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  1. Like
    bytebear reacted to unixknight in A surprising approach to promoting gender equality   
    Am I the only one who thinks it's self-contradictory (and therefore hilarious) that the idea is the traffic lights are bad because they fail to show a silhouette of a person in a dress.... which is the sort of gender stereotypes these people usually complain about?
    Maybe the signs ALREADY show men and women... just everybody's wearing pants.
  2. Like
    bytebear reacted to anatess2 in Newbie programmer   
    Programmer here.
    You can't be a real deal programmer without....
  3. Like
    bytebear reacted to Sunday21 in Never done, would like to do!   
    Join our field trip to Paris! Eurodisney!
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    bytebear got a reaction from wenglund in Trigger Warning   
    I think the difference is the left tends to have saviors rather than ideas.  This is because progressivism requires a benevolent dictator to force everyone to be nice to each other, distribute wealth and resources fairly, etc.  So they cling to leaders.  That's wy Bill Clinton is revered, and why they already per-selected Hillary as the DNC pick for president, and why people liked Bernie, even if they had no idea what his actual plan was other than rich people will pay for my stuff.  And it's why they were shocked that they lost.  How can you lose against the perfect candidate?  Especially when the other candidate is so flawed personally?  Republicans, rather, look to ideology, regardless of leadership, so you get 10+ candidates all with varying ideas on how to solve various problems. Trump happened to resonate with the ideas that both parties were ignoring.  The RNC was making excuses as to why Trump was winning, rather than looking at why people chose him.  And he isn't a "savior" like DNC leaders are seen as.  He just had the right message, one that the rest of the Republicans refused to address.
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    bytebear got a reaction from Sunday21 in Never done, would like to do!   
    I'd like to visit all the Disney parks of the world.  Shanghi is supposed to be amazing.  I would feel a bit guilty not exploring native cultures, but hey, I guess I'd have to take some time to see the area too.  I was endowed in the Salt Lake temple and I go back to Salt Lake every Christmas.  I've been to Europe (just not Paris Disneyland).  I have Deseret book here that has a distribution center.  I've been to almost every temple in the western United States. I've been to a Rose Bowl game (USC season ticket holder), so I've had my fill of college football (although I would like to go to some Utah games).  I've seen several Broadway shows, as well as traveling tours. I've done about everything you can do as a tourist in Hollywood, since that's what you do when people visit.  I would like to be on Jeopardy and win at least one game.  But since I know Disneyland like the back of my hand, I'd like to experience other Disney parks as an outsider.
  6. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Palerider in A little Mormon humor   
    We sat in the same pew for years, probably left side, fourth row.  Then my mom got a calling that kept her from getting to Sacrament meeting until it just began, so we switched to last row of the overflow section.  No one really wanted our new seats.
  7. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from a mustard seed in Trigger Warning   
    I think the difference is the left tends to have saviors rather than ideas.  This is because progressivism requires a benevolent dictator to force everyone to be nice to each other, distribute wealth and resources fairly, etc.  So they cling to leaders.  That's wy Bill Clinton is revered, and why they already per-selected Hillary as the DNC pick for president, and why people liked Bernie, even if they had no idea what his actual plan was other than rich people will pay for my stuff.  And it's why they were shocked that they lost.  How can you lose against the perfect candidate?  Especially when the other candidate is so flawed personally?  Republicans, rather, look to ideology, regardless of leadership, so you get 10+ candidates all with varying ideas on how to solve various problems. Trump happened to resonate with the ideas that both parties were ignoring.  The RNC was making excuses as to why Trump was winning, rather than looking at why people chose him.  And he isn't a "savior" like DNC leaders are seen as.  He just had the right message, one that the rest of the Republicans refused to address.
  8. Like
    bytebear reacted to wenglund in Trigger Warning   
    Add to this full-fledged banquets served at starvation awareness conferences, or smoking while protesting air pollution, wearing a hijab at a feminist rally, or fighting with by-standers while marching for peace, or flying in jets to go speak out against the use of fossil fuels, or wearing store-bought clothes and jewelry and talking on smart phones at an anti-capitalist rally, or surrounded by armed body guards while assailing the 2nd Amendment, or purchasing placards and markers from Walmart to protest Walmart, and on and on. I am convinced that hypocrisy is a way of life for a certain political orientation.
    Thanks, -Wade Englund-
  9. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Anddenex in Censoring vs Educating   
    Educate them on things you cannot hide from them.  But hide from them the ugly of the world as best you can.
  10. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from limichelle in Had a 'Testimony' to be here.   
