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  1. Like
    scottyg reacted to zil in Colorado is targeting Christian baker Jack Phillips — again   
    Not just the state - I'm 100% certain the lawyer intentionally set this guy up - the facts make "coincidence" way too incredible.
  2. Like
    scottyg reacted to Still_Small_Voice in Colorado is targeting Christian baker Jack Phillips — again   
    I'm seriously thinking about buying a cake from this business or giving money to their legal defense fund.  It is Jack's rights today and our rights tomorrow.  It is sad some people cannot just let this man live in peace.
  3. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Vort in Gun people: Tell me about the M18   
    For a first time buyer I would recommend the Taurus Millennium G2. It is a reliable gun that is very inexpensive. I have never had a misfire or a failed extraction in mine. It also has very textured grips which are good for first time shooters, and is comfortable to carry. The grip is on the smaller side though, so if you have large hands it may not be comfortable...definitely hold and handle several in the store before you buy. If you find that you enjoy shooting and become proficient, than at that point I would recommend spending more on a second gun with more features, and possibly a higher caliber.
  4. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Midwest LDS in Gun people: Tell me about the M18   
    Main differences are the M18 is much more customizable,  has a higher ammo capacity, is lighter, and more reliable. Ammo used is pretty much the same. I actually really like the M9, but would always choose the M18 over it. It was just time for an upgrade.
  5. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Vort in Gun people: Tell me about the M18   
    Main differences are the M18 is much more customizable,  has a higher ammo capacity, is lighter, and more reliable. Ammo used is pretty much the same. I actually really like the M9, but would always choose the M18 over it. It was just time for an upgrade.
  6. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from JohnsonJones in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    If the church is intolerant towards people who choose to identify as LGBT, then one could also say that they are intolerant towards those who choose to use drugs for recreation, or who steal. Sin is sin, and while anyone may be inclined to commit certain acts that are wrong, the inclination in and of itself is not wrong. It is only when we entertain such thoughts and act on them that the sin occurs. The issue with the LGBT crowd is that they personalize their behaviors, and claim that it is a part of themselves...that they have no say in the matter. Other people have other weaknesses and are tempted to act on them, and they too need to learn to temper and control themselves. The biggest issue I believe revolves around marriage, which by definition is between a man and a woman. There is no such thing as gay is by definition impossible. One cannot choose to alter something that was instituted and defined by God himself. So, although we love and care for everyone, that does not mean that we have to accept and sustain their life choices. If for example one of my young children ever chooses to become a criminal, or to use drugs, I will be sure to let them know that their actions are not right, and I do not approve nor support them. But I will still love them, and if they want to change I will help in any way I can. 
  7. Like
    scottyg reacted to wenglund in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    As expected, the thinking is upside-down on several levels.
    First, the issue isn't created by the Church, but is manufactured by influential forces in society. The restored gospel has been around since 1830, whereas LGBT et al. sprung up less than 50 years ago.
    Second, the primary question is morality rather than love and tolerance. Indeed, morality is the reference point by which love and tolerance ought to be assessed.. It isn't loving or tolerant to any party involved to promote immorality. Quite the opposite. And, vice versa.
    Third,  while the forces behind the cultural movement make a pretense of love and tolerance, they could care less about the groups they selectively target, and view them instead as "useful idiots" to manipulate  into creating cultural strife, with the end goal of fomenting proliferating government dependency and  accruing power to themselves. Whereas the Church cares deeply about the eternal welfare of all individuals and enabling them to become their very best selves. 
    In spite of the pretense of love evoked by the PR sculptured image of happiness within the LGBT... community,  disease and mental illness and deaths have skyrocketed since the movement began, not to mention the noticeable degradation of Western civilization. The o-called progressive  agenda is anything but...
    On the other hand, the source for true joy as well as the power to counter destructive influences, is Christ, and this through his Restored Gospel. It is the true and proven plan of progression and salvation. It is the real way of love.
    Thanks, -Wade Englund-
  8. Like
    scottyg reacted to unixknight in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    If somebody's ready to leave the Church over the issue, they're essentially putting the moral cues of society over those of the Church and calling it "acceptance." 
    It's unclear to me why a culture that values self gratification over self control is somehow the premier guide to morality these days.
  9. Like
    scottyg reacted to Fether in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    Nothing to reconcile. I suppose if there was no God and that this was just a club then maybe there would be stuff to reconcile. 
    But like people said above, just because we disagree doesn’t mean we hate you. No one seems to understand that. 
  10. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to unixknight in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    The problem is that our culture is drifting toward the idea that the only way to show compassion and love toward someone is to support every single thing they do.  "Love the sinner, hate the sin" is an idea that people are forgetting in alarming numbers.
