judges in her mind are no better. She has tried many times to gain custody of her girls, but they won’t budge.
    From where I stand, you have two options. You can continue to play the victim card for the rest of your life or you can turn to the Lord and find out what He would have you do in your current circumstances. The world is what it is, and the only person you have any control over is yourself. Turn to the Lord. If He tells you to move to a different country, then fine. Just make sure you’re not doing things your own way out of fear or doubt. Chose the path of faith and trust that the Lord’s plan for you is much greater than your own would be. My cousin has decided to continue to be a victim and as such has turned very bitter and negative about men and life, and she wonders why people don’t want to be around her and she can’t find a man to marry her. I would encourage you to try the other route. It is the path to greater peace and happiness.
  4. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Daybreak79 in Loading   
    No, you are not the only one. It is the same on mine.
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    Connie got a reaction from David13 in I can't get married and neither can my friends.   
    You remind me of my cousin. She enjoys playing the victim card, too. Her ex-husband has full custody of their 2 girls, has kept a string of girlfriends living with him one after the other, gives her the barest minimal contact with the kids and poisons their minds against her by speaking nothing but negativity about her. The judges in her mind are no better. She has tried many times to gain custody of her girls, but they won’t budge.
    From where I stand, you have two options. You can continue to play the victim card for the rest of your life or you can turn to the Lord and find out what He would have you do in your current circumstances. The world is what it is, and the only person you have any control over is yourself. Turn to the Lord. If He tells you to move to a different country, then fine. Just make sure you’re not doing things your own way out of fear or doubt. Chose the path of faith and trust that the Lord’s plan for you is much greater than your own would be. My cousin has decided to continue to be a victim and as such has turned very bitter and negative about men and life, and she wonders why people don’t want to be around her and she can’t find a man to marry her. I would encourage you to try the other route. It is the path to greater peace and happiness.
  6. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Jane_Doe in I can't get married and neither can my friends.   
    You remind me of my cousin. She enjoys playing the victim card, too. Her ex-husband has full custody of their 2 girls, has kept a string of girlfriends living with him one after the other, gives her the barest minimal contact with the kids and poisons their minds against her by speaking nothing but negativity about her. The judges in her mind are no better. She has tried many times to gain custody of her girls, but they won’t budge.
    From where I stand, you have two options. You can continue to play the victim card for the rest of your life or you can turn to the Lord and find out what He would have you do in your current circumstances. The world is what it is, and the only person you have any control over is yourself. Turn to the Lord. If He tells you to move to a different country, then fine. Just make sure you’re not doing things your own way out of fear or doubt. Chose the path of faith and trust that the Lord’s plan for you is much greater than your own would be. My cousin has decided to continue to be a victim and as such has turned very bitter and negative about men and life, and she wonders why people don’t want to be around her and she can’t find a man to marry her. I would encourage you to try the other route. It is the path to greater peace and happiness.
  7. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Future Wedding   
    A lady at the distribution center many years ago told me the story of her son (or was it a daughter, can't remember) who chose to marry civilly rather than get sealed for the sake of the spouse's non-member family. She seemed pretty sad about it and felt that was a big reason for this couple entirely leaving the church, never even bothering to get sealed at all.
    See quote in my signature line.
  8. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Vort in Future Wedding   
    A lady at the distribution center many years ago told me the story of her son (or was it a daughter, can't remember) who chose to marry civilly rather than get sealed for the sake of the spouse's non-member family. She seemed pretty sad about it and felt that was a big reason for this couple entirely leaving the church, never even bothering to get sealed at all.
    See quote in my signature line.
  9. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Roseslipper in Why do we need friends if we have God to rely on?   
    Isn't this why God puts us in families... and into ward families... so that we have these types of support groups to help us through life.
    C.S. Lewis said, "We need others physically, emotionally, intellectually; we need them if we are to know anything, even ourselves."
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    Connie got a reaction from char713 in Why do we need friends if we have God to rely on?   
