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Everything posted by NeuroTypical

  1. My dog wants me to ask why there's no "roll in a dead fish" choice.
  2. NeuroTypical


    I don't have help, only horror stories about both kids not sleeping through the night until 2 or 3. And one kid that would wake from a dead sleep if we tried to put her down, or even sit down. Well, I guess my help would be: They eventually got over all the problems, and now life is good. We all survived.
  3. I love that show (New York Doll). Here's a blog entry I made about it.
  4. So ServiceDogHandler, if a gun for self defense won't work for your situation, have you considered changing your name to ProtectionDogHandler? Our 12 yr old Rottweiler is now content to sleep in the sun, but in his prime he would have turned any stalker-turned-home-invader into ambulance fodder. And he's been the perfect dog for our kids to play with. Back in his prime, he had every handle on him tugged by toddlers, eyes poked, jumped on, he loves them. Just a thought... LM
  5. Fred Phelps is the only human being who has ever caused me to have a good thing to say about Michael Moore. Michael loaded up a bunch of gay folk in a big pink lovewagon and followed Fred and his protestors around for a while. I'm not exactly a fan of in-your-face homosexual behavior displayed openly to make a political point, but I sure hope I can make someone like Fred look that uncomfortable some day.
  6. You should try repenting. It's a process, and I don't think you're completing the process.The repentence lesson from Gospel Principles manual spells out all the steps. Sounds like you're having a problem with that 3rd step. We Must Recognize Our Sins We Must Feel Sorrow for Our Sins We Must Forsake Our Sins Our sincere sorrow should lead us to forsake (stop) our sins. If we have stolen something, we will steal no more. If we have lied, we will lie no more. If we have committed adultery, we will stop. The Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith, “By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them” (D&C 58:43). We Must Confess Our Sins We Must Make Restitution We Must Forgive Others We Must Keep the Commandments of God Do them all - then you will have repented. And one way you'll know, is that you knock off with the sinning. LM
  7. The vast LM financial empire (a small 401K and kid college fund) gained 16% in the last 6 months (including yesterday's fall).
  8. If you already named her, I'm sure you picked Loudmouthina.
  9. Someone told me this thread was where you sign up for yer Obama money. So when does my check get here?
  10. So, up at the start of this thread, I mentioned the following: I notice this thread has now become a big arguement about whether the Lord hates vegans or not, by fighting over a section of the D&C that isn't even in the Word of Wisdom in the first place..So, Mr. Original poster, do you see why a teacher might want to overlook some parts of the WoW, and focus on "don't drink and do drugs"? LM
  11. Silly Hollywood - there won't be any time to fly planes in between crashing skyscrapers. No worries. Just turn on Pink Floyd and hug your family. 4 minutes tops. LM
  12. I'm with ploomf - except I gave up on the 3rd question.
  13. Well, one thing you can be certain of, is that God understands what is going on inside of you. He doesn't get exasperated and lash out at His children in anger unless they're being willfully disobedient. He understands you aren't, He knows your heart. I enjoy the heck out of KNOWING the gospel. I'm still working on living it, just like everyone else.If it's any consolation - you may remember a few years back, the news stories about some recently-released letters from Mother Theresa. Even that saintly, Christlike woman struggled mightilly to believe on occasion. LM
  14. I've taught that lesson a couple of times in Gospel Principles. I always covered the entire thing. Gospel Principles is a basic-level class, and the stuff might be new to people, so they ought to get the entire thing at least once. Gospel Doctrine isn't a basic-level class, it tends to go deeper into portions of subjects and whatnot. I think many teachers may also shy away from some of the parts because it will devolve the class into an arguement about whether the Lord hates vegans or not. LM (He doesn't, in my opinion...)
  15. What, you mean the poor neighbor girl a few houses down was NOT somehow less deserving of God's protection? I'm edified to see someone else is taking issue with that implication. But to actually attempt an answer: I know someone who was molested from the ages of 9-11. She's fought a very hard road across 3 decades to recover and be healthy. She's managed to win a pretty hefty victory over her past, in that she is grateful for the person she has become. She is very aware that she would not be the mature, capable, smart adult she is now, if this horrible stuff hadn't happened in her life. If God had protected her, she thinks she might have become some ditzy know-nothing fool, clueless about how the world works. So she thanks God for the trials she's endured. And she has a conceal carry permit so she can blow away any jerk that tries the same thing with her daughters. LM
  16. That's a halfway decent talk there, hordak. I don't think Mr. Pinker's case is quite as solid as he thinks it is, but his anecdotes and data are both very interesting.One arguement: Levels of violence haven't gone down one bit - the down-and-to-the-left charts he shows are pretty much all due to advances in medical science. Back then, you get a small cut from an enemy's sword, you get gangrene and die. Now, you get shot several times in the chest, the medic keeps you from bleeding out, keeps your airway clear, and gets you to a surgeon who fixes you up. But regardless of which way the violence has been swinging, Mr. Pinker does us a good service by illustrating how violent and deadly things were in the past. Yeah, primordial harmony my big rear end. LM
  17. Oh sorry - not trying to be cryptic. Here's the sections I'm talking about, along with some of my own thoughs and experiences with them: It worked for me, but that's another story. Good luck! LM
  18. Glad everyone is all right. (Well, everyone except the neighbor down the street obviously.) That illustrates a lesson that one of my local cops taught me - you can't stop crime, you can only make it go somewhere else. So, you gonna talk about the incident with your daughter? They were knocking on your door because they had seen her, right? LM
  19. No, the world has been mad for quite some time. You've just started paying attention.After a few years of paying attention and discovering the 2nd coming hasn't happened yet, most of the emotional melodrama feelings wear off (for most people). I started paying attention around the time Princess Di and Mother Theresa died within a few days of each other, and Di got 98% of the press. LM
  20. Well, I for one, do NOT recommend you just sit there and pretend your doubt doesn't exist. This is not a time to 'endure to the end', this is a time to resolve your doubts. Doubt is good. Doubt helps us rid ourselves of problems and untruth, and helps us discover truth. But you've got to resolve it. Unresolved doubt festers and becomes unbearable. Your post is proof enough of that. So, Soul_searcher, have you followed the step-by-step unambiguous process in the scriptures that promises a resolution to your doubt? (I guess a more important question is: Do you even know there is one? Hint: It is not "read the scriptures and pray".) LM
  21. Hey Heavenshound - I see you're identifying yourself as being from the UK. You wouldn't happen to be a part of the Reachout Trust countercult ministry, would you? Your tactics remind me of some of them. LM
  22. Congrats on wanting to know more - you remind me of me when I was around 25 and realized I didn't know much about the church I had been raised in. The Gospel Principles class was especially designed for new members, investigators, and people who need or want a brush up in the basics. I'd suggest going to that, instead of taking the discussions. Other ways to do what you want: * Go on splits with missionaries * Teach the Gospel Principles class * Read the book without going to class at all.
  23. You may notice that you have added a word to that scripture that doesn't belong. Nobody is talking about "LDS" law. I don't even know what that means, although I'd guess that you think it means manmade law.God is the one setting the laws. LM
  24. My 8 & 5 yr old have been indoctrinated through the auspices of Netflix. They both train daily to perform a belching opera.