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I work a lot of 12 hour night shifts, alternating weekends, so when we do make it to church I spend a lot of time on those really nice chairs in the foyer (catnapping and partaking of the spirit at the same time, heaven). One Sunday last December my daughter and I were sitting on the couch when she noticed a couple of girls looking at us and whispering. I had dyed my hair blue a few weeks earlier and my little one thought they were whispering about me and bless her heart she was working herself up into a high state of righteous indignation on my part (of course I told her about making assumptions and being nice to people even when you think they're mean, all the good parenting stuff). Sacrament meeting ended and the girls made a bee-line straight to us. My daughter was all ready to give them the 4th grade version of the cut direct when they said they didn't know she went to their church! Turns out they go to the same school, different class. Talking and other preteen girl stuff ensued. On the way home we discussed what happened, why it happened, and what we needed to do to make sure people know us. That's when my daughter laid down the law governing Sundays from now on: No more skipping out after the sacrament for a tasty Dairy Queen ice cream, and never ever am I to dye my hair any color found outside my DNA code.

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Perhaps someone could explain to me the love affair the Church has with the middle initial (or initials in general).

We got instructions from the Stake Presidency to prepare the list of names to be presented for sustaining at Ward Conference. The instructions stated specifically that the names should be written as First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name.

Not being a convert to the initial love affair, I took the time to speak to everyone on the list and determine how exactly they wanted their name pronounced. Some opted for the middle initial, some opted for no initial, and some opted for their full name. I gave the list to the stake presidency today, and invariably, where a full name was provided, they shortened it to the middle initial.

Is the Church not true if we don't use our middle initials or something? I'm wondering if I can even baptize my children if they don't have a middle name.

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Cakes...cookies...hot chocolate mixes...In fact even as I type this I am getting stared at by a really tasty homemade cake my daughter's primary presidency brought over after church today, just because they're glad to see her at primary :P. I'm not complaining, and heaven knows I can be bribed with anything covered in frosting. It seems to be a part of the Mormon culture and I love it.

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See, I have kind of the opposite problem. :lol: I don't have a middle name, but people seem to assume that "Marie" is my middle name, and they always DROP it when they put my name in an announcement, or call my name to be sustained into a new calling. Buuuuugs me. :lol:

:lol: My problem (really, it isn't MY problem, but others who think only your first name is your REAL name!) is that most people will not accept that my first name is the initial, with my second/middle name being who I am.

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Perhaps someone could explain to me the love affair the Church has with the middle initial (or initials in general).

We got instructions from the Stake Presidency to prepare the list of names to be presented for sustaining at Ward Conference. The instructions stated specifically that the names should be written as First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name.

Not being a convert to the initial love affair, I took the time to speak to everyone on the list and determine how exactly they wanted their name pronounced. Some opted for the middle initial, some opted for no initial, and some opted for their full name. I gave the list to the stake presidency today, and invariably, where a full name was provided, they shortened it to the middle initial.

Is the Church not true if we don't use our middle initials or something? I'm wondering if I can even baptize my children if they don't have a middle name.

Its up to the Stake President....he has the final say in what happens in the Stake.
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I want everyone to know, that today I attended my Branch. I don't go there very often because I am often times in another ward or branch. There were 2 speakers and they were both Sisters. My wife was the concluding speaker. Thats the reason I attended my Branch so I could listen to her speak. While she was speaking, this thread dashed thru my mind....:)
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We got instructions from the Stake Presidency to prepare the list of names to be presented for sustaining at Ward Conference. The instructions stated specifically that the names should be written as First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name.

We had our Ward Conference a week ago, and as Ward Membership Clerk it was my job to print out the Sustaining Officers List. There is actually nothing to it if the Ward records are up to date in the MLS (the Church's computer program). All that need to be done is to select the Officers Sustained list, pick ward, stake, branch...etc, and hit print. The Names will be printed out according to the way they are in the Church records.

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  • 1 year later...

Why is it that our new buildings have wonderful RS rooms and no room for the Priesthood?

And why does the wife always speak before the man in Sacrament Meeting?

Any why do the wives always only say the opening prayer and the husbands always say the closing prayer?

(Was sitting in church on Sunday thinking these random thoughts. Yeah....bet you are wondering if the speakers were boring. :lol:)

Don't know about the first, but the latter two are conventions from "older" times. My ward has certainly gotten away from the latter very definitely, and ocasionally from the second.

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Why is it that our new buildings have wonderful RS rooms and no room for the Priesthood?

And why does the wife always speak before the man in Sacrament Meeting?

Any why do the wives always only say the opening prayer and the husbands always say the closing prayer?

(Was sitting in church on Sunday thinking these random thoughts. Yeah....bet you are wondering if the speakers were boring. :lol:)

Ummm the old adage, "ladies first"?

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Why is it that our new buildings have wonderful RS rooms and no room for the Priesthood?

Architects realize that women are inherently more righteous and therefor deserving of more space.

And why does the wife always speak before the man in Sacrament Meeting?

Lack of speaking time prevents the man from rambling as much.

Any why do the wives always only say the opening prayer and the husbands always say the closing prayer?

This seems inexplicable, except that it may have to do with precedence from the pre-Victorian era.

... bet you are wondering if the speakers were boring. :lol:)

Yes, now that you mention it. It was Testimony Meeting which means that the High Council was not speaking. So what gives?

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I have been asking about that laugh button since I came. :0)

I do like the mini bathroom in the Nursery.

Ex. No G do not lock thedooorrrrrrrrrrrr ok calm down we will get you out of there mmmmmmmmmmm no you come on out under the door... sure this old lady is going to go under the door and unlock the door (not)... sure Sister please go find a younger sister.... no J you can not help him... I do not need both of you in there :0) M please do not look under the stall wall ... this is not a nice thing to do. Ok everyone lets wash your hands and go back to the room Sister L is going to get someone to open the door when we are out of here :0)

I think they should have the mini bathrooms as standard equipment :0)))))

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