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Everything posted by ADoyle90815

  1. My opinion might be unpopular, but I think that child should be removed by CPS and given chemotherapy. I have no problems with modern medicine at all, sure doctors might make mistakes, but they're human like the rest of us. I think that prayer when used with modern medicine can help someone heal, since it's not that difficult to pray for a successful outcome of the chemotherapy treatments. When used alone, prayer is no better than a placebo pill, and in many cases has led to the death of someone who would have recovered through modern medical treatment.
  2. Actually, it's the Catholic church that is very pro-life, to the point where they wouldn't allow it under any circumstance, but I'm not completely sure. Many Catholics don't believe in any form of birth control, especially ones which would prevent implantation of a fertilized egg so they have larger families. As LDS families often are larger than average, I mistakenly thought that the church was against birth control as well, but I now understand that it's up to the couple and God.
  3. I also use diluted white vinegar as a hair rinse, combined with lavender essential oil to reduce the smell. Hard water isn't too much of a problem, but the white vinegar does remove product build-up. As I'm not LDS, I've been using white vinegar to clean the coffee machine once a month.
  4. Condemning waterboarding as torture can be bad in front of some Republicans. Then, there are the hot issues such as abortion and same sex marriage.
  5. As someone who is not LDS, I think what those parents did is just wrong. Once someone reaches the age of 18, they're legally adults and have the right to join whatever church they want to, and that includes the LDS church. That also applies to any adult over 18 who decides that the LDS church isn't for them as well, so they resign(have their names removed) from the church. With this particular case, if the parents were in fact, abusive, then it's likely that this woman joined the LDS church in order to escape the abuse. I wouldn't be surprised if the parents get a restraining order against them, and this woman get on with her life in the LDS church.
  6. In some cultures, kava leaves are made into a tea like drink. It's not the same plant, so I'd assume that someone could drink that and maintain their LDS membership status.
  7. LDS missionaries convert Pope. The Mormon Zone? - News - LDS Missionaries Convert Pope
  8. To me, it sounds like one of those urban legend e-mail forwards that won't go away. Still, it's a nice message.
  9. As someone who isn't LDS, the spirit prison to me sounds a lot like the Catholic idea of purgatory, since that's a temporary place of punishment.
  10. I'm sure your local leaders have something that would fit.
  11. There's also the possibility that people who have temple work done after they're dead end up rejecting it in the afterlife, especially if they had their names removed while they were alive from church records. I do know that if someone did that to my ancestors without asking permission first, I would be upset for a little while. Then, I'd realize that my ancestors probably would reject the temple work as they were devoutly Catholic.
  12. A major pet peeve of mine is when someone says that a dad is "babysitting" his children, when what he's really doing is called parenting. Now, I know this opinion might not be popular, but I have no problems at all with stay-at-home dads, especially if the woman earns more money at her job than he did. Even though I'm a woman, I often think that divorce settlements often are unfair for the dad, who could be one of those who pays his child support as required, yet he isn't allowed to see his children.
  13. There's also new lava every year as well.
  14. This is a nice board, especially since people here welcome non-members where other LDS boards aren't like that at all.
  15. I am definitely a gamer geek as I've played D&D as well as other RPG's. D&D especially went all night in some cases, but other games ended after maybe a couple of hours. I've played some World of Warcraft, but sometimes there's nothing like sitting around a table with your friends.
  16. The way I see it, a civil ceremony is just fine, especially if nobody in your family is LDS. Even if people understand the reasons for a temple ceremony being private unless you're able to get into the temple, they still have hurt feelings. People in that situation tend to keep their hurt feelings to themselves in order to keep the peace, since there might be a ring ceremony. I'm just giving my non-LDS views here, but I do understand how important it is for those who are members to be married in the temple.
  17. Miss California officials bypass no-show title holder | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times I think the Miss California USA organization is doing the right thing because she did violate her contract, mostly by not disclosing those photos.
  18. Entering sarcasm zone The opinions expressed here do not reflect those of any church, or anyone in particular.
  19. For Protestants, the empty cross is a reminder that Christ had to die before He could be resurrected, but since the cross is empty, He has risen from the dead and lives. Catholics have the crucifix because they remember His suffering, but they still believe in the Resurrection. The thing they have in common is that they believe that the Atonement happened on the Cross. As for myself, I prefer the empty cross, and I frequently wear cross jewelry.
  20. I'm not that worried, since right now in the US, it's milder than the regular flu which kills people every year. Even then, those that die from the regular flu are the very young, those with weak immune systems, and the elderly. So far, the rumored swine flu cases in my county have turned out to be the regular flu. Unless the swine flu mutates into something like the 1918 pandemic virus and starts to kill healthy adults, I'm not going to worry. I think the media is blowing this out of proportion, and that fear is much worse than the actual virus. In Mexico, all churches have canceled services until this epidemic is over.
  21. It sounds like the LDS church has a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy when it comes to citizenship status and missions. Forgive me for saying this, but it sounds hypocritical to be "raising the bar" for missionaries, yet nobody checks to make sure that people are here legally before sending them on a mission.
  22. I second that book, it would be a good book for your daughter as well as you. I'm a survivor of sexual abuse myself, and one thing that helped me after I'd gotten in an abusive relationship was to finally deal with the sexual abuse through individual and group therapy for years with therapists who specialized in sexual abuse recovery. I'm pretty sure that there are therapists with LDS Social Services who specialize in abuse recovery, so it would be a good idea to get a referral from the bishop or stake president if necessary.
  23. I thought the first book was boring after a few pages, so I haven't read the rest of them. Edward sounds like an extremely controlling person, and a stalker. That bookstore pulling them and offering them as special order isn't going to affect sales, since people can go elsewhere to get them. My guess is that they're probably cheaper at Target or Wal Mart anyway.
  24. Personally, I think this thread belongs in the Preserving Marriage section, not here.
  25. For many religious people, just showing up at church is enough for the day to be holy. Also, many other Christians go to church on Christmas no matter what day of the week it happens to fall on. Orthodox Jews don't drive anywhere at all, nor do they cook or do any labor of any kind on their Sabbath.