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Everything posted by LDSGator

  1. I also think most cops have enough self control where they won’t open fire and blow away a 4 year old.
  2. Same question. Aren’t all police civilians?
  3. Maybe the story hasn’t hit Florida yet, but I just asked my true crime loving wife if she ever heard of the case. Nope.
  4. Florida is basically the same. People remember Casey Anthony but then they ignore the sentencing that this idiot got. Florida juries are usually, but not always heavy law and order types
  5. Sure. Is it like California or some nutty place where criminals get a slap on the wrist? Or do the punishments generally fit the crime?
  6. @Just_A_Guy and @mirkwood Is Utah known for harsh sentences?
  7. I’ve always wondered that as well! I think there are passages about Him learning in the bible. What did He learn? What did He need to learn?
  8. Dude you should totally make musical about this. Sweeney Todd 2.0!
  9. I agree that it’s a rough week for PR in SLC. There is no good news to come from this story, but none of my friends have asked me about her case. Usually when LDS news goes mainstream my friends will ask me about it because I’m the only LDS they know.
  10. Free to Choose should be read by everyone.
  11. Would you be open to privatizing SS for young people?
  12. That’s awesome. Being on the ground there you are vastly more qualified than I am to tell us who is he is. Thanks bud.
  13. Glad she’s taking it well. Better than I would. Is Coull someone who tried to rip people off or did he just bite off more then he could chew?
  14. I feel sorry for the families, but that poor actress playing the Oompa Loompa will now have to deal with being a meme for her entire life. 😞
  15. Just to be clear @Ironhold, I’m not saying you are wrong. Gainesville/Ocala are not a good representation of the comic tastes of the entire nation.
  16. It’s interesting you say that, because the local comic store here is booming. I’m on a casual first name basis with the owner (the way most of the regular customers are, nothing special) and he mentioned it’s the DC\Marvel ones that are still best sellers. He doesn’t stock a ton of indie stuff because it doesn’t sell.
  17. @Ironhold In all seriousness, you should give the comic a shot. I’m a lifelong fan of the medium, and I’m sure you are as well. I don’t know any comic writers personally, but I’ll guess that the overwhelming majority of them struggled to get it all together. Rookies at everything usually struggle at first.
  18. Those are often the best ones. One issue wonders.
  19. Dude, I hope things work out for you. You are absolutely in my prayers.
  20. I’m so sorry bro. Childhood was a miserable time for a lot of us. 😞
  21. One of my closest friends has Aspergers. He’s mentioned before that he’s glad he was born when he was, simply because there’s more understanding of Autism now than ever before.
  22. True, but better late than never. We have a 65 year old woman in our dojang who is a legit black belt in TKD. While it’s true she can’t do all the material, she makes it work with her physical limitations. A lot of it is mental. I’ve met people in their 30’s who whine about feeling “old.” I don’t get it.