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Everything posted by LDSGator

  1. Yes. And, “just out of curiosity” do you recognize how someone would find it odd if a person acts nice and polite offline then acts like a jerk on a forum? Essentially, it tells the world that you know how to act properly but for whatever reason you feel like it’s fine to act the opposite way online. I have more respect for an abrasive prig who acts that way 24/7 than someone who is nice and sweet in person than goes online and acts like a jerk because there are no repercussions for it. It walks right up to the line of cowardice. I’m dumb as a rock. If I can see it this way, I guarantee you others are thinking the same way.
  2. I didn’t even quote you. Relax. “Not merely stupid, but self-contradictory” edit-I though TFP called people “stupid.” Nope, it was you. My bad.
  3. That’s accurate, and it’s also accurate to say it’s very naive if someone thinks they can be spread truth by being abrasive, obnoxious or insulting. If I walk up to you and say “Hey, only an idiot doesn’t believe in the Book of Mormon.” You virtually guarantee that the person will never open a Book of Mormon in their lives. Church members like to believe that how you present yourself and how you dress matters. That’s partially why missionaries can’t light up cigarettes in ripped jeans and vulgar t shirts. However, a guy in a suit with a clean haircut calling people who don’t agree with him “stupid” is far more damaging.
  4. It would be well deserved. The man was evil. I grew up Catholic and when I first encountered one of his garbage tracts it scared me for months. Not being funny, it was genuinely disturbing.
  5. The left wing indoctrination in college turned me towards the right. I’m sure I’m not the only one that happened to. Essentially I became conservative by being around liberals, and I became libertarian by being around conservatives.
  6. I’ve always been told that people with BA’s are 50/50. The higher your degree the more left you swing, and the lower your education (GED, high school dropout) it’s generally the same. Yes, it’s a generality. I could be way off too.
  7. If you guys win in November you should send thank you flowers to Trump and his voters. I’m serious. Anyone but Trump could sweep the floor with Biden.
  8. Almost all my liberal friends are swallowing a bitter pill and voting for Biden. If your side is wise they’d ride the GOP civil war to Bidens second term and laugh for the entire ride. If your adversary wants to shoot himself in the leg, stand there and let them!
  9. Do you think most democrats will hold their nose and still vote for Biden? I do.
  10. I read all those in college, and I was called a “shill for the right”. Now, these are called “moderate or liberal.” Trump changed everything, sadly.
  11. Lol. I think moral outrage becomes self serving if that’s all someone does. No one has the energy to be outraged all the time. You’d pull a muscle or have a stroke eventually!
  12. I totally agree with you. Before j6 the overwhelming majority of conservatives were law and order types who would be appalled at such behavior. Now, Trumpers either endorse it, wish it went further, or try to downplay it. Most old school pre Trump conservatives might not be comfortable with what happened, but will point out violence the left has done to try and reconcile their views on J6.
  13. It’s part of his plan. He knows his followers thrive on hate and anger. He knows his enemies thrive on hate on anger. So why not use both of them for his own political gains? Trump is many things but he isn’t stupid. He knows how to manipulate people.
  14. Great points. If people have to drive 45-90 minutes for church, I highly doubt they’ll drive that much for home teaching, service projects, church cleaning
  15. Agree. In politics perfect really is the worst enemy of the good, but 2024 is the most depressing choice in decades.
  16. I’m seeing people tell us to vote for Trump because, correctly, a staying home or going third party is voting for Biden. However, most of these people stayed home or voted third party in 08 and 12. Now they are trying to act like the pragmatic realists lecturing their idealistic friends. It’s astounding how politics changes people.
  17. Would that be the most obvious sign that it’s almost over?
  18. Good point. Living in America we can delude ourselves into grossly overestimating how big Christianity is. I believe Christ is Lord, but apparently I’m in the minority worldwide.
  19. Welcome back to the forums!
  20. No. I think the Prophets and Apostles will tell us directly. I trust them. They haven’t said it is, so I don’t worry about it. Hope you are okay, and welcome back!
  21. Poor Dean Phillips.
  22. It’s astounding when you think about it. You and I are both history buffs @Just_A_Guy. (You because you lived through most events. French Revolution, Peasant Revolt of 1381). For arguably the first time in American politics a political campaign openly wants to destroy bridges instead of building them. Wow.