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    SilentOne reacted to Just_A_Guy in Trump Can't Win   
    Behold, another by-product of mass media that has fallen into the perception game of politics that the Democrats have mastered in their collusion with the press:
    Who knew those dastardly dems managed to co-opt the scriptural canon of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?  Apparently they even managed to travel 150 years back in time to carry through their evil plot.  Bow down before their awesome power!
    But take heart, ye fellow saints!  We all know God really wants us to vote for narcissists, lechers, and thugs.  Like Trump.  Or like the Philippines' Duterte, where people on the President's naughty-list seem to be dropping dead in the streets at the rate of nearly a thousand a month. 
  2. Like
    SilentOne reacted to unixknight in Trump Can't Win   
    I know you didn't mean it this way, but I kinda wish you hadn't said that grownups accept this and vote for the lesser evil.  I'm not doing that and I'm pretty sure I'm a grownup.
    (I admit, I'm a grownup that has Captain America and the Planet Express ship on my desk at work)
    I completely understand the reasoning that says voting for Trump is the better of two awful choices.  My wife is doing the same.  For me, I reject the dichotomy that says that my vote MUST be for one of the two or somehow it paves the way for the other.  Like you I'm speaking only for myself here, but I firmly believe that adhering to that line of reasoning only strengthens the two party lock.  It's how they WANT us to think.  They WANT us to believe that they are the only two worth choosing from.  Otherwise why would they give us such awful options?  They're not at all worried about a third party. 
    And the world would be a better place if they WERE worried about it.  That will never change as long as people go along with the "two and only two option" model.
  3. Like
    SilentOne reacted to Just_A_Guy in First Presidency Encourages Voting   
    I think the "duty to vote" is like the "duty to serve a mission".  It entails not only a duty to act, but also a duty to be prepared to act. 
  4. Like
    SilentOne got a reaction from dahlia in Baptism hymns?   
    Have you ever done one of those "Your Life according to Your Music" things where you put your music on shuffle and use whatever songs come up to answer a question or describe a life event? Well, once when I played, one of the questions was "What will they play at your funeral?"
    Answer: The Point of No Return from Phantom of the Opera
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    SilentOne reacted to Anddenex in Why Pray?   
    In not reading all the post responses (could be redundant answer then) I have liked Elder Bednar reference with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. After Adam and Eve partake of the fruit and they hide themselves, our Father in heaven then asks a question pertaining to Adam's whereabouts. The question proposed by Elder Bednar is, "Do you really think God did not know where Adam and Eve were?" 
    God wanted Adam to know where exactly Adam was. We are being to act and not to be acted upon. God's question was an opportunity for Adam to act. Our prayer is our opportunity to act, express for ourselves our needs, and then give gratitude for whatever is received (the "whatever" we receive is a part I have difficulty with myself, I like receiving what I ask for, and not "whatever" is received  ). 
    I also think we would be no different than the Atheist population, who do not ask and do not thank, but are constantly being blessed by God. We would be less thankful. I think Elder Renlund's talk regarding the further the distance between us and God the more we are entitled. The offering of a prayer is to draw us closer to the relationship we have with God.
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    SilentOne reacted to lds2 in Why Pray?   
    I read this article today and thought this was a particularly good reason to pray..."A prayer should not be a wish list of things we want from Heavenly Father. It should be the other way around; prayer should be about finding out what Heavenly Father wants for us. This is because Heavenly Father knows all things, including what is best for us. So we should seek to see through His eternal perspective, and ask for His plan and will to be done, not our often misguided or shortsighted plan. "
  7. Like
    SilentOne reacted to NeedleinA in Why Pray?   
    Carb beat me to the punch...this is an idea that has been burned for years in my mind since reading the BD...
    "secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them."
    No matter how much we might need a blessing, aide, burden lifted, our Father in Heaven withholds certain blessings until we are willing to ask for them. 
  8. Like
    SilentOne reacted to CV75 in Why Pray?   
