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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. It is good to know that you have come to this realization: “We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” -- Albert Einstein Welcome to the forums Memento. If you have any questions feel free to personal message me.
  2. What do you think of this? "A 1993 study published in Demography [magazine] showed that Mormons marrying within their church are least likely of all Americans to become divorced. Only 13 percent of LDS couples have divorced after five years of marriage, compared with 20 percent for religiously monogamist unions among Catholics and Protestants and 27 percent among Jews. However, when a Mormon marries outside his or her denomination, the divorce rate soars to 40 percent—second only to mixed-faith marriages involving a Jewish spouse (42 percent)." Robinson, B.A. (2008-07-04). "Divorce and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)". Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Retrieved 2010-11-24.
  3. A lot of being attractive to me is what you are. I've met skin deep attractive women. They are beautiful on the outside but they were repulsive to me after I discovered their character. I have also met people I did not think were attractive. After I got to know them I loved them because of who they were. I do not like being bald but I have just learned to accept it. My wife stated once that she did not want me to have hair after the resurrection because she loves how I look now.
  4. The Holy Ghost will get a resurrected body at some time in the future from what I understand. When that is who knows. I believe also that Christ was married. To who? That is unknown and I am glad it is. Look at what the world does to that which is sacred.
  5. It always does. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms 119:105
  6. I would not take it too personally. I remember being around 10 to 11 years old and hating primary. The songs seemed childish and I thought singing time was ridiculous and just boring. I was a selfish jerk at the age and I should have been looking to contribute rather than criticize. Pre-teenagers and teenagers can definitely be this way at this age. The LORD knows the service you are doing for Him. Just know you are not working for them, the work is for the LORD.
  7. I hope what you say is not true. There are many men and women who honor their marriage vows in and outside the church. I think the words of Thomas Monson apply well here: "Be careful to go to places where there is a good environment, where you won't be faced with temptation," he counseled, and repeated the words of a father to his son, "'If you ever find yourself in a place where you shouldn't ought to be, get out!'" LDS Church News - President Thomas S. Monson: 'Preparation brings blessings'
  8. The road to the telestial kingdom is a very difficult one. After being in spirit prison for at least 1,000 years the spirits of the unjust will be called up to be judged and receive their kingdom. I cannot imagine the horror of having to pay the price of justice for my own sins and then having to be confined and shut in prison to wait for the mercy of God to release me for such a long time. 36,500 days is a long time.
  9. I will probably never buy Macintosh because I get everything I want with Linux Ubuntu Version 10.04 and Windows. Macintosh personal computers are overpriced in my opinion. I like building my own desktops and upgrading them as I see fit. Original Equipment Manufacturers like Dell, Hewlett Packard and E-Machines put junk power supply units in their desktops. It ticks me off how they get away with this continually and the end consumer doesn't notice until it is too late. These companies usually only cover their personal computers with a pathetic one year warranty unless you pay them more money. I buy my own parts and get a three year manufacturer warranty on almost everything I purchase. There really is not much advantage purchasing a pre built desktop if you know how to build your own.
  10. I cannot believe Mister Camping is predicting the end of the world date again. He has very bizarre views of Bible passages and obviously his Doomsday predictions will fail again. I feel sorry for anyone who believes he is speaking for the LORD. Edit: You can watch a video of his new weird prediction here: AP Video
  11. Macintosh is a lot less vulnerable than Windows 7 in my opinion. I would trust Apple's operating systems over Microsoft's for Internet security.
  12. Is that is because you haven't been up on top of the building before? I was just up there about three days ago. It is a very high building. Interesting video. The jumpers are crazy, but it was interesting to watch.
  13. Elphaba make backups at least every two weeks of data you value. I have an external hard drive, a second hard drive in my desktop computer and flash drives I make backups on to. If you really value data make three copies of it. It can be a pain but a hard drive can fail at anytime and it will take your data with it.
  14. I love my Linux Ubuntu version 10.04 operating system! I think 99.9 percent of malicious software out there cannot do anything to my system. My Linux computer recently went out of commission though because my power supply was having issues. The power supply was still under warranty and the fan was making noises so off to the manufacturer it is now. I have to live without it for about three weeks now. We use Kaspersky on our other Windows 7 computer. I have also been reading about malicious software out there that sends false pop up warnings of imminent hard drive failure.
  15. I said a prayer for you. I hope you will fully heal and recover. Thank goodness the vehicle you were driving did not hit anyone else.
  16. Why don't you ask the LORD about this and then search the Book of Mormon until you obtain an answer?
  17. As I interpret the Inspired Version of I Corinthians 15:38-40 I think there are differences in celestial, terrestrial and telestial bodies. What that is exactly this means I do not know. God will give bodies as He chooses. We do know those inheriting a telestial glory will be resurrected last.
  18. Prayerfully study the Inspired Version of I Corinthians 15 in these verses and ponder the meaning. 38 but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. 39 All flesh is not the same flesh; but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 40 Also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial, and bodies telestial; but the glory of the celestial, one; and the terrestrial, another; and the telestial, another.
  19. I agree also with you JudoMinja. I think if you abstain from all forms of sex and only have intimate relations with your marriage partner it causes your bond to become even stronger with them.
  20. Masturbation can open the door for other sins. Small sins spread whatever they are. It can take years for people who have developed this habit to overcome it even after they are married and having regular intimate relations with their companion. In my opinion it just engenders selfishness. But we must not regard masturbation as heinous as fornication or adultery. If one is struggling to overcome the habit be patient yourself. Pray and fast and avoid all forms of pornography. You will eventually overcome if you are diligently seeking the LORD.
  21. Thomas Edison said: "Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration." I believe what you are saying. People who are really successful at whatever they are doing have passion for their work. If the passion is not there you get sloppy and lazy. The prize goes to those who are diligent because they are the ones who are always working at it.
  22. You will have a temple in your mission that you can attend. The people of Las Vegas surely need your service. I hope you work miracles in the hands of the LORD.
  23. Jesus The Christ is one of the best books ever written. I has given me knowledge of the Savior I never would have had had I not read it.
  24. Here is an update on my brothers honeybees. He smoked them and opened up the hive. Everything looks like it is going well. The queen bee is laying eggs, the bees are producing honey and being productive. I have never had honey in the comb and I cannot wait to try some. I used to be really scared of going near the hive but when he smokes the bees I have no issues now getting within 6 feet of the hive. Honeybees are so industrious and useful. They are quite fascinating creatures the LORD created.
  25. The magazine may not be worth $5 but your integrity is still intact