    I totally get your philosophical ponderings. I am very, very introverted—89% according to the Jung typology test. I’ve often wondered to what extent people help and influence others. When I first read the C.S. Lewis quote from my above post, I had a very strong negative reaction to it. I still wonder to what extent he is correct in his statement. Mostly I wonder about my own influence on others as I can easily recognize the influence others have had on me.
    Prisonchaplain is right. Introversion is not a highly thought of trait in American culture. Most introverts are all too familiar with that. “You’re SOOOO quite,” is an all too common remark from people at school or work. Or the more to the point remark, “you’re too quite.” I even had a couple of people in the church tell me that being so quiet makes people think you’re a snob. I got to the point where I just shrugged and thought “fine, I’m a snob.” If people want to hold on to their perception of me rather than actually trying to get to know me, then… whatever. There are introverted ideas in the gospel, but there are also plenty of extroverted ones too (as others have pointed out). Both are important, but more often than not the introverted ones get pushed to the side. Actually, the extroverted ones are just easier to see as the introverted ones are mostly meant to be done in solitude. I’m lucky I grew up in the church and have that familiarity. I can’t imagine what it must be like for introverted converts.
    I’ve been reading a book called Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. It’s full of some interesting research and scientific studies and focuses mainly on American culture with its extrovert ideal. You might find it interesting. You can also watch the author’s TED talk on introversion at this link:
  11. Like
    Connie reacted to Capitalist_Oinker in Elder L. Tom Perry suffering from terminal cancer   
    Me too. I love the way he talks along in a measured tone, and then all of a sudden his voice will BOOM when he wants to emphasize a particular point. 
  12. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Saint Peter in Why do we need friends if we have God to rely on?   
    Isn't this why God puts us in families... and into ward families... so that we have these types of support groups to help us through life.
    C.S. Lewis said, "We need others physically, emotionally, intellectually; we need them if we are to know anything, even ourselves."
  13. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Vort in I made the mistake of drinking hot chocolate while watching   
    Rule #1: Don't have food or drink in easy reach when watching a bad lip reading video.
    Don't forget again, Vorty.
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    Connie got a reaction from Daybreak79 in Combining boys and girls in Valiant 10/11 class?   
    No, they do not have to be separated. Ours have been combined for years.
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    Connie got a reaction from Blackmarch in Nervous   
    Yes, chastity issues need to be taken to the bishop, regardless of age. The repentance period will be determined by him.
  16. Like
    Connie got a reaction from lagarthaaz in Combining boys and girls in Valiant 10/11 class?   
    No, they do not have to be separated. Ours have been combined for years.
  17. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Vort in Nervous   
    Yes, chastity issues need to be taken to the bishop, regardless of age. The repentance period will be determined by him.
  18. Like
    Connie got a reaction from gebaird in New member   
    Hello. Welcome to the forums. It's nice to meet you. Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself.
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    Connie reacted to Just_A_Guy in ROBERTS: If Sue loves Joe and Tom loves Joe, Sue could marry him and Tom can't. Why isn't that a straightforward question of sexual discrimination?   
    Yes, because it is the courts' job to interpret and apply the tax code. In fact, this has happened before (to a religious university, not to an actual church, that discriminated based on race). The case was Bob Jones University v. United States, decided by the Supreme Court in 1983.
    The Bob Jones court held as follows:So the question isn't whether the institution discriminates in allocating a government benefit (like marriage); the question is whether the institution discriminates at all. And the Church does.Now, the Court did limit the application of the ruling to educational institutions; but I think the public and judicial mood is now right for extending that ruling to churches as well since anti-religious sentiment is on the rise and the underlying IRS nonprofit statute specifically encompasses both types of institutions.
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    Connie reacted to Finrock in Gospel promises   
    They are ALL fantastical blessings. All blessings from God are great and fantastic.
