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Everything posted by dprh

  1. I think he was just pointing out risk factors. People think of gambling as risky, but trusting others simply because of their calling in the church can be just as, or more, risky than betting on red. I don't think he was trying to smear anyone or distract. Just compare.
  2. *puts on mind reading hat* Should it just say "We love our kids"?
  3. What do you think it means? Are you telling me that you're unable to put together the concept of the hero's journey with the doctrines taught by the gospel? If you can't put it together, I'd hope you would pray for some understanding. I'm sorry that I can't explain things like this through a medium like an online forum, it requires too much back and forth. But this is really a basic concept that should be easily understood by someone with a bit of life experience. How old are you? Thinking about @theplainsother question about the ability to choose in the pre-earth life, I can understand some confusion about being both the state of innocence and having the ability to choose. Was Lucifer in a "state of innocence" when he rebelled against Heavenly Father's plan? What about the spirits that followed him? Maybe we could figure out the difference between "state of innocence" and "innocent". Is there one? I think we (the 2/3rds) were innocent because we weren't guilty of rebellion. But to me, "state of innocence" implies a lack of agency. Which could be the absence of choices, or the the absence of consequences of choices, or the absence of knowledge/understanding regarding the choices made. In the pre-mortal life, I imagine that after the rebellion, we kind of ran out of choices, the last choice was to receive a physical body. That was our "state of innocence". In the Garden, Adam & Eve had choices, options, but they lacked the knowledge/understanding regarding those choices, being in a "state of innocence." Same term, but different meanings.
  4. I can't 'love' this comment enough. You said what I was trying to find words for. 25+ years of living a double life, of being convinced I was a telestial person, not redeemable, of lies to keep my family together in this life because i KNEW I wouldn't be with them in the next life. That was hell. Confessing to the Bishop, to my wife, to the Stake President, to the Disciplinary Council, going to therapy, changing my habits, going through withdrawals, suffering panic attacks, 12 step programs. These repentance steps have all been difficult, even heart wrenching, but definitely wonderful.
  5. 😢 I'm pretty sure he posted this after General Conference. But from the date it says it was posted, it doesn't look like it.
  6. @Traveler I think you may be focused on one aspect of repentance. I really loved Pres. Nelson's talk in April "We Can Do Better and Be Better." He talked of repentance as change, changing our minds, our knowledge, our spirits, even the way we breathe. I don't think the people who call repentance wonderful mean to take away from the work it takes or the pain they go through. But changing, becoming more Christ-like is a wonderful thing, even if it isn't all lollipops and rainbows. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2019/04/36nelson?lang=eng
  7. Thanks for sharing your insight @Mores. It reminded me of an experience I had last week. I've been attending a 10 week group therapy course put on by Provident Living: Family Services on recovering from pornography addiction/compulsive use. Last week, they had us invite our bishops in an effort to educate them on how porn users think, view themselves, what type of help we need. It also helped the ward members (this is how the counselors referred to the porn users) see things from the leaders' perspectives. Near the beginning, the counselor had everyone write down one word answers about what they associate with porn use. Then we shared with the group. There were a lot of answers like, dirty, bad, confusing, dangerous, evil, etc. From both the bishops and from the ward members. One I shared was excited, and a couple others that probably are suitable on this forum but were 'good' feelings. There are reasons that there is an epidemic of porn use in the church (and outside too). To only focus on the negative aspect of it like was done in group doesn't help address the reasons why people use it.
  8. Have you tried playing a video game together? Try and find one you both enjoy.
  9. My personal opinion, not really backed by any scripture or quote, is that it will be a lot like this life. We will have choices of what we spend our time and focus on. Some may spend it in preaching to other spirits, some might spend most of it being 'guardian angels', or something else. But I wouldn't really spend any energy arguing that my idea is right or better than someone else's.
  10. Really? I never heard that! Not a challenge, just surprised. In Florida we drive everywhere because things are so far apart. Agreed. I'd love to see a reference for that. (I'd actually love walking to church if I could get my kids and wife ready in time )
  11. I was in a small ward about 15 years ago. The EQ met with the HPs. I don't remember how the subject came up, but two high priests got into a near-shouting match. I think we were talking about Moses and one said he was the Son of God. Another said "but not THE Son of God" First replies, but he is the Son of God." Second "But not THE Son of God" It went on for about 2-3 minutes but it seemed longer.
  12. I can understand the stress and anxiety of dealing with a child in sacrament meeting. I found it went smoother when we were better prepared. We learned to keep a diaper bag stocked with books, quiet toys, and snacks so we could just grab it as we left for church. It's OK if you give even 99% of your focus to your son. He, and you, will still pick things up. And the more often you take him, the more exposure he gets, the better he'll be in the future.
  13. Just spend all your time with her and be overly attentive to the point of annoying her. Then she'll suggest you go see your friends (end sarcasm) It is too difficult for you to express all aspects of your relationship in a forum like this. And it is very difficult for others to provide any useful actionable suggestions. See a counselor, hopefully together. If that isn't an option, find resources online or at the library. Good luck!
  14. I guess I forgot to inflect to portray that I was joking.
  15. Maybe that will be the big announcement in 2020 conference. That they are doing away completely with local churches. Every family will administer their own sacrament, have their own classes, and be able to keep their guns on them while worshiping.
  16. When Pres. Nelson talked about next year being a Bicentennial year of the first vision, I thought of @Grunt's thread a couple weeks ago. I wonder if we're going to get some type of multimedia scriptures. Like General Conference videos being officially designated as scriptural. *shrug*
  17. My sister's bishop was very upset when she and her husband went to my brother's wedding to another man. The bishop tried to take their recommends away and even suggested that they not wear the garments for a period of time. It took a lot of time and meetings with the bishop and stake pres. for them to keep the recommends. He saw it as supporting/affiliating with individuals whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
  18. To misquote a scripture, "the geek shall inherit the earth." Over the last 8-10 years, I've noticed basketball and other sports becoming less and less popular for young men activities and geeky activities becoming more and more popular.
  19. It's embedded in the opening comment. I watched it right there. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=407628779944724 Here's the link instead.
  20. It's not a moon (My kids LOVE the Star Wars Bad Lip Reading songs 🤣)
  21. @Vort I don't see it saying or even approaching it as the Priesthood IS the force. They are using it like a parable. To me, your complaints could just as easily be about Jesus' parables. "I can't believe anyone would say that the kingdom of heaven is like yeast left in dough!"
  22. Not that it's the same thing, but this made me think of 2 Nephi 28:21,24-25 (mostly 24) At least that's what I think they are referencing with the second part of that saying. But yes, @Vort, you should be able to feel comfortable at least sometimes. Maybe you need a new mattress. 😁
  23. Over Labor Day weekend, I was out of town with my wife and kids. My wife got very sick and I ended up taking her to the ER and she stayed in the hospital for a week. On Sunday, she was in ICU and I didn't want to go to far to go to church, so I went to the Mass (my first time) they held in the hospital. It was interesting. I had imagined that part of it would still be in Latin. I enjoyed the messages in the lessons/sermons.