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Everything posted by LDSGator

  1. Good point. Living in America we can delude ourselves into grossly overestimating how big Christianity is. I believe Christ is Lord, but apparently I’m in the minority worldwide.
  2. Welcome back to the forums!
  3. No. I think the Prophets and Apostles will tell us directly. I trust them. They haven’t said it is, so I don’t worry about it. Hope you are okay, and welcome back!
  4. Poor Dean Phillips.
  5. It’s astounding when you think about it. You and I are both history buffs @Just_A_Guy. (You because you lived through most events. French Revolution, Peasant Revolt of 1381). For arguably the first time in American politics a political campaign openly wants to destroy bridges instead of building them. Wow.
  6. Haley is doomed. Trump is in serious trouble too. You have people like us who usually vote republican looking at other options. Combine that with suburban swing voters who are repulsed by his legal issues and he’s got his work cut out for him. He could still win of course, but if loses again it’s incredibly obvious as to why.
  7. I have a friend who supports that party.
  8. Welcome to my world. I always viewed myself as a Goldwater conservative but now I’m viewed as a “moderate” or “democrat” because, like you, I feel we should support the Ukraine, Israel, etc. And I don’t dig conspiracies or worship god-emperor Trump. Enjoy the ride @prisonchaplain. Develop a thick skin, expect to encounter a TON of hate from Trumpers and enjoy the show. Also, it helps out tremendously to have friends who you can have in depth conversations with. Sadly, a lot of “people you see at church friendships” are a mile wide and inch deep. One disagreement and boom-you never hear from them again As a pastor people depend on you. You need someone to rely on too. Go out and form friendships with people who aren’t like that.
  9. I laugh, but you aren’t wrong. @Phoenix_person-are you suddenly donning a MAGA cap too? 😉
  10. Understand. Those people bother me too when they act like they know everything.
  11. I’ve also heard stories of stupid Americans asking German exchange students what language they speak in….Germany. Or making Nazi comments like it’s the fault of the 15 year old kid who just wants to improve his English skills and make new friends. 😞
  12. That’s true, and I agree with you. With a slight caveat. In huge cities like NYC, Toronto, LA or London you can experience almost every culture known to man in a few square miles. Is it the same as living to Beijing for three years? Of course not. But someone living in Boston/Philly for twenty years and never leaving might be more culturally aware than someone who never left rural Florida. In my limited experience many Americans are clueless about other cultures and grossly overestimate their knowledge. When we’ve hosted Chinese exchange students people stupidly tell us to “take them to grocery stores.” Uh… We point and laugh at them when their backs are turned. Or we make fun of them to their face.
  13. Agree totally with everything you said my friend. One of my favorite things to watch is when the hard right and hard left call one another snowflakes with no sense of irony.
  14. I totally agree with you, and to me that’s more evidence that the extremes of both sides are filled with the same types of people.
  15. So sorry about your friend. That’s an awful burden to carry. Hope she found peace.
  16. I don’t know why that happens, but I do think the extremes are flooded with people who genuinely like hating others. Politics gives them an outlet for it.
  17. Hillary and Biden are viewed by leftists the same way Romney and Susan Collins are viewed by conservatives. In fact, I think the extremes of the party hate “moderates” in their own party more than they hate the opposing side!
  18. Yeah, I see it totally differently. If Biden loses left wingers will take it as a reason to strike back-only because Trumpers started it and did it first. So even if they don’t like Biden-and you are right, they don’t, the hard left (Antifa, BLM) loves to riot and destroy stuff so they’ll align with Biden simply because the enemy of their enemy is a friend. And, they’ll look for any reason to do what the J6th crowd did. Any reason. Including Biden losing. They’ll rally around him. I can’t wait to watch the j6 crowd talk about respecting law and order, the constitution, democracy, etc. It’s going to be delicious.
  19. @JohnsonJones-I think part of it is that humans are hardwired to complain. It takes an effort to rewire your mind and not do so. Most people simply aren’t up to that task. It’s too much for them.
  20. Yup. I’ve seen children lose in TKD and handle it better than grown adults do. Ironically, these adults almost always are the first ones to whine about “kids today” with no sense of irony. It’s astounding!
  21. Same. I get a giddy little buzz being called a “shill for the right” by liberals and an “urban elitist” or “sheer evil” by conservatives. Seriously, I absolutely love it.