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    mirkwood reacted to Backroads in Is political secularism a neutral position?   
    Gator is a bit of a wit. So he thinks.
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    mirkwood reacted to zil in Is political secularism a neutral position?   
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    mirkwood reacted to zil in Is political secularism a neutral position?   
    Yes, I copied them straight off your screen, then triggered a remote shut-down of your computer so I could post first.
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    mirkwood reacted to zil in Is political secularism a neutral position?   
    There is nothing "neutral" in above ideas.  If anyone espouses those ideas and claims to be neutral, they're either a liar or incapable of clear, logical, rational thought.
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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    Opposition to Sister Chamberlin's actions has been almost 100% reactionary. Those who have voiced opposition to what she did have done so in response to others praising her as if she's somehow courageous or something. When the plaudits for her actions cease, I'm guessing you will not see any more condemnation, either.
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    mirkwood got a reaction from Sunday21 in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    You think his hat sucks...you should see the t-shirts he wears...
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    mirkwood got a reaction from Sunday21 in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    @MormonGator just bought this hat for beachwear. 
    MormonGators new beach hat

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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    Not so. Those on this forum who disapprove of Sister Chamberlin's actions seem to understand the opinions of those who laud her. We simply disagree with those opinions. I bet you could ask any one of us to voice the supporters' reasons, and we could do a creditable job of explaining them to you.
    In contrast, Maureen has demonstrated no real understanding of the reasons held by those who disapprove of how Sister Chamberlin has pursued this issue; the best she could do was to posit (wrongly) that I was "unhappy with how public her [Chamberlin's] views had become." This is not a matter of disagreeing with an opinion; it is a matter of completely misunderstanding that opinion. From what I've seen, it's not just Maureen.
    I am not looking for a fight, but I'm not willing to accept a false equivalency. It's easy to say "Both sides are at fault here." But when one side is overwhelmingly more at fault in some point than the other, it is disingenuous to pose the false equivalency that "both sides are wrong." In the present case, it is a false equivalency to say that "no one is listening." One side appears to be doing a pretty good amount of listening, while the other appears to have their collective fingers in their ears.
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    mirkwood reacted to estradling75 in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    The simple fact that people forget is the the Government/President only has the power the people let it have.  The people who publicly fear that Trump will bring the jack-booted foot of government down on them and there lifestyle pretty much acknowledge by that act that they have all ready surrendered such power to the government.  (See christian bakers and florist and anyone else in hot water because of against gay marriage) The weapon they were ok with before is now the weapon they fear.
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    mirkwood reacted to NeuroTypical in Who thinks the Word of Wisdom needs updating?   
    Wow - I can usually find anything on the internet in 5 seconds.  But I can't find a single bit of LDS/World of Warcraft crossover art.  Closest I can come is LDS artist Howard Lyon's Magic the Gathering stuff.
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    mirkwood reacted to Just_A_Guy in Who thinks the Word of Wisdom needs updating?   
    At least in Utah, practically speaking mere possession of small amounts of pot won't lead to incarceration for the first 2 or 3 offenses (unless you don't comply with probation).
    If you [generic "you" here, not addressed to any forum member] are going to jail for pot, it's probably the third or fourth time you've been busted with it.  And if three criminal convictions won't persuade you to leave the stuff alone . . . dude, it's your life; but don't tell me you aren't addicted.
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    mirkwood reacted to Colirio in Who thinks the Word of Wisdom needs updating?   
    Seeing as how the word of wisdom was intended for even the weakest of saints to be able to live this principle, I am often amazed at our tendencies to want to make it harder/more complex than it is. (I have also been guilty of this at times.) 
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    mirkwood got a reaction from a mustard seed in Favorite church songs!   
    There Is A Green Hill Far Away
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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    The only thing Sister Chamberlin was wrongly accused of was of volunteering for a place in the Choir's inauguration presentation just so that she could quit with more visibility. This was flatly untrue, based on false reports and a bad reading of an ambiguous sentence in a news report. She should not have been accused of it. I and at least one other person who believed this false accusation have publicly withdrawn it and apologized for it.
    Other than that, that of which Sister Chamberlin has been accused appears to be absolutely true, by her own account and public actions. She has indeed made a public spectacle of this matter. Had her Facebook posting been merely a slip, she could immediately have said, "Oh, my, I did not realize everyone could see it", made the post private (or nuked it), and not made any more of the matter. Instead she proclaimed her desire to make her opinion known and interviewed at least with the SL Tribune, belying any possible claim that this was all just an accident. She did indeed use her position as a member of the Choir to forward her personal political views. This is what Latter-day Saints view as reprehensible: Using a sacred Church calling to broadcast your politics. She is not the first nor the highest-ranking person to do this, and doubtless she will not be the last. But it's still reprehensible. And that is fundamentally what the stink is about.
    If you think she has been falsely accused of other things, please detail them. I can't see anything else she has been wrongly accused of, though I'm perfectly willing to be corrected if wrong. On the other hand, if it's you who is wrong, I hope you're equally willing to admit fault and accept correction.
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    mirkwood got a reaction from Windseeker in What’s the last movie you watched?   
    Blair Witch 3.5/5 stars.  It was fun to experience that storyline again.
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    mirkwood got a reaction from askandanswer in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    Here goes another @MormonGator thread derail...
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    mirkwood reacted to estradling75 in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    If that was all it was it would be a non issue
    But if this quote is correct then that is not all it was
    A person can't want to raise "public awareness"  Then cry victim when the public becomes aware
  18. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from Maureen in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    Ok I missed it the first time (2:02 she says it). 
    I think I misunderstood somewhere that it was being put that she had said no and was being forced to participate in the trip and so she quit.  My bad.
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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    Def Leppard, huh? "Nine arms and sucks", etc...
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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    And yes, I do always go for the low-hanging fruit.
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    mirkwood reacted to NightSG in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    Yes, but since people with horrible taste in hats aren't a protected minority, you wouldn't count.  
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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    Actually, I'm inclined the same way.
    I think a Facebook announcement that you're quitting the Mormon Tabernacle Choir because you don't like Trump is over the top and more than a little self-righteous. That's not how things are (or should be) done in the Church, not by a faithful member who claims to believe in the Restoration. Imperfections, real or perceived, are not dealt with by applying public pressure or resorting to public shaming, even if "public" was intended only to be a Facebook message to friends.
    But that's a whole lot different than volunteering for a slot so that you can make a bigger splash when you quit.
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    mirkwood reacted to prisonchaplain in Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer quits because she claims Trump represents tyranny and fascism   
    To me the whole issue was that she put her name in the lottery hoping to get selected, so she could withdraw from the choir and make a statement. That is what I got from the SLC article. I can't watch videos from my office, so if this is wrong, and she did not do so--she only resigned and posted it on FB, then I'm far less inclined to blame her.