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Everything posted by ADoyle90815

  1. I have some issues with that movie, as the high school where that teacher worked at was not an inner-city school. It's actually in a middle-class area and had I lived across a certain street, I would have attended there. I went there for football games and felt completely safe when I was there. As for the original topic, racism is still a part of society today, but in my area, it's also directed towards Hispanics, not just African-Americans. In the real inner-city schools in my district, the racial fights have been between African-Americans and Hispanics.
  2. Living in America where women can vote, and you're free to say and believe whatever you want. Jesus Christ and how he died for our sins, and rose from the dead. My family Real friends
  3. Once, on another board, there was a thread title that should have said "It's official" but "official" was misspelled so badly that I made a snarky comment saying that I thought it was a thread about "The Office." After I did that, the thread title was corrected with "Not The Office" added. I have to admit that growing up with an English teacher for a mother has had made me into a bit of a grammar freak.
  4. I think that being broke all the time is what teaches missionaries how to be frugal, which is a good thing to learn. I've seen them at Target wearing jeans, so I guess it was their day off to do things such as shopping and laundry. If it weren't for their nametags, they would have looked just like any student at the nearby university.
  5. Many pregnancies end without implantation of the zygote, often without the woman missing a period, but that's because there was something genetically wrong from the beginning. If a zygote implants in the Fallopian tube instead of inside the uterus itself, it's a dangerous thing to both the mother and the zygote. A woman is NOT committing murder when such a pregnancy is terminated, especially if she wants to have more children. I personally think actual human life begins when the fetus is actively moving.
  6. It does look a bit like a burning cross, but I don't think it was deliberate, just bad design on their part. I have no problems with crosses in general, but I think a Nativity scene would be better for Christmas.
  7. The reason why parental notification laws have failed when put on the ballot is that it's often pointed out that some teens are raised in abusive homes, and risk severe beatings and even death if their parents found out about an abortion. In an ideal situation, a teen would go to her parents and admit she got pregnant, and then the family could handle the pregnancy, whether it's an abortion with the family's consent, or a better solution of putting the child up for adoption. Voters have allowed a ban on same sex marriage, yet because of understanding that some teens are abused at home, they don't pass parental notification laws.
  8. I personally think that if a mother is likely to die if a pregnancy continues, then it's best to have an abortion, as awful as that is. To me, it's better than having children who were already here grow up without a mother. Also, if the fetus/baby dies in the womb for natural reasons and isn't removed during a miscarriage, then it's best to to remove the dead tissue/body. I also think that in cases of rape, it would be like having the woman raped again to carry a pregnancy she didn't want. Things like Plan B do prevent the likelyhood of that happening in most cases. Even though I'm pro-choice in a sense, I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control, and that adoption is an acceptable alternative if someone isn't able or willing to care for a child. I don't like that if there's a positive result for Down syndrome and other genetic disorders, the pregnancy is ended after doctors strongly advise mothers to do that. I think it was 5%-10% of mothers refuse to have an abortion in that case. In case you haven't realized, I'm not LDS nor do I have any desire to become one as I approve of abortion in rare cases as mentioned.
  9. I read that book in high school, and it's still one of my favorite books. I'm not easily offended by foul language to begin with, and I love to read anyway. Keep in mind that people have also wanted to ban the Harry Potter series because it deals with witchcraft.
  10. I admit I'm also a book snob because the Twilight books never interested me at all, as I wasn't interested when I read some pages at the bookstore. The Harry Potter books on the other hand, had my interest right away as they were good stories that also appealed to adults. Just so you know, the book Wicked was written for adult readers, so some parts were left out in order to make the musical family-friendly. Personally, I enjoyed the book, but most of what I read was written for adult readers.
  11. I have to admit that I didn't like either Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead when I read them. I don't remember what order I read them, just that I didn't like Ayn Rand's philosophy.
  12. 99 Saturn wagon-great gas mileage, plus lots of cargo room for when I go camping.
  13. The powder at the LA temple has turned out to be nontoxic, but I do hope that the people who sent that still get prosecuted. Still, most people who voted No on 8 do respect the decision of the voters and have never gone to a protest.
  14. I was taught growing up how to do minor repairs, as well as enough about car engines so no mechanic could talk me into some work that isn't needed. The only reason why I don't change my own oil is that I don't want to have to clean up the mess and have to dispose of the used oil. Many men I know including my brother know how to cook good meals as well as do laundry, so they help their wives with those things, especially after she's had a baby.
  15. Coffee when it's brewing. Birds chirping Dark chocolate
  16. The square briquettes are actually a mixture of sawdust, and they can last a long time if they're kept dry and they don't have the lighter fluid in them. Charcoal made from wood is more expensive, but they burn for a very long time and also stores well as long as it's kept dry. As for myself, I have a propane camp stove and one propane canister, but I really need to stock up on those. I also have a BBQ and charcoal, but I realized today that I need more bags to have on hand. I had a white gas stove, but it sprang a leak, and all I can say is that I'm glad I had a fire extinguisher with me at the time.
  17. The situation at the LA temple has been mentioned in the local news, but the earthquake drill that took place today is a bigger story nationwide.
  18. I loved My Little Ponies, Rainbow Brite, and Cabbage Patch Kids. I also raced down the block on my Big Wheel. By the time the American Girl dolls came out, I had already outgrown playing with dolls.
  19. I'd also like to thank our veterans, past and present. Yesterday was also the birthday of the US Marines.
  20. I don't have any guns because I was treated for depression, which is genetic for me. I have 2 dogs that bark when someone's walking on the other side of the street, so they're a deterrent for anyone wanting to break in. Even though I would never own a gun myself, I fully support the 2nd Amendment.
  21. I might be flamed for this, but I think that for some people, they're born with homosexual tendencies for some reason. Most people are obviously born to be heterosexual because the urge to reproduce is so strong. It's a reason why marriage has traditionally been between a man and a woman, in order to provide for children. Many people are able to overcome their homosexual urges and are able to marry someone of the opposite gender and have families. Most churches teach that homosexuality is a sin, so if someone really believes in what their churches teach, they will do what they can not to act on those urges. After all, several churches helped to pass Proposition 8.
  22. Those plastic food storage containers that leftovers are stored in also contain BPA, so if you were going to reheat something, it's best to put it on a microwave safe plate. It's also another reason to let food cool down before putting it in the refrigerator, not only do you reduce the likelyhood of food poisoning, the BPA won't leech into your food.
  23. Here's what I like: The Phantom of the Opera-it's even better on stage My Fair Lady Chicago Rent Les Miserables Once Upon a Mattress Sweeny Todd
  24. The reason why I'm divorced is because I married someone who was emotionally and verbally abusive. I realize that if I didn't get out when I did, the abuse would have become physical, and there's a chance that he could have killed me. As you're seeing someone, they can help support you in getting out, as well as let you know where a battered women's shelter is. It's also not that hard to get a restraining order, even if your local church leaders support him. My family was extremely supportive of me when I got the courage to leave, as well as the therapist I was seeing. I haven't had any contact with him in 6 years and I have never been happier.
  25. Even though I'm an adult, I love the Harry Potter series. The thing I love is that those books have gotten many children to love reading. I look forward to seeing my niece get into those books when she's older, as she's 8 months old.