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Everything posted by ADoyle90815

  1. I'm a non-LDS Christian, but I don't take the Bible literally, meaning that I think that a day in Bibilical terms could be several million years, not the 24 hour day we have now, and that our planet is as old as scientists say it is. I do think that God caused the Big Bang to happen, and allowed evolution to happen.
  2. It sounds like she had some counseling to deal with the trauma she went through, and I hope that it was enough to allow her to serve her entire mission and not have to come home early because of PTSD flashbacks.
  3. [quote name=mormonmusic;446671 There are times when I marvel at the fact that so many people are against us' date=' when we are the only purely American religion in this country....such is the power of tradition. Actually, the LDS church isn't the only one started in America. Other American churches are Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, Seventh Day Adventists, United Church of Christ, and the Unitarian Universalists to name a few. Source: Religion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. I happen to like the empty cross, as to me it reminds me that Christ did die for us, but He has resurrected. For other Christians, the cross is a reminder of the Attonement, which happened with Christ's death, but we also focus on the fact that He is risen. Catholics remember the suffering Christ went through, which is why they use Crucifixes, but they also believe that Christ rose.
  5. There are other holidays during this time of year, Haunnakkah for one, as well as New Year's. Originally, the Winter Solstice was the reason for the season, but with the Catholic church moving Christ's birth to around that time, it replaced the original celebration. The Puritans even banned Christmas at one point because it was considered "too Catholic" for them as it reminded them of the Church of England they left. I know the real meaning of Christmas, but I'm also aware that it's called the holiday season for a good reason.
  6. It's also considered polite to bow to someone in Japan. Just saying.
  7. To be honest, anyone who is fanatic enough about their religion to kill is scary to me, whether they're Muslim, or those Psalm bumper stickers that suggest that people are praying that the President is killed as an "unjust" leader, or some Islamic fundamentalist who is trying to recruit jihadists like the Ft Hood shooter. What's scary is that there are probably more like him out there, or nutty Evangelical Christians who are going to use Psalm 109:8 as an excuse to assassinate the President. They're the same Evangelicals who think that the LDS church is not Christian, and are the ones you see at Conference time protesting. Biblical anti-Obama slogan: Use of Psalm 109:8 funny or sinister? |
  8. I don't think it's "rationing" at all. As for the recommendations, I don't have any family history of breast cancer, but I'm still going to do self-exams since those have saved lives. By recommending that mamorgrams start later, the cost of treating cancer is going to rise, even if there is no reform of health care.
  9. If this is legit, it's probably not a new thing, and something previous Presidents have done, including both Bushes, Reagan, and Nixon, who by the way, bowed to the Japanese Emperor Hirihito who allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked.
  10. I guess that means that a 27 year old single male convert is out of luck if he wants to serve a mission right away and has to wait until he's retired and can serve with his wife if he gets married.
  11. Secret Service under strain as leaders face more threats - The Boston Globe This is really scary.
  12. Another issue is that not all spouses stay faithful, so someone who was being cheated on might find that they have an STD that their spouse gave them.
  13. Great article, I'm also wondering why he didn't move out when he said he was going to, as she didn't prevent him from doing so.
  14. At least he didn't puke on him. If anything, he's trying to be respectful of the culture, and he is a tall person already. The previous President even hugged other leaders when it was culturally appropriate.
  15. Facebook is only bad if you use it that way, and I think that it's best not to put things on Facebook that you wouldn't want your employer or future employer to read, as it could cost you a job. If a spouse really wants to cheat, they will even without Facebook or other internet site. As one poster mentioned, Facebook was originally a yearbook online for high school and college students, not a dating site. I have made my Facebook account where only friends can see my profile, including pictures. My Facebook friends are my family members and people I'm already friends with IRL.
  16. I live in an area where the cost of living is so high, most people have to work in order to have the basics such as food and shelter. Most mothers here do work outside the home because one income isn't enough for those basics here.
  17. I definitely appreciate what our veterans and those currently serving have done for this country. In fact, I have a cousin serving in Afghanistan right now.
  18. People have been discriminated against in housing or employment because of sexual orientation, which to me is just as wrong as discriminating because of race, disability, or gender. Now, if someone was not qualified for a particular job, then that's different. Also, if someone has a history of not paying rent, then a landlord doesn't have to rent to them, especially if there's proof of non-payment or poor credit. Personally, what two consenting adults do behind their closed bedroom door doesn't bother me or any potential marriage. If people really wanted to "protect" marriage, they would make it harder to get a divorce than it is.
  19. I thought this article in yesterday's(Sun) LA Times was interesting, that fruit juice isn't as healthy as eating fresh fruit because of concentrated fructose. Now, the occasional juice or the spiced cider during the Christmas season is fine if it's done in moderation, but it seems as if we're better off eating an apple or other fruit. It's time fruit juice loses its wholesome image, some experts say --
  20. That's true, with the unemployment rate as high as it is, the crime rate can go up as well. Already, rates of domestic violence have risen with the unemployment rate.
  21. All I know is that next year, some local school districts in my area are going to be laying off employees, including teachers hired since 2001.
  22. I'm not LDS, but back when I was in a regular RPG group, nobody there smoked, or if they did, they went outside so they didn't offend anyone with their smoke. It was also a dry group, meaning that nobody drank any alcohol because it would take the fun out of the game. In fact, I'd even guess that non-smokers are the majority in society in general, and that includes the gaming community.
  23. I agree, students can pray if they want to, as long as it doesn't cause a distraction to others. Often, a student might look like they're sitting silently before class begins, but they might be praying to themselves, which is OK as far as the Supreme Court is concerned. Also, private religious schools are still allowed, where what goes on in those schools is protected by the First Amendment. The reason why polygamy and drug use as part of a religion are not protected by the First Amendment is that the Supreme Court ruled in both cases that when a law is broken, the protection is gone.
  24. I'm not LDS, but here are some hymns I like: Amazing Grace Nearer My God to Thee Ave Maria-I love when someone sings this in a solo performance How Great Thou Art Onward Christian Soldiers Christmas carols that are religious: The Holly and the Ivy Silent Night-especially at a late night Christmas Eve service where everyone is holding a lighted candle after the chapel lights are turned off.
  25. Since it's cold and flu season, maybe people are being considerate enough to stay home when they have any flu-like symptoms, and if it's happening several weeks in a row, that illness is probably making its way through the entire family.