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Everything posted by Still_Small_Voice

  1. This is part of Richard Scott's talk in General Conference : To Acquire Spiritual Guidance I share a warning. Satan is extremely good at blocking spiritual communication by inducing individuals, through temptation, to violate the laws upon which spiritual communication is founded. With some, he is able to convince them that they are not able to receive such guidance from the Lord. Satan has become a master at using the addictive power of pornography to limit individual capacity to be led by the Spirit. The onslaught of pornography in all of its vicious, corroding, destructive forms has caused great grief, suffering, heartache, and destroyed marriages. It is one of the most damning influences on earth. Whether it be through the printed page, movies, television, obscene lyrics, vulgarities on the telephone, or flickering personal computer screen, pornography is overpoweringly addictive and severely damaging. This potent tool of Lucifer degrades the mind, and the heart, and the soul of any who use it. All who are caught in its seductive, tantalizing web and remain so will become addicted to its immoral, destructive influence. For many, that addiction cannot be overcome without help. The tragic pattern is so familiar. It begins with curiosity that is fueled by its stimulation and is justified by the false premise that when done privately, it does no harm to anyone else. For those lulled by this lie, the experimentation goes deeper, with more powerful stimulations, until the trap closes and a terribly immoral, addictive habit exercises its vicious control. Participation in pornography in any of its lurid forms is a manifestation of unbridled selfishness. How can a man, particularly a priesthood bearer, not think of the emotional and spiritual damage caused to women, especially his wife, by such abhorrent activity? Well did inspired Nephi declare, “And [the devil] will . . . pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, . . . and thus [he] cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.”3 If you are ensnarled in pornography, make a total commitment to overcome it now. Find a quiet place; pray urgently for help and support. Be patient and obedient. Don’t give up. Parents, be aware that the addiction of pornography can begin with youth at a very early age. Take preventative action to avoid that tragedy. Stake presidents and bishops, warn of this evil. Invite anyone you consider captured by it to come to you for help. An individual with foundation standards and an enduring commitment to obey them is not easily led astray. Someone who is increasingly repulsed by grievous sin and who exercises self-restraint outside human influence has character. Repentance will be more efficacious for such an individual. A feeling of remorse after a mistake is a fertile soil wherein repentance can flower.
  2. DanceintheDark, I don't know if you are still reading the posts on this subject that you posted. But my knowledge of this church being true does not found on Joseph Smith. I have faith that he was a prophet, but my faith centers on Christ. I have faith that Jesus Christ visited the people on the American continent after His resurrection. I have faith that Jesus Christ reveals what is needed for us to walk with Him back to the presence of the Father through his modern day prophet. Once you gain a knowledge of this all of the other details will fall into place.
  3. Anybody ever heard this song? It is a cheerful and happy song I like. Take a listen: Dan Zanes "Jump Up"
  4. Joseph Smith Matthew 1:26 reads: "For as the light of the morning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, and covereth the whole earth, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." Signs of the Times Condensed from: Mormon Doctrine, Bruce R. McConkie At that day "the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together." (Isaiah 40:5) They will recognize the signs as certainly as a woman in travail foreknows the approximate time of her child's birth. (Thess.5: 1-6) The "signs of the times" are the marvelous events, which identify the dispensation of the fullness of times and immediately precede the Second Coming of Christ. They include: (Signs 1 thru 7 have to do with the restoration of the gospel) 8. Persecution of Jews - Jews to begin to believe in Christ Persecution of the Jews throughout the ages is common knowledge. What many do not realize is the number of Jews joining the church today, and the many more Jews that have begun to accept Christ at least as a great rabbi or teacher. Not until Christ appears to the Jews on the Mount of Olive and shows them the wounds in His hands and feet will the Jews as a whole come to recognize Jesus Christ as their Savior. 9. Gathering of Israel - as a people and to Jerusalem Moses conferred the keys for the gathering of Israel upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on April 3, 1836 in the Kirtland Temple and the gathering has escalated from that time to the present. Israel, the nation has now been established, the Jews are gathering there and are bringing back their people from where they have been scattered, including places in Russia and Africa. 10.Return of Ten Tribes As we realize that the tribe of Ephraim is one of the ten tribes we recognize that a great gathering to Zion is already underway. The complete fulfillment of this prophecy will happen after the Second Coming, during the millennium according to Bruce R. McConkie's Millennial Messiah. The lost tribes of Israel reside in countries north of the Holy Land, and not until the millennium will their time fully come to be converted. At that time will scriptures be found as a record of their people, and they will have prophets who preach to them. It will all be under the direction of Christ for it will be in the time that he reigns personally upon the earth that the final fulfillment will come. It is interesting to note that the largest and most populated country that the church is not established in is China. 