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Everything posted by Suzie

  1. It seems to me that is one of those crazy shooters because he asked for "the president or the person in charge" then, engaged the Bishop in conversation and shot him. When the shooter leaves, he calls the police and when the police shows up he opened fire to the police! My take is that the person who did this is mental.
  2. Special Stake Meeting to hear the Prophet (Gordon B. Hinckley). An hour before the meeting started, the chapel was packed. A very serious and stern 1st counselor in the Stake Presidency approaches the microphone and tells the people how important that meeting will be and how reverent we are supposed to be....and then he said: "PLEASE, let's show some respect by turning off our cell phones. How embarrassing it would be if our phones start ringing". As soon as he finished saying that his cell phone started ringing VERY LOUD with a Michael Jackson ringtone! The whole chapel laughed hysterically, including him! It took a long time to get everyone calm again.
  3. I don't see absolutely anything wrong with you approaching the boys about this issue. However, unless the boys are doing something that is directly harming others (abusing, etc) in which case the Bishop and people involved should be informed immediately (along with authorities) then the only thing I would suggest is to encourage them to talk with the Bishop and their parents.
  4. Oh wow. Did you confess this to the Bishop? Let me tell you, you're breaking my heart. First, your white suit (Travolta style) to Church, then finding out you actually CRY in real life, then that you're as hairy as Dr. Walter Langkowski from Vancouver and NOW you're a Glenn Beck defender???? My gosh Funky, you have to warn me before making statements like this. *sigh*
  5. Suzie

    The Bishop

    My Bishop is a family friend, has been for many years (before becoming a Bishop). However, in the past he would come home and share some of the problems he was dealing with members of the ward as well as providing information that we thought was confidential. We were very disappointed because we love him very much, however we kindly told him that we don't want to hear about other people's problems because those things are confidential but it seems that every time he would see us he would unconsciously drop a piece of information about someone. He stopped after many talks and hints, it was a sad experience.
  6. I think members should be aware that men are men regardless of their religion. It surprises me the amount of fraud going on in Utah with members of the Church. I think we need to stop being so naive.
  7. Yes, around that time (I believe right after McCary was excommunicated) Brigham Young denied certain temple ordinances to Blacks. I always thought it was interesting how Brigham declared it really had nothing to do with what McCary had done which suggests to me that probably many members were having their own questions/concerns about it.
  8. Forced him? Do temple workers walk around with guns or machetes inside the temple threatening people to do baptisms for the dead? Even if the story is true, why he didn't walk away?
  9. Yes, Elijah Abel had the Melchizedek Priesthood, he was a Seventy. He was not the only black man to hold the Priesthood at that time. Walker Lewis, William McCary and the son (Enoch) and grandson (Elijah) of Elijah Abel, all of them were ordained Elders.
  10. Jonathan, first of all congratulations with your weight loss! Second, once you lose all the weight, exercise and have a healthy diet I am very confident your diabetes will disappear. Did you read about Drew Carey (host of The Price is Right). He was obese and diagnosed with diabetes. He lost ALL the weight and he no longer has diabetes! Just to cheer you up: Drew Carey Weight Loss Cured His Diabetes :)
  11. Moksha is an emperor penguin AND a socialist too? Scary combination.
  12. Funky more points if the extra d is added.
  13. Rampeumpton, I didn't say what is my position at all on the Blacks and the Priesthood. The only reason for my quotes was to show a discrepancy. In my personal opinion, some early leaders followed the same sentiment that most people felt at that time towards Blacks: Prejudice. The timing is also interesting taking into consideration William McCary's issue and even though Brigham Young said his reason for stopping certain temple ordinances for blacks wasn't because of this problem, I have my personal reservations. I am not sure whether the ban was imposed by God or not (that's my honest take). I am leaning towards it wasn't (IMO).
  14. Also the quote of Elder Holland... However, the First Presidency back in 1949 said:
  15. Although three apostles ( Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt and John Page) restricted his missionary work to his "own people".
  16. I thought Elder Holland's interview on PBS gave a little more insight into all these assumptions and theories of why Black were not able the Priesthood: The Mormons . Interviews . Jeffrey Holland | PBS Zebedee Coltrin and Abraham O. Smoot, quote JS as saying that the blacks were not to have the priesthood "at this time" but those who are a little familiar with Church history knows that Brother Coltrin isn't precisely a good source.
  17. Well Matthew, she posted that two days ago eh and the issue kind of died as you can see until you brought it up again....
  18. As well as faithful black sisters.... Marvin (Perkins) sent me some time ago a DVD about Blacks in the Scriptures, I am not African American but I lived in a country with a high percentage of black population, it was an eye opening for many faithful Black LDS members because it put a lot of things into perspective.
  19. You are assuming a lot here, specially intention. I would appreciate if you don't do it with my posts. You are trying to "read" more than what is written IMO. Thanks. I don't condone gay marriage however, I believe Church and state should be separated from this issue. I wouldn't do anything to support gay marriage but at the same time I wouldn't do anything to stop it.
  20. Hi jayanna, welcome! Looking forward to your posts. :) Suzie
  21. I didn't single you out, but I mentioned all of us so not sure what exactly you took offense of. Yes, we are not perfect and yes I think often times we need to be reminded of it IMO. The pharisaic comment was about the notion that just because we do not commit those sort of sins it seems to imply we are in somewhat a better position, otherwise I do not understand why the mention of it at all (particularly the "sinful people"). We are ALL sinners. Actually, I agree with a lot of your points. I just do not agree that a sexual orientation will make one parenthood better/more efficient than another. You can mention my name instead of "some people". I'm sorry if you felt offended, but really there is nothing to feel offended about. Take Care. :)
  22. As much as some gays commit sins (those who have sexual relations) you, me and everyone else also commit sins. Just because some of us do not engage in these sort of sins, doesn't mean we are better than them, far from the truth. God doesn't take any sin "lightly". Careful with that. Genuine testimony? I think is a little unfair to think that those who may disagree in this matter do not have a genuine testimony. IMO, we have to be careful that as we strive to to obey what the Lord has said and try to follow his example, we do not become kind of pharisaic in the process. What about the message they pick from you, me or anyone else out there who isn't gay? In my life I have seen many, many kids suffering in the hands of those who were supposed to love them and take care of them. They went through rape, torture, malnutrition and abandonment. All in the hands of heterosexual couples. No, based on what I have seen with my own eyes (and I have seen a lot) sexual orientation and good parenting are NOT mutually inclusive.
  23. Do you eat fish regularly? Did you ever have an allergic reaction to it? If you didn't, maybe next time you should try the kind of sushi with cooked fish instead of raw fish.
  24. Hi Durante, a scripture and some interesting quotes: Moses 3:5 : Joseph Smith also taught: In the book "Sacred Truths of the Doctrine and Covenants" it says: