D&C 88:124 on Sleep


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The Word of Wisdom gives us a lot of good advice on how to be healthy and in the previous chapter, I have often thought of this verse:

124 Cease to be aidle; cease to be bunclean; cease to cfind fault one with another; cease to dsleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be einvigorated.

I think we often overlook the importance of sleep (writes MorningStar at 12:44am). Years ago I was having a lot of unpleasant symptoms and it wasn't until I mentioned my sleep disorder to the neurologist that he said, "Aha!" and what I was experiencing didn't seem so mysterious anymore. He said it sounded like I wasn't getting any deep sleep, which is when your body recuperates from every day use. After many, many nights of that, it wasn't that odd to him that I had problems. Interestingly, I started sleeping a lot better when I got pregnant with our first son, finally sleeping through the night. Before that, it wasn't unusual for my husband to wake up in the middle of the night and just find me laying there staring, hoping to fall asleep soon.

One thing I noticed with my husband, as soon as he started working the graveyard shift in the Air Force, he gained weight. His diet didn't change, he was exercising more, but he still gained weight. There were times he had to get less sleep than he needed, but for the most part, he got enough sleep. I'm wondering if when you sleep is as important as how long you sleep.

When my babies were born, I was horribly sleep deprived and found I craved sugar, as if my mind thinks it will wake me up, but it doesn't, and I just crave more sugar and it's harder for me to get full for some reason. I lose weight during pregnancy, but once my babies are born, I gain weight despite denying my cravings, nursing a lot, and skipping meals frequently due to my babies screaming whenever I put them down.

I often wondered if there was a link between sleep and weight gain and it wasn't surprising when I saw a report on the news saying that a high percentage of moms gain weight because they tend to get less than 6 hours of sleep per night.

Here is an article I just found that's pretty interesting to me:

Sleep Deprivation Tied to Shifts in Hunger Hormones: Scientific American

I'm curious about your experiences with sleep and any other studies you might know about, especially those that might shed light on why it's important to go to bed early and get up early. Why would going to bed at midnight and getting up at 8am be much different than going to be at 9pm and getting up at 5am?

Also, what are your secrets to getting a good night's sleep? Or how has poor sleep impacted you? Just curious. I think good sleep is one health factor we forget about or don't notice until it catches up with us. Feel free to ramble like me! :D (Also, maybe there is some sort of spiritual influence when it comes to getting up early - seeing the rising sun maybe?)

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I find that "x" # of hours of sleep when I'm in bed by 10pm or so - is infinitely better than that same "x" # of hours beginning at 1 am. It's just not the same.

That being said, there aren't enough hours in the day, are there? I run off of about 5 hours a night, work a labor job... and it kills me. I feel like a zombie sometimes...

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Actually, skipping meals can force your body into "conserve mode" which means it will store the calories it gets as fatty tissue, and that's a factor that can lead to weight gain, even if you aren't eating much. I know this from experience. Ugh. :(

I think circadian rhythms play a big part in getting sleep and being well rested. If your natural rhythm is to fall asleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am, then going to bed at 1am and getting up at 9am will leave you a bit groggier than you'd normally be.

Since going back to school, I've found if I don't get to bed at or before midnight, I'll be like a zombie the next day. It's kind of hard when you have so much material to study and all you do most days is study. I've had the occasional day where even the thought of touching my text books makes me want to cry.

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We struggle more with tempation when we go to bed late.

We have an easier time with tempation when we get up early.

Look at the words of the verse again:

124 Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean; cease to find fault one with another; cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.

One interpretation is:

We will

Cease to be idle;

Cease to be unclean;

Cease to find fault one with another;

If we:

Cease to sleep longer than is needful;


Retire to bed early, that [we] may not be weary;

If we:

Arise early


Bodies and [our] minds may be invigorated. [bY THE LORD]

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I have the worst time falling asleep! BLEH!!!!

Mostly when I have to wake up early, I'm still alive and well and ready to start dancing around my room at 2:00 ish

BUT when I dont have to wake up early I tend to fall asleep at oh um 11:30. GAH

Its like my body is going na-na-na-na-na-na!!!!!

BUT then, oh but then my Mother bought me a new pillow!!! :o

NOW I can go to be at say 1:00 and wake up by 7:00 and feel great!

Last night I stayed up until 1:00 and this morning I woke up at 6:30

I was not tired!!!

So for everyone who cannot sleep, I say: NEW PILLOWS FOR YOU!

(But you have to go buy your own, I only have $17.00 left in my bank account)


I love my new pillow.

Edited by PinkCow
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I've been reading a bit regarding aromatherapy. In one of the books I've read (I've sadly forgotten the author and title, gah!), the author suggests either spraying a pillow lightly with lavender, jasmine or vanilla scent, or keeping a small pollpurri sachet on your pillow when you aren't using it. Supposedly, this will help a person relax and have an easier time of falling asleep.

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I've been reading a bit regarding aromatherapy. In one of the books I've read (I've sadly forgotten the author and title, gah!), the author suggests either spraying a pillow lightly with lavender, jasmine or vanilla scent, or keeping a small pollpurri sachet on your pillow when you aren't using it. Supposedly, this will help a person relax and have an easier time of falling asleep.

Ooooo that sounds exciting!

I'm going to try that.


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Yes, go to bed! I have an excuse. I'm feeding my baby. :P

I just read an article that said women shift workers are more likely to get breast cancer. I'm assuming they mean graveyard shift? It also said that lack of sleep makes it harder to fight cancer because of cortisol (related to stress) and not enough melatonin. Sleep deprivation also affects the immune system.

Basically, I'm trying to convince myself of how important sleep is so I will be healthier. And if I go to bed, my husband will probably go to bed earlier too and we can both be healthier. :)

Aromatherapy sounds nice. If it doesn't work, you at least have a better smelling bedroom. :D

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I have terrible time sleeping.

Sometimes I've been so tired, that in the middle of the day, I'll have been sitting here typing like I am now, and wake up with my face on the screen.. but that hasnt happened for years, thank God.

Lately I've been trying herbal supplements (Valerian), and using a "sleep tea" as well.

Being comfortable is really important. And, you -generally- shouldnt eat after about 6.30pm (well, at least not meals) if you want earlier nights (9.30-10pm).

And ofcourse studying scripture (or any reading material) just before going to sleep can always help. No, I'm not saying scripture is boring and that it will send you to sleep ... but reading is an easy task for the body, and "calms" you down ready for sleep, I often find.

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I think it is interesting that so many of us struggle with sleep issues.....and considering how vital it is to health.....it makes me again recognize how inspired the WofW really is.

I know that so much of the quality of my life is linked to sleep. I have chronic pain in my joints and back and we went out and spend a load of cash on a good bed. It was the best little load of cash we ever spent because it made sleep so much more possible for me.

I wonder too if the Spirit can help us with these issues. Are we too stressed? Are we over scheduled or over committed? I wish we talked more in the church about balance and finding balance. It seems like we, at least in the US, are obsessed with getting more and being more.

I don't know.....just rambling.

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I wish we talked more in the church about balance and finding balance. It seems like we, at least in the US, are obsessed with getting more and being more.

I agree completely. I have never had a problem sleeping a day in my life, but I find myself staying awake just so I get get a little more studying in or spend some time with my family after a hectic day. There's never enough time to do everything I want and unfortunately, sleep always comes last!

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