john doe

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Everything posted by john doe

  1. If by 'shady' you mean they didn't release every bit of evidence to the public, then you should know that that happens quite often just about everywhere.
  2. Breitbart says nothing about race in the link. It says, quote: I think a lot of lefties are a little too hung up on finding out what color a person is before deciding which side of the argument they want to be on. Al and Jesse are two of the biggest race-baiters out there. The points made are that since there is no political gain to be had by declaring that it's wrong for blacks to commit crimes on whites, Al and Jesse won't be sticking their noses in front of the cameras to talk about this incident. And we haven't even talked about the gang of teens who beat up the 87 year-old white man, saying 'this is for Trayvon'.
  3. The victim was white, the perpetrators were black. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will not be showing up for this.
  4. If I lived in Seattle I'd make a special trip to that bakery to give them my business.
  5. This should help refute some of the wilder claims made here and elsewhere. A partially redacted police report has been released. It states that Zimmerman was indeed bleeding from his nose and the back of his head, and that Zimmerman told the police on scene that he had yelled for help but no one had come to his aid. Link: Trayvon Martin police report reveals Zimmerman was ?bleeding from the nose and back of head? | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
  6. When you separate it into two words the filters think you're trying to say something else entirely.
  7. My understanding is that, while a Levite may be entitled to be called a bishop, he would need to be assigned to a flock to be called the bishop of a ward, which may or may not happen depending on circumstances. A man still must be 'called of God' to serve in the church. So, yes, while he may be 'A' bishop, he wouldn't necessarily be 'The' bishop.
  8. It may surprise you to know that in many areas, the Church has wards that don't start early in the morning. As has been pointed out in previous posts in this thread, some wards won't start until 1 or even 2 in the afternoon. I'm pretty sure that if a member could not attend their home ward because of conflicts with their work schedule, their bishop would approve of them attending another ward that meets at another time, even if they were only attending Sacrament Meeting. If a person is determined to attend church meetings and partake of the Sacrament so that they can renew the sacred covenants they made, they usually can find a reasonable and workable way to do so.
  9. john doe


    Baseball is barely a sport. Since it's against the WOW, I can't drink enough beer to enjoy it.
  10. If this happened in Utah, she was lucky to not receive a ticket for the wipers. A car with non-operational wipers or blades is a safety issue, and the car will not pass the inspection if they don't satisfactorily clean the windshield within a couple of wipes of the arm. How would your family feel if she had gotten into an accident and injured or killed someone or herself simply because her wipers weren't working properly? That would be an awful burden to have to live with.
  11. You know what you need? You need a Casual Church. Someplace where you can go to a Sacrament Meeting anytime during the week when it suits you, and then you wouldn't have to be bothered by going at a certain time on Sunday at all if you don't feel like it. As far as that goes, they should create an App for that so you can log in and attend church and do your other callings from the comfort of your home or fishing boat.
  12. Huh. We have 3 in ours building, but we stagger them with 9am, 11am, and 1pm start times. Yeah, there's an hour overlap, but it works out. But I would rather start at 8:30 than end at 5 or even 6pm like some Utah County wards do.
  13. I'd guess at least half of those are made up. I've read variations on many of them out of joke books back in the day before iphones.
  14. Invest in a good quality cattle prod.
  15. Oh, you know your brother will be more inappropriate than me.
  16. I'm the headliner in the comedy club in my brain. I will warn you that some of the jokes I tell myself are not appropriate for those under 18, but I am working on cleaning up my act.
  17. Security purposes. Temples have become a target for vandals and taggers, unfortunately.
  18. The 'Mormon Bible' is the same King James Version that many Christian sects use. Perhaps you meant to say the Book of Mormon?
  19. In the Salt Lake Valley, I agree the grid system is a great way to figure out where to go. Unfortunately, Utah County which encompasses Provo and the surrounding area, is much more difficult. The problem is that many of the cities have grown up into each other, and each city has its own grid system, generally emanating from the city's center. It gets really confusing to have to know where each city ends and the next one with a completely different grid system starts. It would be much less confusing if Utah County could wipe the slate clean on their grid and start over from scratch from the center of Provo. I know it will never happen, but it would really help outsiders if they did it.
  20. I've given up on getting a few landscape and yard tools I have lent out. After they're gone for a couple years, I figure you might as well give up on anything you've lent.
  21. I've always worn a t-short and jeans on activity night unless we were having a formal meeting in the chapel. The idea is to dress appropriately for the activity you are going to be doing. No way I'm playing Scatter or basketball in dress pants and a button-down shirt.
  22. That would be your opinion of Zion's Bank. I have a different opinion, and it's not nearly as glowing as yours. Dahlia, my advice would be to keep your money in a bank that you trust and is solvent enough that you don't have to worry about losing your savings. Local access to funds can be an issue if you have an account in a distant location. Personally, I would look at a local credit union or bank with ATM reciprocation wherever my travels may take me.