Average Joe

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    Average Joe got a reaction from Finrock in The beginning of the end....   
    For as their laws and their governments were established by the voice of the people,  and they who chose evil were more numerous than they who chose good,   therefore they were ripening for destruction,  for the laws had become corrupted.  Yea, and this was not all; they were a stiffnecked people, insomuch that they could not be governed by the law nor justice,  save it were to their destruction. - Helaman 5:2-3
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    Average Joe got a reaction from Sali in The beginning of the end....   
    For as their laws and their governments were established by the voice of the people,  and they who chose evil were more numerous than they who chose good,   therefore they were ripening for destruction,  for the laws had become corrupted.  Yea, and this was not all; they were a stiffnecked people, insomuch that they could not be governed by the law nor justice,  save it were to their destruction. - Helaman 5:2-3
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    Average Joe reacted to bytor2112 in The beginning of the end....   
    I was a Scout Master for 31/2 years...no water gun fights......but plenty of airsoft wars! What is and has been happening to the BSA is the view that traditional values are antiquated, bigotted, hateful, harmful and a challenge to the new morallity of intolerant tolerance.
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    Average Joe reacted to Just_A_Guy in The beginning of the end....   
    I'm going to be candid here (and I say this as a recently-released 11-year-old leader with five years of tenure in two different wards, and now just called to be a cubmaster):
    This water-gun nonsense just confirms what I've suspected for a long time:  These overpaid bozos at National have no freakin' idea what it's actually like to work with boys.
    I'm tired.
    I'm tired of overpriced uniforms.  I'm tired of a program in a constant state of flux, requiring the purchase of a never-ending array of updated "training materials".  I'm tired of roundtable meetings where they spend fifteen minutes berating us because our Friends of Scouting contributions weren't higher--knowing very well that the guy delivering the sermon makes three times my annual salary.  I'm tired of my local Council Office, which has taken three weeks to figure out if the materials for the 2015 Cub Scout program are or aren't actually available for purchase yet.  I'm tired of whatever committee of boneheads decided that the creepy new computer-generated cub scout character that's all over the new books, is something the boys would think is "cool".  I'm tired of sub-par websites and support services, and byzantine advancement tracking/procurement protocols.  I'm tired of staff at National who can barely speak English but are assigned to "customer service".  I'm tired of needing multiple layers of permission and approvals and "tour permits" to drive my boys to a Cabela's five miles away because it's technically out of our district or council or whatever.
    I do what I do because I respect the Church and want to help it move forward--and frankly, I like the kids I work with, which makes it all easier.  But, as for the BSA? 
    As far as I'm concerned--the gays can have it.
    Oh--and there will be water pistols at our next pack meeting; national nincompoops bedarned.
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    Average Joe reacted to lynnpca7 in "I'd like to get to know you" as an old song states   
    Forty two years ago, I ran into a friend from high school in a public restroom.  We hadn't seen each other in two years. We renewed our friendship. 
    My friend invited me to her apartment for dinner and a singles family home evening group which the full time missionaries also attended.  I thought of myself as "the devil's advocate" rather than as curious andI asked many questions.
    One of the missionaries said that it would be a lot easier to answer my questions if I just took the Missionary lessons.  My first thought was, "What have I gotten myself into now?"  I then decided that I couldn't condemn something I knew nothing about.  I decided to take the lessons, read the assigned scriptures and pray as instructed so I could look my friend in the eye and tell her that I had learned for myself that she was being deceived. 
    I received answers that I was not anticipating and three weeks later I was baptized.  I have since served a full time mission in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania Mission, Married my sweetheart in the Salt Lake Temple, raised four wonderful children (three of whom are curently married) and become a Grandma.
    I have also had many trials, served in many callings and had my testimony challenged and reaffirmed time after time.  My testimony of the divine origin of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remains strong.  I have joy in my life and hope for my future. I do not fear what life or death have to hold.  I love my Savior and I'm eternally grateful for the inspired church leaders he has called upon to guide me through this wonderful journey.
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    Average Joe reacted to pkstpaul in splitting units   
    I liked a post that gave advice about focusing on active members being happy and that will draw in new members and help in reactivation. That post got shot down by one of the Pharisees in the forum as kowtowing to members' whims.
    I personally feel the suggestions were valid and the "health" of the ward has everything to do with the growth and leadership can take very direct steps to ensure members are serving the callings for which they are well suited, etc.
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    Average Joe reacted to Palerider in splitting units   
    When I had the chance I asked the all the priesthood sitting in the room during opening exercises to look around and tell me who isn't here that should be here. Several looked around and several mentioned a name. When each name was mentioned I asked if anyone knew why that person wasn't here. For the most part no one knew why said person wasn't in attendance. I asked each person who brought up a name to call that person or stop by and see them and let Brother so and so know what you found out. I got to where I did this each week and yes....they got on the ball.
