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Everything posted by dprh

  1. How many Sunday School/Priesthood/Relief Society lessons have you been too where someone says they would like to see more people with tattoos, or smokers, or other types of people at church? I've heard it more times than I can count in the last few years. Why would we draw the line at pants? The church is supposed to be a hospital for sinners, not a country club of saints.
  2. Outside of government positions, it is difficult to find a job that provides a defined benefit plan. All the ones I've ever had or looked at used defined contribution plans. This puts the investment risk squarely on the employee instead of the employer.
  3. Legislated (forced) sharing of resources isn't charity. It seems more like Lucifer's plan than Jesus'.
  4. https://allthesethings.blog/resources/ This is from blog I follow of a guy who was excommunicated, been baptized again, and is working on having his blessings restored. He put together a list of resources, mainly for excommunication, but I think some, if not a lot, can apply to people who have had their name removed from the church.
  5. If the person is an endowed Melchizedek priesthood holder, the bishop can help, but I believe it is the Stake President who will be the main contact. Also, after he is baptized again (for some reason "re-baptized" doesn't seem right to me) he will have to wait a year or more before applying to have his priesthood and temple blessings restored.
  6. I'm confused by this statement. Are you saying that in OT times, Jesus as Jehovah had a body? And when he was born of Mary, he got a new, mortal body? Or are you saying that now that Jesus is resurrected with a Celestial body that he can make it mortal? Either way, I don't agree. I thought scripture and modern teachings were clear that Jehovah had a spiritual body, but need to be born to receive a physical body.
  7. @Mores From what I gather, you think Gator said he thinks it's better to be "A" in real life and "B" online than "B" in real life and "A" online. When what he said was he respects people who are "A" online and in real life rather than "A" online and "B" in real life.
  8. I started about two months before Wrath of the Lich King was released and played for about a year. I enjoyed it a lot. But it took waaaaay too much time. I played a Resto Druid Night Elf.
  9. First, @Anddenex, thanks for the feedback. Article of Faith #1. I don't see anything in that short statement that says the Holy Ghost will always be the same being. I think of it similar to saying I believe in the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 This states the fact that the Holy Ghost doesn't have a physical body. I don't see that it means it has to be the same being the whole time. I don't think I agree with the statement that the Holy Ghost wasn't necessary during a period of time. He was still present but not in the same influence. Christ told Peter that the Holy Ghost bore witness to him which is what will stand against the gates of hell. I have considered that the Holy Ghost will be born during the Millennium. And I think it might be, but I wonder about the timing. It seems he would have to be the very last body born on this earth before it gains its Celestial glory, otherwise, anyone born afterward won't be able to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Another thing to consider is do the other worlds that Heavenly Father have the same Holy Ghost that we do? If so, then He can't receive a body until after all the worlds reach Millennial status. Which I don't think will ever happen.
  10. I think what @mikbonewas getting at is that translating a person is an ordinance that we don't have the keys for. It isn't something a mortal person can do, like resurrection in the article.
  11. Even his new post doesn't say he was violent. Maybe BIL was driving drunk and got in an accident. I just saw this thread today, and I thought the community's comments were pretty much spot on, given the information provided.
  12. I have a pet theory that is probably wrong, but it makes sense to me. The Holy Ghost is a position, the spirit that fills the position changes. Every spirit needs to gain a body to progress toward exaltation. It doesn't seem fair to me to have one being that while in the Godhead would be eternally held back from all the blessings of Heavenly Father. When our world was first created, I believe Adam/Michael filled the role as the third member of the Godhead. When he was given a body, another spirit was 'called', I imagine it was Enoch. By extension, I also believe that the "Holy Ghost" is an organization. That other spirits are granted a type of Priesthood power to act in the name of the Holy Ghost, similar to how mortals with the Priesthood can act in the name of Jesus Christ. This is the method that allows multiple people around the globe to experience the Holy Ghost's influence at the same time. Alma 18:35 talks about "a portion of the Spirit" dwelling in Ammon shows that the Holy Ghost is ....divisible? would that be the correct term? 2 Nephi 32:3 says that "angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost." This is where my idea of the Holy Ghost type priesthood came from. Again, probably wrong, and if shown, I'll chalk it up to fan theory shot down.
  13. Viibryd. https://www.viibryd.com/ It helped me. Also, when I am better at immersing myself in gospel study I feel better about myself. When I slack off, I feel worse.
  14. dprh


    OTM - The Only True Mission. 😂 Otherwise known as, Oklahoma Tulsa Mission from Dec 19th, 2001 - Dec 27th, 2003. Due to the way transfer fell, I actually missed 3 Christmases. But it was really like only missing one because my family did one early and another late for me.
  15. https://alphaquorum.com/ There are some men in the Las Vegas area who run this site and podcast that address this and similar issues.
  16. Sometimes I think it might. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/dc-testament/dc/13?lang=eng
  17. 2 Nephi 4:11 - I figure it is literal that Sam's seed will be numbered with Nephi's. My guess is similar to @Vort, he only had daughters.
  18. Alma the Younger's "conversion" story is amazing and inspiring. When people bring it up as an example, I like to then reference Alma 5:45-46 After his visit from the angel, he still had to study, fast and pray to receive revelation through the Holy Ghost. Laman and Lemuel show us that angelic visits or rebukes do not necessarily lead to conversion. It is really through the visitation of the Spirit due to having a broken heart and contrite spirit. Or more accurately multiple visits.
  19. I ran into this a lot on my mission in Oklahoma and Missouri. "Mormons can't be Christians. They believe Christ is the brother of Satan."
  20. I always ask them as "What do you call a man (or woman) with no arms or legs..." then for Art, you can ask what do you call his arms and legs? Pieces of Art. My three favorites are ...a woman...on a tennis court? Annette ...two guys...in a window? Curt and Rod ...a guy and a girl...on a grill Frank and Patty
  21. I don't think there is A key to a successful marriage. There are a number of things that should be there. Forgiveness and communication are both necessary. If you are hurt/offended/etc by your spouse, you can forgive, but if you don't communicate about it, he/she will likely do it again and again. He/she will miss an opportunity of growth, and your repeated forgiveness might change to resentment. If you communicate how you were hurt/offended/etc but you don't forgive, then it'll keep coming up over and over in arguments or disagreements.
  22. The last couple times I taught the Teacher's Quorum chastity lesson, I used a modified version of the gum analogy. I asked each boy if they wanted a piece of gum. They all took one, I put one in my mouth and chewed and went into the intro to the lesson. After a few minutes, I asked if anyone wanted another piece. Most boys did. I pulled the one in my mouth out. No one wanted it. I went into the normal analogy as I was taught. Then I said, You are NOT a piece of gum, chewed or unchewed. You are Sons of God. No matter what you've done or do in the future, you have divine potential. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and you can be cleansed of sins, transgressions, mistakes, and pains. There can be lasting consequences of our actions, and chastity issues have some more serious consequences than other sins. But there is always hope. I tried hard to make sure each boy understood both the seriousness of the law of chastity and the power of Christ's healing.
  23. Nope. I said you don't seem to understand all the feelings that come along with breaking the law of chastity. I don't understand how more people can be harmed than hurt. Isn't that the same thing? Maybe you meant 'helped' in place of hurt. Why are statistics needed? I've heard enough people's stories to know that there are better ways. No it doesn't need to be shown. We can always rely on teenagers to not understand everything they are taught. If we can improve the way that doctrine is presented to be less likely to be misunderstood, we should. Why resist improvement?