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Everything posted by Jane_Doe

  1. Hey, I'll pay a dollar to have less mess in my house!
  2. Not at all! God's church can never be vanquished. Even if all the leaders and people of the world abadon His church and loose their way, the church still comes back and is a light of the world. And in the Final Day, God's kingdom will dramatically triumph, and not the gates of hell.
  3. 1 Corinthians 13:4-74 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
  4. * Jane pulls up the DC website and looks for the movie * Huh, it's not there. Strange. I don't know why. I don't know about the Ausie prices of it / other movies, so I'll have to go with the American ones. Amazon: Meet The Mormons DVD $8. Big Eyes DVD $15 (typical pricing for the first week of a new DVD). Walmart has the same prices. Let's assume that it costs the same for both movies to print the DVD's, package, ship, store overhead. I can't say about what Meet the Mormons profit is, but Big Eyes is making at least $7 on each DVD that Mormons is not. In fact, I'm not sure how much profit at all could be said for an $8 DVD, given printing/shipping costs.... So, in summary I'm not sure how much "profit" the church is making from the Meet the Mormons sales. Probably not much.
  5. I would say a solid foundation. For even if one has great inborn potential for genius, but lacks a solid foundation, they will not build up, but sideways.
  6. *Jane starts singing and dancing* "I'm just an ordinary everyday superhero, trying to save the world" We do all have those seeds of divinity in us, even all the world's crude tries to hide it from us.
  7. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." -Jesus I think you may be feeling the Spirit more than you give yourself credit for.
  8. Do you remember what the Spirit feels like? I don't mean that in any rude way, but oftentimes when we've been away from something for a long time, we often to remember what that thing feels like when we do encounter it. For example, someone who's been depressed and self-destructive for a long time may not realize it when someone else is showing them love.
  9. I don't have a blog, so when I want to share something you guys just get to deal with it :). A while back I wrote a post about how as I read through the Bible as a youth, I discover that it was hundreds of rated R pages of people messing up again and again. Before this, the people in scripture kind of wore superman capes in my eyes (you know over-glossy-hero-idolizing). But as I read the Bible, I discovered that even the greatest prophets made mistakes just like me. And it is through the power of God everyone of us learns and grows, even through our mistakes. The prophets and all lost their superman capes. This weekend I was reflecting back on that thought train and realized I was missing something. Because I didn’t find just flawed human beings in the scriptures, also I found God. Christ Himself came down and walked among us. He showed us the way: teaching us through word and deed. And through His sacrifice, He understands everything we could go through, and gave us a way to conquer it all: our mistakes, our trails, our flawed selves. Christ: He’s the real Superman. This week is/was Easter, a time to think of Christ’s atonement and all it means. Christ is the great physician: one whom heals the wounds so wonderfully that not even a scar remains. Through Him we grow, we learn, we are healed. Christ doesn’t just heal the mistakes in our lives, He heals the entirety of our lives- our flaws, our hopes, our loves. He makes us complete: He makes us perfect like Him. Christ wants to share everything that He has, everything He is. He wants us to share in His perfection. In the scriptures, when a Lord wants to share everything with his heir, even a prodigal one, the Lord gives the heir his garment. God wants to share everything with us- even his garment. Christ—He wants to share his Superman cape with me. Wow… I know this is just one little dorky analogy I came up with but…. Wow, how underserving I can be of His so perfect love. Today, I write this standing all amazing, confused at the grace so freely He proffers me. Trembling I cry at how much He did for me, confused at a love so deep I cannot comprehend. Lord, how great art thou?
  10. Guys, let's not do this dance again..... Just agree to disagree and call it good.
  11. Carlimac, I'm too in the process of trying to share the Gospel with someone that doesn't want to hear it right now. My husband (being the wise dude he is), reminded me of something this evening: that trying to drill a seed through a heart of solid granite is just downright masochistic.