    Because we don't know everything about Him (or ourselves for that matter!) and prayer is a good way to not only find out about Him but to come to know Him personally.
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    SilentOne reacted to NeedleinA in DO NOT try this!   
    fertilizer for your gut?
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    SilentOne reacted to Colirio in DO NOT try this!   
    Chapter 6:24. And thus he did prove the reasoning for being left downstairs during the fire. 
    25. And afterwards he did repent, after being smitten by the Familyites. 
    26. Yet, they were slow to forgive due to his foolishness. 
    27. Thus, he did come home bearing flowers. 
    Seriously, if one of the family had called the fire department, he might have had to repent with a hefty fine....
  11. Like
    SilentOne reacted to pam in LDS Church and other faiths ask Government to reject report   
    The following letter has been sent to President Barack Obama, Sen. Orrin Hatch and House Speaker Paul Ryan in response to a report issued by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The letter is signed by a diverse group of faith leaders (including Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), representing tens of millions of Americans.

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    SilentOne reacted to Anddenex in An Odd Situation   
    I will present a personal example, not of myself, but of someone I grew up with. The individual wasn't chaste. He was planning on serving a mission. He went through the necessary interviews with bishop and stake president with flying colors. As they were about to send in the mission papers to the Church the stake president received a letter from one who knew of the actual situation and choices of this young man. The stake president then brought the young man back into the office regarding the accusation made against him. The end result, the young man confessed. The young man went through the proper steps of repentance and changed his life. I am personally thankful that this individual who sent the message didn't have the mind frame of "Mind your own business." But, shame on that individual for not minding their own business, shame on them for bringing a soul to actual repentance and oneness with God. If you think the individual who wrote the letter to the stake president was wrong, then you are part of the problem, not the solution.
    There isn't anything wrong with addressing something of this nature privately with the individual. There is no need to publicly humiliate as others shared "we don't know the whole story" and there isn't anything wrong, at all, with speaking with the individually privately (especially if they are active members holding callings). Taking an individual aside, especially if they are active and holding callings, and saying, "Hey, everything OK, I found these in your closet"? That is a proper form of love.
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    SilentOne reacted to estradling75 in What's the Christ-like thing to do this election?   
    Here is how my thoughts and feelings are playing out.  And I say it as my understanding and interpretation only... not that I require or expect anyone else to follow or reach the same conclusion.
    In the Book of Mormon we read that the "Voice of the People" generally chooses good... but when it chooses sin the people are condemned by the voice.  I consider voting a good example of the "Voice of the People."  While I can't control who others vote for I can personally choose to raise my voice for good.  I assume most other people and voters are wanting and willing to do the same.
    So what is good...  people all have different ideas and priorities and I understand that.  For me the council to choose a candidate that match my expectations of what is good government, good society, and good personal character.   Sadly it seems like such is in short supply.  The only one I can find that is even remotely close doesn't have even a remote chance.
    So be it.  I call myself a disciple of Christ... so it is my duty to stand for what I believe is true and correct.  Maybe come election day I stand alone...if so, then again so be it.. greater people then me have done the same or harder.  Or maybe I am not alone, maybe it not as hopeless as it seem..  Anyway to me my Christ-like duty at the ballot box seems clear.
    Until then I realize that other people choose and vote and conclude as they feel best as is their right.  Some might try to alter my choice.  They might try to attack my intelligence in choosing someone that "Can't win," or that by not voting for their person I am enabling a greater horror.  I have heard these arguments and in the past they have had an impact.  But now I see them as saying "don't do what you know to be right."  So now these arguments are to me as the laughing and mocking of the "Great and Spacious Building" or the voice of Babylon the Great Whore of the Earth...  Fit only to be discarded and ignored.  Again this is where I am... Everyone else has every right to come to there own understanding of such arguments.
    While I will discard the certain attacks and arguments as not relevant, until I cast my vote I am still in the study it out phase of  the receiving revelation process.  If someone wants to share why their favored candidate is a better match for what I think is good government, good society, and good personal character... I am more then happy to listen... But they need to need focus on those traits, not on "winnablity" or being the "lesser evil"
    After the election to whomever it goes it becomes/remains my duty to respect the office.  No matter how much I might disagree with the office holder.
