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Everything posted by mrmarklin

  1. Nothing in your post sounds like a deal breaker. You simply did not know he wasn't a match when you married. I'll come back to my old thesis: Date for at least a year before you marry someone. One needs to see and experience the "life cycle" of holidays, vacations, habits etc. Stay together at least until the kids are raised. There is a ray of hope: You do say he will clean up when asked!
  2. Not as difficult as one would think. The steering wheel is on the right side of the vehicle, and that is a very useful reminder. I remember being apprehensive the first time I drove in England, but it was really not a problem. :)
  3. Insanity is hereditary. You get it from your kids.
  4. D&C Sec 42: 18 And now, behold, I speak unto the church. Thou shalt not kill; and he that kills shall not have forgiveness in this world, nor in the world to come. I think all murderers will get their comeuppance. Their forgiveness is clearly limited.
  5. I tend to agree that the promised land(s) are the American continents. While touring the ruins of Tiwanaku in Bolivia about 10 years ago with a member of the church, that person stated that he heard that Spencer Kimball (while traveling in Boliviia) said that the events of the Book of Mormon took place in part in Bolivia. I agree that MesoAmerica is a very likely location, since they of all the native peoples had writing. I consider that fairly indicative. But then there are other problems with the location..
  6. Clearly there is a lot of intervention. I would submit that among many other examples, the right people at the right time have been placed on earth to facilitate the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Discovery of the Americas, the American and French Revolutions etc etc. Further than that, I've often wondered about certain disasters that destroyed a lot of cities and people. For example, a few years age the city of Aceh was wiped out by a tsunami. Then I read somewhere that it had been a center of Islamic anti western activity. It occurred to me; was God intervening in human affairs to prevent some terrorist activity that could have an especially destructive effect to His plans? This of course, would also have the side benefit of destroying a lot of wicked people. On a more personal level my 25 yo niece recently had an operation where the doctors advised the family that there was almost no hope of her survival. Of course many prayers were said etc etc. And as it turned out she survived, but after several weeks she's not fully recovered, but may recover fully. The operation did not cure her underlying disease of leukemia, but mitigated the devastating effects of chemotherapy. Intervention? I'd like to think so.
  7. In fairness, in these segments having one side oppose the other is SOP, regardless of the merits of the case. Otherwise there would not be a discussion. :)
  8. He/She is getting a new reality show. Follow the money.
  9. I'm fairly negative toward evangelicals because of the intolerance exhibited by some in deciding who is "Christian". Mormons obviously don't qualify, being a cult and all. But surprisingly, Catholics don't make the cut either.
  10. There is clearly a chance to repent in the Spirit world, for none of us are going to die without sin. I agree with one of the comments that we will largely be judged on our attitudes and goals. That's where grace comes in. We are given grace after all we can do. I think there's a scripture in the Book of Mormon to that effect. If one is trying to overcome addiction upon death, I believe that one will probably come out OK. Edit: I don't think skipping church a couple of times will keep a believer out of Paradise section of Spirit World.:-)
  11. Lots of areas on the Snake river. You're in Gods country as far as fly fishing is concerned. Henry's Fork.
  12. I'll tell you why dialogue is so rare. I just passed a sign driving up to my house in the country that said: Honoring the Sabbath on Saturday is the mark of the beast. A stab at Seventh Day Adventists? Jews? Muslims? How is it even possible to talk to a person with an attitude like that?
  13. History never quite repeats itself, really. If one keeps one's eye on the prophecies of the last days it is very clear, that for the gospel to "fill the whole earth" we must have a more liberal society than today exists. Of course there will be wars and suffering to accomplish this goal ie.. the destruction of the wicked if you will. The sufferings and wars enumerated in the scriptures have already happened and will continue to happen. But there is a pattern emerging. In part, The American revolution was the first democracy seen since ancient days The French revolution soon followed Civil war in the US freed the slaves. The US was, sadly, the last nation to have this activity as a legal institution. The First World War toppled all the major monarchies of Europe leading to more freedom The Second World War among other things created the groundwork for a Jewish homeland. The Cold War eventually toppled several evil empires of communism and oppression, a process that continues currently. The internet has been invented, along with methods of communication unknown previously. This makes it more difficult for dictators and oppressors to stay in power because it's more difficult to lie to the people. Of course as LDS we see the implications of conflict in the middle east as apocalyptic, even if the rest of the world doesn't. This conflict will eventually lead to many countries and peoples being open to receiving the gospel. The trend over the last several hundred years is more liberalization of the world and more openness to the teachings of the gospel beginning with the invention of the printing press.
  14. I don't believe any of these silly stories the way you are taking them. They are mostly against the scripture prophecies the way many of you seem to interpret them. AJs comments have the way of it. I don't believe in any future civil war in the US. WWIII could happen, but depending on how one sees current events, maybe it's happening now. The War on Terror is certainly global.
  15. I have the book, but I must say the scholarship is not very convincing as to location. In an early edition, he even had an arrow showing migration from South America to North America. Subsequent editions got away from that as the isthmus is impassable. The best case I've seen made in Meso-America is the analysis of the culture and customs extant now and at the time the Spanish first arrived. That and the fact that they had writing. Other cultures were deficient here.
  16. Here is the edition of JS teachings I was referring to (I think!): In 1938, Joseph Fielding Smith and his assistants in the Historian’s Office of the church published, as part of a compilation, an article giving readers the impression that Joseph Smith taught that Lehi “had landed a little south of the Isthmus of Darien”. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg. 267) The Isthmus of Darien (Panama) is thousands of miles north of Valparaiso, Chile. The popular LDS work quotes an unsigned Times and Seasons article that was published during a “short season” when the official editor of the newspaper (Joseph Smith) was publicly absent. (Times and Season, Sept. 15, 1842, 3:921-922; see also D&C 127, 128) The newspaper article, in fact, mentioned Joseph Smith in the third person and there is no proof that the piece was authored by him. (Reynolds, George, Commentary on the Book of Mormon (1955), Vol. 3, pp. 330-331This from Wikipedia. The Chile theory was fairly rampant at this time apparently because of the Williams and Pratt statements. I went on my mission to SA and we certainly taught that the natives there were descendants of B of M peoples. Was that a lie?? I don't like to think so.......:-)
  17. I read this in the book "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith" many years ago. I no longer have the book so cannot provide a cite. But it's a fairly well known opinion.
  18. The problem for any north American model, including Meso-America, is that if we accept the Joseph Smith statement in Teachings that Lehi landed near Valpariso, Chile is how did the Nephites etc get to North America? The strait of Darien (Panama) has always been impassible. There's no way a major population could have migrated north. I'm a fan of South America as a base for the BofM activities. Certainly high civilizations lived there. Of course the problem with that is how did the plates get to NY? Maybe a small group of surviving Nephites could have gone that far.
  19. My kids are lucky. Coming from a racially mixed marriage doubles their cultural choices. They can safely marry either Caucasians or Latins!
  20. For the Doubleday edition, the chapter summaries were heavily edited changing some of the more "racially" oriented passages.
  21. It would be interesting to know where those live who think this quote is OK and those who don't think so I think the quote is Wrongheaded. I'm from California.
  22. The B o M text has actually been changed for "clarification". I don't have the verse at hand, but one change was to describe the Nephites as pure and delight some instead of white and delightsome. Other changes have been made along those lines. No refutation, only change. :-)