    What makes it worse in the case of LGBT issues is that instead of someone's sexuality being an aspect of their personality, it's  treated as the core of their being... so if you disapprove of homosexual behavior, our culture interprets that as hating the person himself/herself.  "It's who I AM!!!!"
    It's a completely illogical notion, but one that has taken in a LOT of people.
  11. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in When a Leader Said Something REALLY Hurtful (And How I Got Over It)   
    My friend (she passed away a few years ago) had lupos.  It was very taxing to be her friend because she has become so self-focused.  Like, she would drop her pills on the ground and leave it there even when she's visiting somebody else's house.  My kids were very young at the time and found one of the pills and was about to put it in his mouth.  So, I told her she needs to pick up her pills.  She got upset with me because I was being insensitive because she had lupos and she would be too tired to pick up things that fall on the ground.  Yes, she definitely has gotten to the point where lupos is her excuse to not be responsible for anything.  It is sad but there's nothing you can say or do, not even suggest a mental health professional because... lupos.  
    I feel like a lot of people's mental health issues have become like my friend's lupos.
    And as I write this, I'm sure somebody is going to chime in with... you're being offensive to mental health sufferers who find it hard just to get out of bed in the morning.  In 3... 2... 1...
  12. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in When a Leader Said Something REALLY Hurtful (And How I Got Over It)   
    Right.  Because she knows you.
    What I have a problem with is this new-fangled idea that everybody should know everything about what everybody is struggling with and that they should know at all times what works and what doesn't work and how to express compassion.  Like they are expected to be a walking encyclopedia of mental health problems.  It's like people are so stuck in their own struggles that they think everybody should be compassionate to them and understanding of them but it never occurs to them that.... they need to get out of themselves and be compassionate and understanding of other people who don't have to carry that particular burden - they have their own problems to deal with.
    P.S.  I didn't read the article.  I'm just commenting on the comments.
  13. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to Vort in When a Leader Said Something REALLY Hurtful (And How I Got Over It)   
    Amy, has it occurred to you that maybe this General Authority was right? That maybe sparing your precious, tender feelings in the moment was not actually the best course for you? That sometimes, blunt truth supersedes supposed tact?
    No one likes bitter medicine, but for you to claim that this leader's words (which after all weren't derogatory or insulting, just more or less "buck up, little camper") were "REALLY hurtful" is almost comical, if not pathetic. You are and were an adult! I have had sons on missions who have needed to counsel with leaders because they were feeling bad, so I'm not without sympathy for your plight. But for you to characterize his advice as "REALLY hurtful" says far, far more about you than it does about him.
    It seems to be common among women, and becoming ever more common among men (especially of the rising generation), that any voicing of discouragement or sadness, even those couched as personal criticism to the listener, must be met with sympathy. I very much disagree. Sometimes a stern "buck up" is the message people need to receive. Even female people.
  14. Like
    scottyg reacted to Vort in BYU police decertified?   
    Knowing nothing at all but this, it sounds like decertification is a reasonable if extreme step. Certified police, able to arrest and have all other policing powers, cannot truly be private. BYU may pay their salaries, but they still have to do all the regular police stuff. Open records is a vitally important part of that.
    But note the caveat of my first six words. Wherever the Salt Lake Tribune is involved, you may be almost certain that corruption and hatred of the Church closely follow. So it well may not be as cut-and-dried as it seems at first glance. Or maybe it is; BYU certainly may have just screwed up this whole situation. Wouldn't be the first time. BYU was fully within its rights to kick Barney the heck out of school; I have very little sympathy for her, being as she is a liar and then an advocate for hating on the institution she defrauded. But refusing to comply with an open-records request? I just don't even understand that. Maybe JAG or Mirk or someone else with legal understanding can enlighten us.
  15. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from wenglund in April 2019 Conference Predictions   
    I don't think it has anything to do with being "worthy". I am an Elder, and currently hold all of the necessary Priesthood I need. Perhaps those men you referenced were given leadership positions not for the benefit of others, or because of good things they had done, but rather, to help them along the path of life and hopefully prevent future tragedies that have since befallen them.
    I'm not a fan of getting rid of entire office in the priesthood. If we do that, let's just make all Aaronic priesthood holders Priests right off the bat as well.My 11 year old is worthy, so shouldn't he get to bless the Sacrament? The Priesthood is not about holding titles or positions, it is about service. I see no reason for me to become a High Priest, or any other man for that matter, unless a certain calling requires the ordination to preside. If one never comes, that is just fine with me. If one does, that is just fine with me as well. I actually wouldn't want the ordination to just take place if a calling didn't come with me it seemed unnecessary when that happened in the past.
