Personality Types (everyone should take this) ^^


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Guest mormonmusic

I find the Gallup STrengthsfinder is a better personality test than Myers Briggs.

You can take the test by getting the book from Amazon called Strengthsfinder 2.0 and using the Access Code in the back of the book to take the test online. You'll find it enlightening. I learned I have strengths and talents I never consciously identified, and I've learned a LOT about my wife in the process of her taking the test. Plus they give you an action planning guide for how to live your life in such a way that makes the best use of your strengths. I just came home from a week-long conference on the topic as well, and it was enlightening.

And, if you have kids 12-15, they have Strengths Explorer, which is for young youth. My daugther took that one and I learned how she's strong in Organization, Dependability and Futuristic thinking. THIS has been phenomenal because she's willing to organize family activities and learns every time.

I came out strong in Ideation, Relator, Arranger, Intellection, and Strategic.

Perhaps you can guess that from the names I've given here (there are 34 adult themes and 13 youth-age themes) that this Strengthsfinder assessment is much more user-friendly, and allows for a lot more diversity in personality than Myers Briggs.

I am INFP (or J, can't remember) and I'm only in the 3% of the population. To this day I don't understand why they would invest a personality test that puts acronymns between me and the meaning of my personality. I like Gallup's Strengthsfinder much better.

For the color code I came out Blue-White, with dominant Blue, and a tich of red, and almost no yellow.

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  • 2 months later...

somehow i doubt that one that is so rare is so rare as we all here. either that we have many internet trolls lol

though i am INTP the only engineer on this site apparently and according to this site Famous INTP People and INTP Careers | How To Grow, Profit & Organize Your Business

quite a few famous folks on there.

i'd believe it many of the weaknesses mentioned are mine own. especially the lack of people skills. im certainly in my own world half of the time and the number of times ive started something and failed to finish it is mind boggling as well as a lot of other stuff that is listed. i'd say that type fits me well.

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INFP - Dreamer

Introverted - 39

Intuitive - 56

Feeling - 38

Perceiving - 44

Woot! I share this personality trait with Shakespeare ^.^

This goes hand-in-hand with my Astrology star sign: Libra

Although some of the things it mentioned are incorrect. I always look for trouble instead of avoiding it, and I don't use irrational logic in the heat of an emotional fray. Other than that, it was alright. Though my Astrology star sign was more spot-on which is really intriguing to me.

Edited by DevtheWind
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