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Everything posted by MorningStar

  1. I have too many people lately who are "too tired" to pay attention to these unpleasant issues or they won't care until it affects their bottom line. Even one of my close relatives said they don't care about the Tea Party being targeted because they don't like them. And that's an American sentiment? They told me they would also vote against guns because they don't like them. I said, "Why do YOU have the right to tell other people they can't defend themselves? If you don't like guns, don't own one! And people shouldn't be allowed to hunt to feed their family?" Now they're saying the EPA has targeted conservatives and the administration has secret email accounts, which is also illegal. Oh, and the IRS doesn't have the receipts to account for the millions they spent on a "conference" (aka party). The nerve of them doing that in this economy!
  2. Just had a fun conversation with a Kate supporter. I asked them why there should be a different standard for predatory behavior based on sexual orientation after he stated that she shouldn't go to jail for a HS romance. I said, "So what if it were an 18yo boy who got a 14yo pregnant?" He said it was irrelevant because there was no pregnancy. I said, "OK, what if an 18yo boy molested a 14yo girl and there was no pregnancy." He said I was speaking in hypotheticals. I said, "That does happen. It's not hypothetical. Why should a boy be treated differently than a girl?" He said, "Thanks for the useless Tweet." I said, "Thanks for avoiding the question." Double standard!
  3. In light of recent government scandals, I appreciated this talk a lot. Ethics and Honesty - general-conference
  4. Thank goodness! What a horrible thing to go through.
  5. This is not just a legal issue either. The girls' parents are being threatened and called religious fanatics and homophobes because they treated this girl the way they would treat a boy in the same situation. Shameful. Years ago my husband and I went to a U2 concert and at the last minute, these two drunk gay men came stumbling in. One of them hung on my husband and the other said, "No kissing! No kissing!" He says to my husband, "It's all YOUR fault you know!" If the situation were reversed and a drunk heterosexual had been hanging all over me, no one would have blamed my husband if he had grabbed him and told him to get lost, but in our situation, it wouldn't be PC. The headline would have read, "Homophobe abuses gay man at U2 concert".
  6. It's so manipulative to pull the "homophobe" card here. She was warned and if homosexuals want to be equal to heterosexuals, then they better get used to being thrown in jail for predatory behavior.
  7. Actually, it seems others have tried to force their morals on the BSA.
  8. I don't have a problem with boys who struggle with SSA being in Boy Scouts at all. It's the campouts I find troublesome because you woudln't put teenage boys and girls in a tent together. Not sure what the answer is there.
  9. These scandals are all chilling to me. Between the IRS, obtaining phone records on reporters, etc., I talked to a friend who said she is even afraid to write to our representatives now. One journalist says her friends and family won't call or email her at home or at work. And I'm sure many people will think twice about donating to causes or compaigns in case anyone hands over their donor lists.
  10. Maybe the person recording them thought it would help identify them later?
  11. Yep. I would tell my son I have my agency too and can turn him in.
  12. I would love to hear the teacher's side of the story. I have seen teachers gets burned out by ill behaved kids. Also, maybe she's afraid some kid might pull out a cell phone to take a video of her instructing the class? I knew a substitute teacher who was humiliated on the Internet because some student made a video of her bending over as she got into file cabinets, he made fun of her disorganization, etc. I can imagine that being a teacher is harder than ever.
  13. I've read that obesity feels like a sort of protection for people who have been sexually abused, but I don't think it's a conscious choice for most people. Then there are the people who say to embrace your curves, fat is sexy, etc. I think that's silly. I don't want to be condemned for being overweight, but then I don't want to be coddled either and told that there's nothing wrong with it. Whatever the cause is, it's not good for your body. Also, I think expectations are too high in our society as to what normal weight is and I think some people's frames can handle more weight than others. I remember watching a BYU dance team practicing for hours, which they did every day. One girl was rather overweight, but she could move! I was so impressed with her and I bet it drove her nuts that she could dance so many hours a day and still be heavy. Years ago a woman called me bawling and I was worried she and her husband were having a fight. It turned out it was because she had been gorging on food and was freaked out by her lack of self-control. Her husband didn't understand why she was so upset, so she came over to talk to me. She said she felt like it was a sin and an escape. She didn't just get a value meal, but multiple meals from Jack in the Box, ate it all, then felt sick and disgusted with herself. Her issues weren't just about food either. She was a compulsive shopper and would quickly become bored with furniture, either deciding to rearrange, or just give away perfectly good furniture and buy some more. She couldn't stand anything tedious either, including household chores, certain aspects of child rearing, etc. When I learned her dad was an alcoholic and a gambling addict, things started to make sense. She really should have been in a support group or therapy a long time ago. She never learned proper coping skills and her mom had done the typical thing and covered his rear for years. So, although she hated being fat, she kept turning to food when she was feeling any negative emotions. It was interesting to learn later that most addicts actually have multiple addictions. I'm overweight due to a series of super fun medical issues! When I'm stressed, I get nauseous, so I don't turn to food. And because of my chronic health issues, sometimes I skip meals a lot, which my doctor thinks makes me retain weight because my body thinks it's starving. Good times!
  14. He should have written an eloquent letter instead of ranting at her in front of the whole class, gone to the principal, etc.
  15. We could make it a discussion about giving people the death penalty just for kidnapping! I would be all over that. I feel like if you torture someone for 10 years, jail just isn't good enough.
  16. I was just reading that the prosecutor wants to go for the death penalty. I wondered how that can be and he is arguing that he murdered unborn babies when he caused the women's miscarriages. So, if a mother wants her baby dead, it's not murder, but if a kidnapper wants them dead, it is?
  17. *singing* "Fat girl in a little shirt ......." Picture me coming out of the Abercrombie and Fitch dressing room with just my hands barely hanging out of the sleeves of one of their overprice t-shirts. I then ask one of their employees, "Do I look cool?"
  18. The sucky thing about being fat is that if you quit all unhealthy behavior cold turkey, your 40 days of sobriety still looks fat. The disapproving looks continue and it feels like a no win situation. It takes a long time before people feel you are no longer disgusting. About the A&F thing - it just made me laugh. I've never shopped at their ridiculous store and I never will, but now I'm all eager to go try on some size small shirts in their dressing room. BWAH HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I joked to a friend last night, "Oh, they sell clothing? I thought they sold naked people."
  19. NOOOOO!!!! I don't want to live in a world with a pantiless Superman!
  20. Oh, well. At least the school had enough sense to suspend them. Not that they won't spend the next couple decades whining about the injustice.
  21. It is NOT dancing. It's humping the air while doing handstands against a wall to music with filthy lyrics.
  22. You could have your groceries delivered. :)