    Go to church.  Get in contact with missionaries.  Their job is to go over the basics of the faith, what is expected of you, and what is required for baptism. That's their job.  To prepare you for baptism.  Then you become a member of the church, and your ward (congregation), where you will continue to learn and grow in the gospel.
  11. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from eddified in Something I can't wrap my head around   
    People smoke knowing it's unhealthy.   People can have testimonies of the Gospel, but cannot live to the covenants required.  We are in our Second Estate.  We passed our First Estate.  They did not.  We may not pass our Second Estate, even though we know what is required.
  12. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Sunday21 in What is involved in the baptisim process?   
  13. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Jane_Doe in What is involved in the baptisim process?   
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    bytebear reacted to Vort in Fired for Skipping Work   
    The whole "protest" that involved skipping work was a pretext to complain about President Trump's "immigration policies". it's not about improving conditions for immigrants; it's about openly refusing to police our borders. We should be policing our south border, and while we're at it, our north border, too. To do otherwise is suicide.
  15. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from classylady in How do you maintain emotional control while giving a talk?   
    Talk about the laughter, the fun, the joyful moments.  I know I would just fall apart too, but have a list of things you want to cover.  Get your stories together, your memories on paper, and practice so you don't ramble, and so you don't get side lined by a memory. 
  16. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Jsmith85 in What is involved in the baptisim process?   
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    bytebear got a reaction from Blackmarch in Could Milo speak at BYU?   
    I dont think he's anti-religion at all.  He's a laps Catholic from what I understand.  His issues are cultural with Islam, and has some frightening statistics to back them up.  If anything he's a Constitutionalist, a defender of free speech, freedom of religion, and feels the left is truly destroying the experiment of liberty we call America. 
    But he is a potty mouth, which won't go over well.  Sad, but I think the same of the Book of Mormon musical, which has a somewhat decent overall message, but presents it in terms that are unwatchable.
  18. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Could Milo speak at BYU?   
    I dont think he's anti-religion at all.  He's a laps Catholic from what I understand.  His issues are cultural with Islam, and has some frightening statistics to back them up.  If anything he's a Constitutionalist, a defender of free speech, freedom of religion, and feels the left is truly destroying the experiment of liberty we call America. 
    But he is a potty mouth, which won't go over well.  Sad, but I think the same of the Book of Mormon musical, which has a somewhat decent overall message, but presents it in terms that are unwatchable.
  19. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Sunday21 in Your favorite Christian art, or place to buy framed Christian art   
    Deseret Book has some nice paintings, with decent framing.  The selection is slim though. 
    I saw this painting at the Nauvoo cafe in Salt Lake, and really love it.

  20. Like
    bytebear reacted to Jean in Your favorite Christian art, or place to buy framed Christian art   
    The most inexpensive place to buy religious art is the DI. There are many estates, etc that give their things to the DI and you can get them next to nothing. They might be a little dusty but clean them up and you have some good stuff to go on your walls.
  21. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in The temple sealing does not guarantee a future   
    The sealing is a covenant between three people.  Husband, Wife and God.  Either the husband or the wife pr both can break their covenant.  God, of course will not.
  22. Like
    bytebear reacted to anatess2 in So what happens after the protests?   
    So we went downtown today and a handful of people were out there holding protest signs on behalf of Women's Rights.  I asked one of them what they mean by Women's rights?  And every single one of them said Reproductive Rights (the right to abortion).  So I ask them how does the new administration threaten Reproductive Rights?  They said Defunding Planned Parenthood and putting pro-life judges on the Supreme Court.  So I said Ok and walked away.
    And so I thought to myself... I wonder if they would qualify me as a Woman.  Because I want to defund PP and put pro-life judges on the SCOTUS.
  23. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from yjacket in President Trumps Inagural Address   
    Yes, but Bane wanted to take money from the rich and promised to redistribute it to the poor.  Same thing Bernie Sanders promised.  Same thing that most Democrats promise these days.  But they never deliver.  Sure they take from the rich (and the middle class) but that money rarely makes it back down to the people.  When Trump talks about giving power to the people, I am hoping he means he will shut down government programs that the States and local communities can do.  And reduce Federal taxes, which are used to "promote" things like education, clean air, roads, emergency bailouts, but it seems more fair that we are taxed directly, and our taxes used directly for schools, clean air, roads, and emergency funds.  No Federal government needed.  That is my hope anyway.
  24. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from anatess2 in President Trumps Inagural Address   
    and the commentary by CNN and MSNBC is insane. No really, like truly loony toons.
  25. Like
    bytebear got a reaction from a mustard seed in President Trumps Inagural Address   
    and the commentary by CNN and MSNBC is insane. No really, like truly loony toons.