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    Average Joe got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Stake: Meeting more capable people   
    Talk to the activities committee in your ward, if your ward doesn't have one talk to your bishopric about putting on a show, you direct and youth and other interested members could participate. Give it a shot.
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    Average Joe got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Stake: Meeting more capable people   
    Hi Rich
    I'm a southern blue collar redneck so I just basically call it as I see it. So here goes.
    The longer you stay away the less likely you'll be to return to church. If your going to church mainly for social reasons you've missed the real point of going - to partake of the atonement of Jesus Christ.
    Now personally, its highly suspect as to whether I'm "capable" (definitely not except for maybe Shakespeare's "Henry V). My thing is art. More specifically,  American contemporary classical art. Now if I drop names like Jacob Collins, David Gray, or David Larned, (to name a few) I'm going to get a blank stare. I f I talk about alla prima or grisaille painting or ateliers it'll be more blank stares. I'm there for the gospel and I confine my conversations about art to local artists.
    Just my take on things. Good luck.
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    Average Joe reacted to The Folk Prophet in quick question- jesus's journey   
    "Travelled to" may be a bit misleading as an idea. Appeared in. Came to. Descended from heaven to. Visited. Better.
  11. Like
    Average Joe reacted to Vort in quick question- jesus's journey   
    It was after his crucifixion. Read all about it: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/3-ne/11?lang=eng
  12. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Mary Magdalene and Christ   
    I'll rephrase for you. Misquoting/misunderstanding scripture is as dangerous as disregarding the teachings of general authorities.
  13. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from askandanswer in Lots of questions   
    You've been baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost, learn to follow positive impressions and the Holy Ghost will guide you. You also know about prayer, go to your Heavenly Father about the things weighing on your heart. Wait after you pray and ponder any impressions you receive. Write them down and ponder and pray about them throughout your day. Prayer is rarely a once and done thing but as you continue to ponder and pray the answer should become clear in your mind. Once you have your answer, do it (walk by faith). Personal revelation from your Heavenly Father is the best advice you can ever be given. Good luck! :) 
  14. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from askandanswer in Does Christ know the exact time when He will return?   
    I have always believed there was wiggle room in the timeline of the second coming. Abraham bargained to save Gomorrah according to the number of righteous found. In the BoM a city had been spared because of the prayers of the righteous. Once the wicked slew the righteous time was automatically up. Hezekiah had his life extended. The sun was made to stand still so Joshua could win a battle. The problem for the wicked is at some point the Father gets to say "Enough." despite the pleading prayers of the saints and the intervention / mediation on our behalf by Christ.  
    I believe Christ was given agency on the cross to chose the precise moment of his death in order to become our mediator with the Father. I believe the Father will use his agency to decide when enough is enough before the millennium just like when the war in Heaven occurred and that Christ will carry out the Father's will just as he has submitted his will to the Father's in all things.
    But that's just my opinion. 
  15. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from EarlJibbs in Lots of questions   
    You've been baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost, learn to follow positive impressions and the Holy Ghost will guide you. You also know about prayer, go to your Heavenly Father about the things weighing on your heart. Wait after you pray and ponder any impressions you receive. Write them down and ponder and pray about them throughout your day. Prayer is rarely a once and done thing but as you continue to ponder and pray the answer should become clear in your mind. Once you have your answer, do it (walk by faith). Personal revelation from your Heavenly Father is the best advice you can ever be given. Good luck! :) 
  16. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from Finrock in Mary Magdalene and Christ   
    I believe Pratt, Young and other early church leaders also had access to the BoM when they were teaching that Jesus was married.
    As I posted earlier :
    The marriage of the Savior was taught more often in early church history, by leaders like President Brigham Young, George Q. Cannon, President Wilford Woodruff, Orson Pratt, Jedediah M. Grant, President Joseph F. Smith, and President Heber C. Kimball, to name just a few. 
    Young, Woodruff and Jos. F. Smith were all prophets of the church (Smith's tenure ended with his death in 1918). I find it a little disappointing when things outside people's comfort zone is dismissed as "crack pot" and multiple early prophets and general authorities are thrown under the bus. Sadly, when it's something we agree with their word is considered the rock of Gibraltar. 
    To suggest that scripture has only one meaning and not levels and layers is also disheartening. 
    If the early leaders of the church weren't true what leg are we standing on now?
  17. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from char713 in Mary Magdalene and Christ   
    OK, they kill the savior because he was a threat to the status quo, so as a follower of his you're going to write about his family in any but the most oblique ways? 
    Where do we find out the Apostle Philip had been married and for a time his residence with his daughters was in Hierapolis, since only the apostle Peter is mentioned as having a mother-in-law (in the Gospel of Matthew)? Do you think they wanted their own families hunted down and killed too as they were?