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    Connie reacted to bytor2112 in Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling   
    I read it a couple of years back and am re-reading now. My initial impression was very, not so sure. It lacks something....can't put my finger on it. I think it gives a good description of the early church, but as far as an intimate description of the Prophet...not so much 
  22. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Sunday21 in Gospel promises   
    There are lots of gospel promises or blessings we can obtain. I have a list of 23 possible blessings that come from studying the scriptures. I compiled the list for a talk i gave a couple of years ago based off some quotes from modern-day prophets i found in my studies. So it is by no means a comprehensive list. I think it was Elder Scott who said that we would receive a "wealth of blessings [as a] result of scripture study."
    I don't know if you would consider some of these as promises. Many of them are fairly basic but some are kind of fantastical sounding. If you're interested in the quotes, let me know. I still have them. Here's the list:
    1.  Learn how to live in times of war.
    2.  Learn how to deal with persecution and apostasy.
    3.  Learn how to do missionary work.
    4.  Learn how to respond to the dangers of materialism.
    5.  Help us keep our thoughts clean and pure.
    6.  Increase the Spirit in our homes.
    7.  Increase reverence.
    8.  Increase mutual respect and consideration for others.
    9.  Decrease contention.
    10. Parents will counsel with their children in greater love and wisdom.
    11. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents.
    12. Increase righteousness.
    13. Increase faith, hope and charity.
    14. Increase peace, joy and happiness.
    15. Strengthened resolve to obey commandments.
    16. Strengthen our testimony of Christ.
    17. Increased power to avoid temptation.
    18. Increased ability to hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost and receive revelation.
    19. Increased confidence in ability to overcome the challenges of life.
    20. Give direction to our life.
    21. Calm an agitated soul.
    22. Heal emotional challenges.
    23. Accelerate physical healing.
  23. Like
    Connie got a reaction from skalenfehl in Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling   
    I’m really loving just the sheer detail. To get this kind of detail on my own I would have to, as the author has done, delve into the thousands of journal entries and newspaper articles and documents and revelations and etc., etc. I mean I’ve read the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt and The History of Joseph Smith by His Mother. And while those both have an extremely valuable inside perspective on the subject, they are really only a small piece of the whole. I think this book probably comes the closest to the whole that one can get without a time machine and mind reading powers.
  24. Like
    Connie got a reaction from Crypto in Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling   
    I’m really loving just the sheer detail. To get this kind of detail on my own I would have to, as the author has done, delve into the thousands of journal entries and newspaper articles and documents and revelations and etc., etc. I mean I’ve read the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt and The History of Joseph Smith by His Mother. And while those both have an extremely valuable inside perspective on the subject, they are really only a small piece of the whole. I think this book probably comes the closest to the whole that one can get without a time machine and mind reading powers.
  25. Like
    Connie got a reaction from askandanswer in Gospel promises   
    There are lots of gospel promises or blessings we can obtain. I have a list of 23 possible blessings that come from studying the scriptures. I compiled the list for a talk i gave a couple of years ago based off some quotes from modern-day prophets i found in my studies. So it is by no means a comprehensive list. I think it was Elder Scott who said that we would receive a "wealth of blessings [as a] result of scripture study."
    I don't know if you would consider some of these as promises. Many of them are fairly basic but some are kind of fantastical sounding. If you're interested in the quotes, let me know. I still have them. Here's the list:
    1.  Learn how to live in times of war.
    2.  Learn how to deal with persecution and apostasy.
    3.  Learn how to do missionary work.
    4.  Learn how to respond to the dangers of materialism.
    5.  Help us keep our thoughts clean and pure.
    6.  Increase the Spirit in our homes.
    7.  Increase reverence.
    8.  Increase mutual respect and consideration for others.
    9.  Decrease contention.
    10. Parents will counsel with their children in greater love and wisdom.
    11. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents.
    12. Increase righteousness.
    13. Increase faith, hope and charity.
    14. Increase peace, joy and happiness.
    15. Strengthened resolve to obey commandments.
    16. Strengthen our testimony of Christ.
    17. Increased power to avoid temptation.
    18. Increased ability to hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost and receive revelation.
    19. Increased confidence in ability to overcome the challenges of life.
    20. Give direction to our life.
    21. Calm an agitated soul.
    22. Heal emotional challenges.
    23. Accelerate physical healing.