11.Building of Temples The purpose of the Lord is to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". Temples are the place that necessary ordinances are performed allowing this to take place. Temples are being built in the far corners of the earth, that people everywhere can enjoy the blessings of the temple. The temples that are being built are of the finest, longest lasting materials. They are literally being built to last a lifetime. 12.Lord to come suddenly to His Temple This prophecy was fulfilled, at least in part by his return to the Kirtland Temple on April 3, 1836. It can be assumed he has appeared in other temples as well, and will yet come down to those places upon the earth built for him. In particular, prophecy seems to predict an appearance at a temple built in Jackson County, Missouri. 13.Spirit of Elijah - genealogical research The fulfillment of this sign is well documented. Genealogical research is abounding within the church and the world in general. 14.Gospel to be preached to all the world This well-known prophecy is all but accomplished, and continues to gather speed as it rolls forth. Many countries where the church is not yet organized have service missionaries and the brethren are constantly establishing diplomatic relations. During the millennium all people will have the opportunity to hear the gospel message. 15.Lamanites to blossom as a rose Fulfilled as the church has grown in Central and South America. The work began with American missionaries by the hundreds and then thousands being sent there 20 to 40 years ago, until the present time in which they have progressed to largely having their mission force filled from within. 16.Knowledge to increase among man, while lack of wisdom abounds The printing press might be considered one of the few inventions before the time of Joseph Smith. Certainly as we have discussed, it was necessary for the establishment of the church. In the years since the church was established scientific discovery has progressed at a pace that is hard for us to comprehend or keep up with. As we contemplate these discoveries it is plain to see that many of them are helping to forward the work of God. At the same time, the population as a whole has turned away from God, putting value in their own knowledge, ignoring the wisdom of God. 17.Disease, plaques and pestilence sweep the earth In D&C 45:31-32 We read: "They shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land. But my disciples (followers) shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die." How well this describes people in our day who practice great immoralities, then raise their voices in defense of their wickedness. Tremendous resources are spent fighting the diseases of immorality, and in politicking for their rights to practice it. Homosexuality, infidelity, drug abuse and their related diseases, abortion, alcoholism, poverty and homelessness, gangs and violence. These could all be considered plaques and pestilence the Lord has sent as a judgement and a sign of the last days. If we gather to Zion and stand in holy places we can find a measure of protection. There are however, many innocent victims to these plaques as well. We must recognize that it is not for us to judge or condemn, but to show compassion and comfort those who are in need of comfort. 18.Famines, disasters and calamities abound We need only look at today’s headlines to see that this prophecy is being fulfilled. Scientists are startled by a many fold increase in earthquakes each decade of the last century. 19.Wickedness increases - spirit of God ceases to dwell in men This too is apparent in the headlines of today. Murder, rape, robbery, lying, cheating, stealing, are all crimes to get gain or pleasure. Our country, founded on religious principle has become more of a Godless society that legalizes sin while limiting the recognition of God and the practice of prayer and other religious traditions. 20.Lord begins to pour out judgements On June 24, 1894, over a hundred years ago, President Wilford Woodruff stated: "God has held the angels of destruction for many years, lest they should reap down the wheat with the tares. But I want to tell you now, that those angels have left the portals of heaven, and they stand over this people and this nation now, and are hovering over the earth waiting to pour out the judgements. And from this very day they shall be poured out. Calamities and troubles are increasing in the earth, and there is a meaning to these things... Great changes are at our doors. The next 20 years will see mighty changes among the nations of the Earth." It is interesting to note that almost to the day, 20 years later, the Archduke of Austria was assassinated, thus initiating the First World War. 21.War and rumors of wars cover the earth From then until the present have wars covered the earth like a plaque. Weapons of mass destruction, while somewhat reduced from decades ago, exist in sufficient number to destroy the earth many times over. 22.People apostatize from true worship and follow false doctrines True worship of God the Father, his Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost ceased to exist only a few hundred years after the crucifixion until truth was restored by Joseph Smith's vision. Most churches today worship a God without body, parts or passions. Worship of symbols, saints, power or possessions abound, and men no longer believe that God speaks to man. Many religions still believe that Christ will come again, but refuse to see the signs of the times. Perhaps we are somewhat guilty of this also. 24.The sun darkened, the moon turned to blood President Joseph Fielding Smith, as quoted in July '71 Ensign "Thus, the work of the Lord is advancing and all these things are signs of the near approach of our Lord. The words of the prophets are rapidly being fulfilled, but it is done on such natural principles that most of us fail to see it. Wonders in heaven and in the earth should be seen, and there should be fire, blood and pillars of smoke. Eventually the sun is to be turned into darkness and the moon as blood, and then shall come the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Some of these signs have been given; some are yet to come. The sun has not yet been darkened. We are informed that this will be one of the last acts just preceding the coming of the Lord. One wonders if we are not now seeing some of the signs in heaven." 