  16. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from SilentOne in April 2019 Conference Predictions   
    I don't think it has anything to do with being "worthy". I am an Elder, and currently hold all of the necessary Priesthood I need. Perhaps those men you referenced were given leadership positions not for the benefit of others, or because of good things they had done, but rather, to help them along the path of life and hopefully prevent future tragedies that have since befallen them.
    I'm not a fan of getting rid of entire office in the priesthood. If we do that, let's just make all Aaronic priesthood holders Priests right off the bat as well.My 11 year old is worthy, so shouldn't he get to bless the Sacrament? The Priesthood is not about holding titles or positions, it is about service. I see no reason for me to become a High Priest, or any other man for that matter, unless a certain calling requires the ordination to preside. If one never comes, that is just fine with me. If one does, that is just fine with me as well. I actually wouldn't want the ordination to just take place if a calling didn't come with me it seemed unnecessary when that happened in the past.
  17. Haha
    scottyg reacted to Traveler in Men as Providers   
    Psychologically men and women are different - Sigman Freud theorized that the reason women evolved into  domesticated roles and men the hunters - is that if men were left to tend the fire that they would pee on it.  From my  years as a scout master I would agree.  My wife, who served for many years as young women camp director, has advised me that peeing on fires just is not a problem with young women.
    The Traveler
  18. Like
    scottyg reacted to mikbone in Men as Providers   
    We have a couple ‘men’ in our ward who have been unemployed for an extended period of time.  Their wives have taken up the slack and are providing for the family.  
    They have this habbit of referring to themselves as full-time fathers.  Drives me freakin crazy.
    One of the guys gave a talk in sacrament about service and explained how you cannot provide service in an area where you work and receive a salary...
    Anyway when I introduce myself I always add that I’m a full time father as well.
  19. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in Men as Providers   
    You guys need to learn to speak Carb.  He's telling MoE that Rob's statement that MoE quoted is why Carb has Rob on his ignore list.  Get it?   
    But, to be fair to Rob, I don't think he meant that MoE is biologically a better programmer than me.  I think he simply meant that men are biologically more advantaged to be providers than nurturers because... well, they don't get pregnant.  Modern technology - birth control pills, tampons, computers (the one thing that made work flexible - I was just watching a YouTube video of this single woman living as a nomad in her RV running 6 businesses from her computer) - has made that female disadvantage a whole lot lesser which is why women can now juggle a job and motherhood.
    Where I say that Feminism is cancer is this modern feminists push to abandon their responsibilities as Mothers as part of... muh, Patriarchy.
  20. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to Rob Osborn in Men as Providers   
    We are taught that men are to preside and provide for their families. In an ever changing world where gender equality is the new task force of current philosophy I am left reserved to defend gender roles in the traditional sense. Men and women are indeed equal partners in the home and society. Each has their advantages and skills. But I am getting more troubled with this movement in gender equality in the workplace. I am all for both men and women in the workplace- we need both sexes. Im even for more equal pay, especially for single mothers raising children. But the flip side is the trend to make "all" jobs as equal opportinity and equal pay. D9nt get me wrong, if a women wants to be a lumberjack and she can handle a heavy chainsaw and axe everyday then by all means- go for it! But, the reality is that in general, men are biologically at advantage on average amongst all jobs. It has nothing to do with sexism, its just reality that God created the male to be a worker to provide for and protect his family. So, why do we feel so threatened by this fact of reality? Why are we so concerned to try to even up the genders in the task of "providing"? Its not like we can engineer the women to bulk up the needed 35% muscle mass to get them on par with the male anatomy. I was reading one study that suggested that what was needed is to get men to work less so that women arent at a disadvantage! No joke! Another article and study about women soldiers on the frontline in war proposed that in order to equalize the roles, perhaps men soldiers in training should be held back while women get extra training so that they were more equal in the end. 
    I think we are taking this "equality" well beyond the equalness God sees in his children and their roles. God never meant that we should be equal in "all" things. Obviously our creations are similar and yet very different. In the church we see this in practice all the time. A typicsl "work project" carried out by the elders quorum to reroof a house will see pretty much all men doing that work whereas with a funeral almost all of the meals and compassionate care are handled hy women in the relief society. We all have work, its just so different as viewed through Gods eyes. 
  21. Haha
    scottyg reacted to Fether in Jimmy Johns (men’s) Bathroom   
    I appreciated these so much.
    I don’t think this crosses any lines... If it does, just let me know 
    perhaps if you are a woman you may not appreciate these inside jokes or may be offended

  22. Haha
    scottyg reacted to mirkwood in Things your not so righteous self wanted to do in church, but you did not   
    Say amen loudly two minutes into a seven minute prayer.