  14. Like
    SilentOne reacted to estradling75 in Polygamy in the afterlife?   
    Indeed...  It is even understandable/acceptable to struggle with things we find hard...  That is not the problem... the problem is when we draw the lines and say it must be this way or God is wrong.  That is when we fail
  15. Like
    SilentOne reacted to Larry Cotrell in Baptism hymns?   
    For my funeral, I'd like to request "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen or "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees. 
  16. Like
    SilentOne reacted to mordorbund in An Odd Situation   
    I'll just assume this is Watchtower and read the responses again.
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    SilentOne reacted to Backroads in Mormons and Halloween   
    To the question... I prefer the more traditional harvest/Halloween community stuff. Kids ought to trick or treat. Corn mazes rock. 
    Harming people and property is a no-go.
  18. Like
    SilentOne got a reaction from Anddenex in Ride to the airport - more of Dahlia's pet peeves   
    I don't see anything wrong with asking if somebody in the group is able and willing to help. If they start feeling entitled, then there's a problem.
  19. Like
    SilentOne reacted to Latter-Day Marriage in What advice would you give someone considering divorce over income?   
    When I proposed, I was in my second month of my first year of post secondary education just after getting back from my mission.  No savings, no car even.  A woman should look at a man's work ethic, integrity, commitment, values, priorities, what his plans are.  If she looks at his property and his income as the important things then she is closer to being a prostitute than a wife.
  20. Like
    SilentOne got a reaction from Backroads in Ride to the airport - more of Dahlia's pet peeves   
    I don't see anything wrong with asking if somebody in the group is able and willing to help. If they start feeling entitled, then there's a problem.
  21. Like
    SilentOne reacted to EricM in Contentious and mean responses   
    I listened to that talk a couple of days ago, and it was very timely for me. I had been annoyed by some prejudiced comments of some students about the church, and it had affected my view of said students. I decided to let it go, particularly because my position does not allow me to engage in such conversations in any way.
    When I frequented this website in the past (it's been a few years now), one of the things that irked me was when some of the posters here would demonize anyone who had questions on the assumption that they were a troll. My perspective has always been that, even if they are trolls, others can still glean valuable information from well-thought out responses. The flip-side is that maybe these people weren't trolls, but they got labelled as such and thus were chased out of the website by contentious responses. 
    In any case, there is much to be gained from giving people the benefit of the doubt and doing our best to be loving in all cases.
  22. Like
    SilentOne reacted to zil in Utah Mormon problems   
    Maybe you should test this sequence by moving again...
  23. Like
    SilentOne reacted to zil in A problem with milk before meat   
    October 2016 General Conference, Saturday afternoon session, talk by W. Mark Bassett of the Seventy - seems relevant to this conversation, however you want to define milk and meat. (Just ended.)
  24. Like
    SilentOne reacted to zil in A Large White Envelope...   
    Oh man!  @MormonGator - look out, there's a junior @mirkwood coming for you!
    ETA: I'll close the main gates!
  25. Like
    SilentOne reacted to An Investigator in A problem with milk before meat   
    Before I joined the Church I read into some more "meater" subjects because I thought it was the best thing to do, I was deciding if to join the Church so I thought I was doing the right thing..  I wasn't, my testimony vanished,  I felt awful,  I couldnt stop thinking about these things and I nearly didn't get baptised, it was only with chatting to a number of people about my difficulties I could see past that.
    Now I have a very strong testimony about the Gospel and The Restoration,  it makes me very happy.   Maybe in time I might get round to reading Rough Stone Rolling or research some topics in more depth but for now I'm really content just doing the basics without worrying about stuff which really isn't necessary for my salvation.   
    I'm not being ignorant by doing this I just think focusing on my relationship with Heavenly Father is more important than knowing about the second anointing??