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Everything posted by dprh

  1. I know @JohnsonJonesusually has long posts, but this one was pretty short. Did you not read the rest of it or did you stop at what you quoted?
  2. 21 with COVID. There are others in the ICU for different reasons. And it doesn't seem like it would take much for that 21 to increase if people stop following guidelines.
  3. I don't think the %'s matter as much as the ability/capacity of the hospitals in the region have. If I was in Southern Utah, I'd be sure I was being extra cautious. https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2020/06/26/cdr-we-need-your-help-with-dixie-regional-medical-centers-icu-nearly-full-chief-doctor-asks-people-to-wear-masks/#.XwNC6ihKiUl
  4. A couple weeks ago, my wife and I finished studying April General Conference. Pres. Nelson's last talk addressed temple worship. My wife and I have been going through the temple section in the Gospel Library. It's been really good for me to help me remember the covenants and instruction. There is definitely some type of temple worship we can still do while the doors are closed. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2020/04/57nelson?lang=eng https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/temples?lang=eng
  5. My aunt got married when she was 16 in the 70's. It wasn't a shotgun wedding, no early baby. Everyone thought it was right. They are still together with 7 children and over 20 grandkids.
  6. That must be tough. My oldest is 12, so I haven't personally experienced a struggle like that. But I had my own wayward times. And I have two brothers that have left the church, most likely for good. I know it's taken an emotional toll on my parents. I hope the best for you and your daughter. There was an article in the Ensign a few years ago that might help. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2016/02/when-a-child-leaves-the-church?lang=eng
  7. dprh


    The quote below is snips from the SCMP article. The WHO should have published their frustration with China, but it's China that wasn't providing the information.
  8. dprh


    The organizations that police aren't responsible, the governments that are policed are still directly responsible . (That was what I was trying to point out with the Enron/Arthur Anderson comparison)
  9. dprh


    I don't think responsibility is binary, on or off. Yes, WHO should be more assertive, but that doesn't relieve China of the responsibility of cooperation and following procedures and guidelines. Was Enron not responsible for their fraud because Arthur Anderson didn't audit them correctly?
  10. Wow! I had no idea guinea pigs could get to that size. Looks like it might attack Buttercup and Wesley.
  11. I went to BYU my freshman year, (about 20 years ago) and lived in the Heritage Hall dorms. All the wards in those dorms were all about about 3 females to 2 males. Helaman Halls and Deseret Towers might have been split more evenly.
  12. I think most officers, most police departments, have better things to do than to try to set up a 'sting' like this. That officer didn't want to be there anymore than the owners' wanted him. But because a complaint was filed, he had to follow up. I'm sure as soon as he got in his car, he was grumbling about the stupid exec orders also.
  13. Because those "stores" aren't located in the city. And if they are, they are probably following the mask rule. Some of the rules seem silly, but it wouldn't be too hard for this store owner to comply with the exec. orders. Wear a mask, and instead of a live feed, record it, then post it later.
  14. So you're the one in the hat?
  15. Which is a great exception 😁
  16. It was quite a while ago that he told me the story (he's passed away since). I don't recall if the operator survived or not, which makes me think that he did. I think I'd remember if he had died.
  17. My maternal grandfather was a civil engineer. During WWII, he did some training in the desert of Arizona/Southern California. They had an exercise to build a temporary bridge over the Colorado River. A few trucks were driven over it just fine. Then they tried a tank. The bridge failed and the tank fell into the river. As far as he knew, they never got it back out.
  18. https://www.northstargames.com/products/dude Anyone ever play this game? My kids love it.
  19. 34 AD is still fairly ancient times.
  20. Your questions reminded me of Pres. Oaks talk last October. I believe a BYU religion professor’s article on this subject had it right: “When we ask ourselves what we know about the spirit world from the standard works, the answer is ‘not as much as we often think.’” https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/10/17oaks?lang=eng There is much more speculation than there is revelation about the spirit world. Your question about why pre-mortal Christ couldn't marshal the forces of previous dispensations, made me think of the Saturday's Warrior play/movie where pre-mortal spirits and post-mortal spirits could be together and communicate. I speculate that isn't the case.
  21. When I was a kid, my friend's mom got a couple pet rabbits, thinking they were the cute mini ones. They each ended up over 3 feet long. I'm not sure what type/breed they were but they were mean! They would chase neighbors cats out of their backyard. Even killed a couple.
  22. I agree with Elder McConkie. Before the chasm between spirit prison and paradise was bridged by Christ, there was no missionary work going on in the spirit world. Without that, I don't think the spirits would not be able to repent and be prepared to receive baptism.
  23. Ya know, 78% of all statistics are made up, right?
  24. I would think you wouldn't want to consider a woman who thinks this way as an eternal companion anyway. Maybe you could be grateful that they are removing themselves as options for you.