  18. Like
    Average Joe reacted to Still_Small_Voice in Mary Magdalene and Christ   
    I find it very difficult to believe that Christ was unmarried His entire life.  In Matthew chapter 3 we read:
    13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
    14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?
    15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.
    Christ was baptized because it was necessary to enter the third heaven.  We know from modern day revelation that a man and wife must be sealed together in marriage through the holy priesthood to enter the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.  (Read Doc. & Cov. section 131 verses 1-4).  Christ obeyed the commandment of baptism but not the commandment to be sealed in marriage to a wife? 
    We do not know who He was married to or if He had children.  But certainly He was married.
  19. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from kapikui in Mary Magdalene and Christ   
    OK, they kill the savior because he was a threat to the status quo, so as a follower of his you're going to write about his family in any but the most oblique ways? 
    Where do we find out the Apostle Philip had been married and for a time his residence with his daughters was in Hierapolis, since only the apostle Peter is mentioned as having a mother-in-law (in the Gospel of Matthew)? Do you think they wanted their own families hunted down and killed too as they were?
  20. Like
    Average Joe reacted to Liz_anne4 in Lots of questions   
    That's a great idea! I think that's how I'll look at it if my mother gives me any books to read. Read 'em and send 'em back with notes and everything in them. 
    I never thought about writing it down, but that's also a great idea! Thank you so much!
  21. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Lots of questions   
    You've been baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost, learn to follow positive impressions and the Holy Ghost will guide you. You also know about prayer, go to your Heavenly Father about the things weighing on your heart. Wait after you pray and ponder any impressions you receive. Write them down and ponder and pray about them throughout your day. Prayer is rarely a once and done thing but as you continue to ponder and pray the answer should become clear in your mind. Once you have your answer, do it (walk by faith). Personal revelation from your Heavenly Father is the best advice you can ever be given. Good luck! :) 
  22. Like
    Average Joe reacted to Liz_anne4 in Lots of questions   
    So, I've been a member for a little over a week now and I feel great about it all. I'm the happiest I've ever been! But, I do have a few things I could use some advice on. 
    1) My family doesn't know I've converted yet. 
    I grew up in a strictly Baptist home. In my high school years, I kinda drifted from the baptist church though because I had a lot of problems with it. Anyways, I'm 20 now, work full time to pay my own bills, the one little problem is that I still live at home with my family who is very much in the dark about all of this. I'm planning on moving out this summer. Probably within the next month or so. Once I'm out of their house I'll tell them I'm LDS but I don't know how. I don't want to cause a big fight or upset them but I know this is something that is going to affect my mom because she seriously believes Mormons are all poor lost confused souls who are part of the occult. I'm just worried that this will cause a lot of tension in our relationship and I don't want that so any advice as to how I should go about 'outing' myself as Mormon is very much appreciated!! 
    2) I'm not sure when I should get my Patriarchal Blessing
    I got my Temple Recommend yesterday and the president of my ward brought up my patriarchal blessing. I told him I wanted to hold off on it for now. I don't wanna rush into everything right at the beginning just because I'm super excited (because I am. Super excited.) I want to make sure I'm ready. But, I've also been looking into serving a mission and thought that maybe my Blessing will help clear things up to let me know if its something I should pursue. I know I have to wait a bit before I can be eligible to go on a mission, but I feel like I should start preparing now if I go. So, thoughts on getting my blessing?  
    Any advice is very much appreciated, thanks in advance! :)
  23. Like
    Average Joe reacted to richard7900 in Stake: Meeting more capable people   
    I think I ought to point out that any assumption that my church attendance is a function of the competence of people is a judgemental error of no small import.
  24. Like
    Average Joe reacted to Bini in Clarification needed   
    Security? Like what? What's the security for the men?
  25. Like
    Average Joe got a reaction from Litzy in Mary Magdalene and Christ   
    Yes, the savior would have needed to be married to fulfill all righteousness.
    The marriage of the Savior was taught more often in early church history, by leaders like President Brigham Young, George Q. Cannon, President Wilford Woodruff, Orson Pratt, Jedediah M. Grant, President Joseph F. Smith, and President Heber C. Kimball, to name just a few. In a General Conference address on October 6, 1854, Orson Hyde of the Quorum of the Twelve discussed the Savior’s wedding recounted in the Bible:
    “…Jesus was the bridegroom at the marriage of Cana of Galilee, and he told them what to do. Now there was actually a marriage, and if Jesus was not the bridegroom on that occasion, please tell who was. If any man can show this, and prove that it was not the Savior of the world, then I will acknowledge I am in error. We say it was Jesus Christ who was married, to be brought into the relation whereby he could see his seed, before he was crucified.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 2, p. 82, 83).
    (Read more here)