David Archuleta: Already serving a mission


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David Archuleta hasn't let success spoil him.

Even though he recently wrapped up his first headlining tour and his self-titled first CD debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 (and is nearing platinum status), he's still just a kid from Murray.

"I was amazed at how many people came to my concerts," Archuleta observed during an interview Wednesday. "I knew people liked me on 'American Idol,' but I didn't think they'd care to come see me sing at my own show."

Salt Lake fans will get a chance to see the "American Idol" runner-up at an event on Saturday, June 6, at the Rio Tinto Stadium.

It will be a nice break for Archuleta, who is working on two new CDs, one of which will be for Christmas.

"We're still trying to decide what songs might be best," he said about the Christmas release. "They'll probably be my favorite Christmas songs, and we might need to come up with more different approaches.

"The pop album is different, (because) you need to try to find what suits you best," he said. "I definitely want to get more involved with the writing. But I feel like I have writer's block 24/7, with little openings. We've all got our weaknesses, and that's mine."

You can read the entire article by going to: David Archuleta: Already serving a mission. You can also view a video interview with David by going to: David Archuleta Video Interview.

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I have been following David Archuleta"s up budding musical career through various video clips on the internet and I have to say that he is definitely a very gifted and talented young man. The Lord has certainly blessed him with the ability to take command of a stage and win an audience with the amazing voice that He has blessed him with. In a sense, if we really think about it, David is serving a mission of sorts by sharing those wonderful God given talents and abilities with the world. Through his genuiness, honesty, and humbleness, he is setting a great example not only for the many young people that adore him, but we older folks can learn a lesson or two from watching him as well. There is no doubt in my mind that David could go, and probably will go, very far in his career as a singer or in whatever area or areas he chooses to pursue in life.

With that being said, it is my humble opinion that the Lord will bless David's life even more if he is faithful and obedient in following the Lord's commands and would willingly serve a two year full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I certainly hope that this is something that his parents and Bishop have talked with him about, and even more importantly that it is something that David himself is prayerfully considering.

Yes, it will mean that he will not be in the "spotlight" as he knows it now for a couple of years, but he would be fulfilling an even greater call on his life by teaching others about our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Does that mean he has to give up his singing all together? Not at all. Again, the Lord has truly blessed him with a marvelous gift. Certainly David will not be on a stage performing the types of songs that he does so remarkably well with now, but he will have the chance to be on an even larger stage and be an even greater testimony to the world through opportunities that the Lord may bless him with to share the Gospel through the gift of song.

After he has faithfully served a two year mission, I humbly believe that David will find that his life will take him in a whole new direction, not just with his musical talents, but in every area of his life. It is a definite win-win situation for him.

I only pray that whatever David decides to do, whether to serve a full time mission or not, that he will make it a definite matter of prayer and do what he knows is right -- not what his parents may want, or what his "fans" may desire -- but that he will do what he knows is the Lord's will for his life.

These are my humble thoughts. What are your thoughts?

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While it would probably be worthwhile for him to serve a full time two year mission...I wonder though if he also couldn't do just as much good continuing what he's doing. He's a great example of what a good LDS young man should be. People know him and watch him. He sets a wonderful example and is the perfect role model for our younger generation. Boy they sure need a good role model these days compared to some of the other "celebrities" our youth have to look up to. Sometimes I think there are other ways of serving missions. Perhaps not an official two year mission but I think he still could do much good doing what he is doing.

Editing to add: One additional thought I had is...would people be interested in the Church and wanting to join because they want to or because it's David Archuletta?

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I agree that our young people do need much better role models than some of the people they choose to follow. I can also see your point about people simply joining the Church because of David Archuleta and not because they truly believe that it is the Lord's true Church. I am sure that similar situations occurred during the height of the Osmond family fame. I still wonder sometimes when David Osmond, for example, participates in Firesides, how many are there for a spiritual experience, and how many come just to have a chance to see David and hopefully get an autograph or picture taken with him. Serving a full time mission is something that is between David and the Lord. As long as he is faithful, the Lord will certainly bless him in whatever decision he makes.

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I saw on another forum where this came up some discussion of the difficulties well-known members have serving proselyting missions because their personal fame interferes with the work. If Donny Osmond's son had this problem, an American Idol winner would probably have it even worse.

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Two problems I see:

1) He is too well known. If he is going to be able to be effective as a missionary and as a representative of the Lord and His Church, he's going to have to go somewhere remote and definitely NOT stateside.

2) I don't know how much his dad is going to encourage him to take time out of his career. His dad has major stage parent-itis.

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Two problems I see:

1) He is too well known. If he is going to be able to be effective as a missionary and as a representative of the Lord and His Church, he's going to have to go somewhere remote and definitely NOT stateside.

2) I don't know how much his dad is going to encourage him to take time out of his career. His dad has major stage parent-itis.

Boy that's an understatement.

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  • 9 months later...

Okay just had to tell a story here. My brother was traveling today and sat in 1st class and David Archuletta was there as well. My brother got David to call my 13 year old niece on the phone. According to my sister in law she's been on cloud 9 ever since.

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Donny Osmond did have this to say, "It would have been nice to be able to have served a regular full-time mission, but when I was of that age, my career was such that everyone, including my parents and the leaders of the church, thought that I could do a lot of good in the world by continuing being in the public eye, by living an exemplary life and sharing my beliefs in every way that I could".

Every one knew that Marie was a little bit country and Donny was a little bit rock 'n roll - on an exemplary basis, of course.

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He's a great example of what a good LDS young man should be. People know him and watch him. He sets a wonderful example and is the perfect role model for our younger generation. Boy they sure need a good role model these days


I agree...but then I also think that, as he is such a wonderful young man and role model, with so many following his career/life, how great then would it be, for him TO give/serve those two years. To show, by example, that though there may be difficulties, he is willingly putting it all aside to serve the Lord and spread His word. I know that I would think "wow, what a wonderful young man, actually living his beliefs."

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There are many place David Archuleta could go where he would be a relative unknown. Thailand, Taiwan and Korea would be three countries where he would just another white kid.

And how do we know this?

David Archuleta will be released in South Korea on Nov 11th as a ‘CD Poster Package’ - David Archuleta FanBlast

Seems to me he is known in Korea as well.

David Archuleta Bangkok, Thailand Concert 2010 - Eventful Demand

Well darn, there's a mention of Thailand as well.

????????? :: ??? PIXNET ::

And wow a Taiwanese fan site for David. Will wonders never cease?

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He should do like the Osmond brothers did.. get INTERNATIONALLY famous! A LOT of peopel ahve joined the Church because of the Osmond Brothers... but that mision will never end! Theya re stil going on strong and holding firesites all over where they are visitin... Unfortunately they do not wisit much but UK and Belgium in Europe. Archuleta could visit ALL European countries... before he gets married and settles down ... it would be a GREAT experience to all those who would come and see him...

I can arrange conserts in Northern countries and maybe Estonia, Russland, Litauen Latvia, Ukraina, Polland, Germany, Hellas, Turky :D And he can take Jenny Jordan Frogley with him :D

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Donny Osmond did have this to say, "It would have been nice to be able to have served a regular full-time mission, but when I was of that age, my career was such that everyone, including my parents and the leaders of the church, thought that I could do a lot of good in the world by continuing being in the public eye, by living an exemplary life and sharing my beliefs in every way that I could".

Every one knew that Marie was a little bit country and Donny was a little bit rock 'n roll - on an exemplary basis, of course.

He and she sure did and so did their brothers! AND they still DO! :wub:

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