  23. Love
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in Things your not so righteous self wanted to do in church, but you did not   
    Tell speakers to stop starting their talks with a story about how they tried to avoid the bishopric who was about to assign him the talk or how they're so nervous... talk about dumping your own talk down the drain before it starts...
  24. Thanks
    scottyg reacted to bytebear in Things your not so righteous self wanted to do in church, but you did not   
    Tell the testimony speaker to stay on topic.
  25. Like
    scottyg reacted to anatess2 in Captain Marvel and the press   
    This is false.
    Okay, these are the same people we are talking about here:  
    Pewdepie (video gaming channel, started in Sweden, moved to the UK) is the most subscribed channel on Youtube for a long time and his subscribers are mostly GenY and GenZ.  He got so big that Disney offered him a contract to have a Pewdepie show on the Disney channel (same way Fred of Annoying Orange got into Disney).  In one of his FPS shooter game videos, Pew happened to do a Nazi salute when he shot up some enemy soldiers (being funny in Pew fashion) and the media went on attack mode.  These are all left-wing media like Vox who painted Pewdepie as a white supremacist Nazi anti-Semite which caused Disney to pull out of their contract.  This made his tens of millions of subscribers who knows this is all baseless attacks fight back.  So now you got all these mostly young people joined in this culture war against the media.  Pewdepie changed his channel to go beyond just gaming and go into culture commentary through the 2016 election cycle and he has made commentary against the media's baseless claims of racism, sexism, homophobia against Trump so that's how they got into socio-politics.  And so now you got tons of YouTube Channels dedicated to doing socio-political commentary all against the "leftist agenda".  And there's the dark web which is the equivalent of the old 80's nerd hackers that became a subject of several movies now engaged in this socio-political themes as well.
    Now, video gaming people have a big cross-over with comicbook people.  So a lot of these Pewdepie subscribers have been expressing their disgust of the direction of comicbook culture, and that includes Captain Marvel.  Captain Marvel in the comicbook has been plagued with modern feminism so much so that they had to revamp the series multiple times the last few years because they couldn't make money off the comics.  These are the same people who are now plaguing the MCU's Captain Marvel because of Brie Larson.
    So you're saying... these are mostly sub bots.  Well, I will give you several proofs that show these are not sub bots.  Video games, comics, and Star Wars have huge cross-over fans.  When Star Wars went into socio-political leftist defense after the release of The Last Jedi, the fans made their displeasure known far and wide on the internet.  Rian Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy,, said they are trolled by a few alt-right Straight-White-Male and their bots.  They even blamed these trolls for Rose Tico leaving the social media platform.  Well, Solo TANKED in the box office.  So, these are not just bots after all.
    Another proof - Pewdepie vs. T-Series subscriber war.  All in good fun, not much trolling involved.  Pewdepie was #1 subscribed channel in Youtube for the longest time until T-Series (India-pop/Bollywood channel based in India) knocked him off the spot.  Pewdepie - in Pew meme fashion - made a video making fun of T-Series and asking people to subscribe (quite brilliant marketing campaign if you think about it) to knock T-Series off the #1 spot.  And the game was on.  They both started at around 60M+ subscribers and now both are in the 86M+ subscribers in a head-to-head race.  Places like Socialblast run analysis on their subscriber counts to see if they can detect sub-bot patterns and YouTube itself runs purges on sub-bots and all the analysis have pointed to both Pewdepie and T-Series acquiring 20M+ subscribers in a short period of time.  T-Series is in India and if only 1/3 of the population of India subscribe to T-Series, nobody can beat them.  And India people really love their india-pop and bollywood.  So people like Elon Musk - joining in on the fun - offered to host Pew's Meme Review section and uploads it to their own channels to get those subscribers to subscribe to Pew.  20M+ real accounts.  Not bots.  These are the kind of numbers a subscriber drive can get out of the socio-political internet.
    Last proof - 4chan is really all you need to show the power of internet communities.  4chan (also 8chan) runs periodic "social projects".  The Shia Lebauf capture the flag game was pretty popular... imagine an international community that can find and capture a flag streamed on video stuck in the middle of nowhere just by the kind of trees in the background and the contrail pattern in the sky and a car honking.  Bots can't do that.  4chan is littered with the same people who subscribe to Pewdepie, collect comics, and passionate about Star Wars.
    So, Rotten Tomatoes... that's small potatoes for these people.  If Pewdepie vs T-Series don't even need bots to raise 20M+ subscribers, Rotten Tomatoes is like a kiddie pool compared.
    People have been saying it, but they're not getting heard because normies still get their news from mainstream media... Conservatism is the new counter-culture.