25.Gathering of all who hold keys to Adam-Ondi-Ahman This great gathering where all the prophets from the different dispensations, including whomever is president of the church at that time will turn over their keys to Christ. This may be the largest priesthood meeting ever held, and is another event that is to immediately precede the Second Coming. It is unlikely to appear in the church news when it does occur. Bruce R. McConkie suggests that it will not be a one time meeting of the handful of prophets over the ages, but eventually, probably during the millennium, will include everyone who has ever had a stewardship in the church. 27.Special mission in Jerusalem of two latter-day prophets Revelations chapter 11 describes in detail the two prophets who will preach to the Jews, be murdered by them, and then be raised up after 3 days. It states they will prophecy for a thousand two hundred and threescore days, which is about 3 1/2 years. This could mean anyone from members of the quorum of twelve or seventy, to mission presidents, missionaries, or any man holding the Melchizedek priesthood and having the gift of prophecy. Again, we are unlikely to know this is happening, it could be happening now, and we should not put off the "day of our repentance" until reading this in the church news. 26.Final great war in the Holy Land The Lord will come in the midst of the greatest war the world has ever known. All nations will be gathered together at Jerusalem. The armies of the earth will be assembled in the Valley of Decision. Apparently those engaged in the conflict (perhaps counting those helping to support forces, such as manufacturing and transporting armaments, food and supplies) will total 200 million. With the United Nations as active with forces as it now is it is easy to envision world conditions that could begin such a war. At the height of that conflict Christ will come and the great millennial era will be ushered in. 28.Wicked to be burned as stubble At His coming the righteous will be "caught up" while the wicked, those not living at least a terrestrial life will be burned. Whether this is figurative or literal is not clear. We are told that by the payment of our tithes and offerings we will be spared. 29.Restoration of earth to its paradisiacal glory Paradisiacal glory refers to the state the earth was in before the fall of Adam. It was in a Terrestrial state. This restoration would include the landmasses being joined back together as one. This would cause quite a commotion in the elements. Also in the Garden of Eden plants, fruits, and vegetables grew abundantly and year round. To return to this state the earth would need to eliminate the 23 1/2-degree tilt of its axis that gives us the seasons. This also would be a great change; in fact, stars would appear to fall from heaven if we were looking heavenward at the time. Another change would be the enmity between man and beasts. All creatures upon the earth would become vegetarian, and have no desire to kill or eat one another. 30.Christ to return in glory and reign personally upon earth This is the greatest of all the prophecies. In Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith it states: "Then will appear one grand sign of the Son of Man in heaven. But what will the world do? They will say it is a planet, a comet, etc. But the Son of Man will come as the sign of the coming of the Son of Man, which will be as the light of the morning cometh out of the east." All people shall see it together! It shall spread over all the earth as the morning light! "For as the light of the morning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, and covereth the whole earth, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." JS-M 1:26
  5. You are trying to figure out the ways of Heavenly Father. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and His ways are higher than our ways. I will repeat what I previously stated. Judgment Day is coming. Everyone who is accountable will stand before Him or His representatives to account for their lives. All who wish to live in wickedness will pay justice. That may seem like too simple of an answer but there is great truth in it. Read the many scriptures on Judgment Day and ponder them in your heart.
  6. I haven't read thru the whole thread just a few of the posts. The answer to why is there so much evil in the world is Judgment Day is coming. Everyone who is accountable will stand before Him or His representatives to account for their lives. All those wish to abuse their authority and commit wicked, merciless acts will answer to the LORD and will pay justice for their crimes.
  7. Yes, that is correct. The righteous were called the sons of God. These righteous men had righteous wives as well. These women bore daughters. The daughters of these righteous men then decided to marry outside the true faith of God and they left the righteous ways of their parents. They sold themselves and would not hearken to the voice of God.
