Convert a famous person???


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Dear Pam and Wingnut,

I see you both CONTINUE to try and brighten up the days of others and find ways to interact in a warm Christian way.:eek:

I wish you would both stop uplifting us all by sharing your wit and hearts while you obviously extend your hands in friendship to all.


I hope you both will consider my suggestions.

Peace and I look forward to much more serious chat!!!

The Ceeeeeebooooo

Ceeboo! You're right, we need to get more to the judging and condemning! We need an Inquisition. YEAH! I should be an Inquisitor - Getting paid to judge and condemn people and take their stuff.

I'm gonna Inquisit me a Lexus!

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See what I am talking about. Pam the cougar. I think he is young enough to be your son. LOL.

Ben Raines

Yeah! Ben's right. You people are so hypocritical. I don't want to be Eliza Dushku's home teacher because she's a stone cold fox, or because she's a gymnast, or because she studied dance for years.

I want to help bring her back to the fold. It's about the -work- people!

The stone cold foxy work. Mmm...

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Pale...Zig was in KC last month...did you go to the seminar?

I would convert Jimmy Swaggert and The Bakkers, so they can"preach" to millions!! lol

Since they both came from my church, do we get royalties? Oh well. . . sigh. . . I suppose after 20-years separation, they could be considered free go for it! :D

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there is nothing humorous about lds. Net !!!!!

As a non lds member of this forum, i would appreciate any and all humor to be saved for the kitchen table and not try and make someone here smile or even giggle every now and then!!!!!!!

Any more attempts at humor and i say " crucify them "


a very serious catholic :)

Oh, Ceeboo...this is a very serious string. If folk were trying to be funny they might have suggested that you or I be on this "hit list." :eek:

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See what I am talking about. Pam the cougar. I think he is young enough to be your son. LOL.

Ben Raines

Wait, isn't Pam like 110 years old? Wouldn't that mean that Josh Groban is young enough to be her great-great-grandson?

He's only three months younger than me, though............:D

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If you could have 1 famous person convert to the church, who would it be and why?

For me it would be Patrick Stewart. He just has such an air about him, he would be a great asset to the church and its growth.

So come on guys, who would you pick and why?

The famous person doesnt have to be alive, so feel free to choose anyone.

Albert Einstein. He was closed to solving for himself that there was something in-charge of this universe. He may brought true science into the world's arena. :D

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Steven Spielberg, and any other powerful movie producer, so they can make positive movies about the church.

Ted Turner, so he can force all the media that he owns to make reports and other positive programs about the church.

The Pope, the Dali Lama, and all other leaders of other faiths

All Kings, Queens, Presidents, and other world leaders.

If you haven’t guessed, I live in Utopia, Zion, or whatever you would like to call paradise.

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Guest The_Doctor

If I could convert celebrities I would convert H.P. Lovecraft and Frank Herbert. I know that is more than one, but they're such great authors.

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I would like to convert the Clintons - both Bill and Hillary.

I'd like to see their hearts convicted of their sins - Bill for his adultery and Hillary for acting like a real man.

Let's see... who else? I second the nomination for Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

BILL COSBY!!! Now there's a name that I would like to see on the ward list!

And I'd also go for Chef Gordon Ramsey. Maybe the Gospel can help to clean up his mouth and the Relief Society can learn some different desserts other than Green Jello with Shredded Carrots.

Could you imagine what he'd say to that recipe??? LOL

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