  12. (Ok, I’m not an evangelical or protestant, but wanted to say something on this awesome talk), Reading the talk closely, I am very happy to see this topic so well addressed-- we Mormons often lag behind on our understanding of grace. Granted, even if we don’t use the actual word “grace”, it does penetrate deep into our theology…. I think part of our traditional hesitance against using the word “grace” is to differentiate ourselves from the solo-grace-faith camps of Christianity. Uchtdorf’s talk fabulously about grace, but he also stresses how this should change us and doing things: merging the two together. Couple of quotes: “If salvation means only erasing our mistakes and sins, then salvation—as wonderful as it is—does not fulfill the Father’s aspirations for us. His aim is much higher: He wants His sons and daughters to become like Him.” “God pours out blessings of power and strength, enabling us to achieve things that otherwise would be far beyond our reach” “Therefore, our obedience to God’s commandments comes as a natural outgrowth of our endless love and gratitude for the goodness of God. This form of genuine love and gratitude will miraculously merge our works with God’s grace.”
  13. I"m a huge proponent of interfaith-interview dialogue. Through this I have learned a few things: 1) Try to understand a person from their shoes, not yours. 2) If someone wants to learn, it's a great time to teach. 3) If someone doesn't want to learn, it can't be forced. 4) Usually you got to just agree to disagree.
  14. More than asking that to the category of Protestant/Evangelicals, I would say what does "grace" mean specifically to *you*? (You being the question answer-er)
  15. My non-member husband was on the computer, and saw an add for the DVD release. He got excited and said "hey honey, we saw that movie! It was good". I smiled big.
  16. I know nothing about resigning from the Catholic church. It is not required to join the Mormon church. (Not to say you couldn't do it if you wanted). But I do know there are Mormon funerals.
  17. I'm all for professional psychologist counseling, having been through the system myself and gained much benefit. But the thing in counsuling that helped me the most actually, was something my counselor said about forgiving myself. I immediately turned to the scriptures, had a very profound prayer, and within 30 minutes found the relief I had been looking for.
  18. The quote you're probably thinking of is "Some things that are true are not very useful" by President Packer, given at a CES Symposium (citation below). The larger context of the quote is that while there many things which are true, but have various degrees of usefulness (which I would agree with). To give two extreme examples: the truth that Christ is our savior (critically important and useful) versus the number of Conoco gas stations in Lincoln Nebraska (not so useful....) But just because something is not critically important doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be taught (I'm all for church history), just make sure that the critically important things are taught too :).
  19. It wold agree that the singsongy women's General conference voice is one of those habits that annoy me to. I don't know why they do it (I'm sure it's a cultural thing that got picked up somewhere...)
  20. Happy Easter!
  21. In LDS world: there's no week you "have" to go to church. You should go every week though, if possible. There's also no plate-passing or anything on Easter (or any other week). As to having conference on Easter (when it happens to be the first week in Apr) vs rescheduling it some other week: I could see the wisdom of either way. Gathering as a world-wide church to hear from prophets of the Lord to celebrate His resurrection seems like a valid way to celebrate Easter. On the other hand, gathering as neighbor in a local to church to celebrate the same thing also sounds like a valid Easter celebration. Personally, I kind of like having it varied.
  22. Several people touched on family this Sat AM session (I haven't listened to the PM yet). Many of them acknowledged that not all families fit the mold perfectly (I know Burton did, and several others I can't specifically remember right now). Even if one family doesn't fit a mold, there can still be good in it. For example, when my husband (not a member) plays with our little girl and she's giggling her head off at the Tickle Monster, my love for my husband burns so bright. When he makes me my favorite breakfast in morning, for no particular reason, my love burns bright. He may not be Mormon or have the strongest testimony, but he says goodnight-prayers with our little girl, my love burns bright. He is a fabulous Daddy, husband, partner, and best friend. I try my hardest to show him the love I feel through words and deeds every day
  23. Another part of this talk I really enjoyed (not-exact-quoting): Unlike our physical bodies, when the spirit heals with the Savior's power, there is no scar. All is rejuvenated as it was before.
  24. I would. Reasoning: she is hired to represent a certain view (the company's thats paying her) and she's not doing her job. That doesn't invalidate her personal opinion, but she's not being paid to tell her personal opinion.