  8. Joseph Smith and Latter-Day Saint doctrine teaches otherwise. Look at the verses he translated in the Pearl of Great Price in Moses Chapter 8: 13 And Noah and his sons hearkened unto the Lord, and gave heed, and they were called the sons of God. 14 And when these men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, the sons of men saw that those daughters were fair, and they took them wives, even as they chose. 15 And the Lord said unto Noah: The daughters of thy sons have sold themselves; for behold mine anger is kindled against the sons of men, for they will not hearken to my voice. The correct translation of Genesis 6 is the daughters who were were born into righteousness married outside their faith and left it. In the Gospel Principles manual it teaches in Chapter 3: "In this great rebellion, Satan and all the spirits who followed him were sent away from the presence of God and cast down from heaven. One-third of the spirits in heaven were punished for following Satan: they were denied the right to receive mortal bodies. Because we are here on earth and have mortal bodies, we know that we chose to follow Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. Satan and his followers are also on the earth, but as spirits." Do any of angels in heaven have the power to create flesh? This is the power of our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son. The erroneous doctrine makes no sense when you compare it with the doctrines of the restored gospel.
  9. Some of the Pearl of Great Price does not come from the book of Enoch. I by mistake thought it did. I was browsing thru the Book of Enoch last night. It appears much of the book focuses on angels leaving their habitation with God to come down from heaven. Once on earth they procreated with women and had giants for offspring. This teaching in the book is false. Angels who rebelled and fought against the LORD were thrust out and were denied physical bodies forever. Other parts of the book of Enoch are interesting though.
  10. Anyone read thru the Book of Enoch? Joseph Smith got some of the Pearl of Great Price from his translation of the Book of Enoch didn't he? I know some of the books in the Apocrypha are near worthless. There is a lot of good information in the Book of Enoch isn't there?
  11. Well Vort, I am about half way to 1,000 posts so does that make me half way pathetic?
  12. There are some things I just never want to know and this is one of them.
  13. I was just reading something in Doctrine and Covenants 76 today about the telestial kingdom and never realised: 85 These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb, shall have finished his work. 86 These are they who receive not of his fulness in the eternal world, but of the Holy Spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial; 87 And the terrestrial through the ministration of the celestial. I did not realise that telestial inhabitants will be ministered to by the terrestrial kingdom inhabitants. Also this scripture is interesting as well: 109 But behold, and lo, we saw the glory and the inhabitants of the telestial world, that they were as innumerable as the stars in the firmament of heaven, or as the sand upon the seashore;
  14. My mother was also a Catholic until about the age of 19. She converted and became a Latter-Day Saint and has been active in the faith for about 40 years. Welcome to the forums Victoria.
  15. Good find on the Come, Come Ye Saints Hymn Snow. This wasn't a Hymn I really liked until I heard this version of it. Many hymns don't sound very good as they are sung in church as some members don't have much musical training.
  16. I dual boot using Linux Ubuntu 8.10 32-bit and Windows Vista 32-bit. Ubuntu is the operating system I do most of my Internet browsing with.
  17. I'm glad you came back to church. It is very easy to fall away into the broad road that leads to forbidden places. I would pray for the person your family is having difficulties with. And again, welcome back!
  18. I love this version of A Poor Wayfaring Man Of Grief. Listen to it at:
  19. If you are married you must always guard your heart. Most of this just comes from putting the Lord first in your life. The Holy Spirit will warn you if an outside relationship is getting inappropriate. I spend forty hours a week at work. I spend more time with my co-workers than I do with my wife. It is sad but a true reality.
  20. I study computers and it is a constant temptation to me to want to upgrade to better hardware. But I need to pay down debt and lay up in store for harder times that are coming in the future.
  21. I can't believe no one has recommended that you go thru an endowment session in the Nauvoo Temple. It is such a beautiful temple. You have to see the celestial room.
  22. I would pray about this subject. Ask Heavenly Father to speak to you thru the scriptures regarding this subject and open the scriptures and start studying.
  23. I would suggest the book Jesus The Christ by James E. Talmage.
  24. That quote reminds me of a scripture: Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
  25. I don't usually consult inferior translations of the Bible other than Inspired Version and King James Version, but in this case the English Standard Version reads this way: "Saviors shall go up to Mount Zion to rule Mount Esau, and the kingdom shall be the LORD’s." When I read judge the mount of Esau I kept thinking about judgment as it will be on the great Judgment Day. I need to think of the saint ruling and reigning as Christ would rather than judging as the Lord will on Judgment Day. A thanks to everyone for their input on this subject. Edit: Oops, I meant "saints" (not saint) ruling and reigning as Christ would.