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The company I work for: all tattoos must be covered. There can be none showing at all.

That reminds me of when i was a teen some of the management at MCDs didn't like the fact that so many of the workers where getting piercing and though "they drew to much attention" so they started making people cover them with band-aids. It lasted about 2 weeks as 9 out of 10 customers would ask about how you got hurt. Would you get a big mac from store where 70% of the workers are sporting a "facial injury"? :D

But on that i think businesses are getting more liberal. I have actually been surprised at how many service workers i see wearing facial piercings.

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Speaking of tattoos, I read this on the morning journey into work in the newspaper: Tattoo teenager left seeing stars |

Basically it seems as though the poor girl got a really noticable tattoo on her face, regretted it in the morning and cannot afford to have it removed, so is trying to claim that she fell asleep while it was being done (yeah right - how is that even possible) and it's not what she asked for.

Stupid girl.

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After receiving the truth...YES! Maybe, graffiti painted on the wall of the Lord's house [temple]?

So all the decoration on the outside of the SL temple is simply graffiti? I wonder why it is that so many people seem to assume that any decoration on your body is no more than "graffiti" no matter how much meaning it has to the person.

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What one person describes as defiling, another may describe it as art. It goes the same with earrings. One pair of earrings is President Hinckley’s personal choice, but it surely is not doctrine. Personally, I have no tattoos, but would get one if I knew of something I wanted on my body for the rest of my life. Again, it is strictly a personal decision and President Hinckley’s talks at GC don’t mean much to me, because he was simply speaking as a man…you know, it isn’t official doctrine or anything. How do I know this, because God I know would not be giving personal revelation on the number of earrings while 28,000 children die every day from starvation alone. It seems he has bigger problems on his plate.

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What one person describes as defiling, another may describe it as art. It goes the same with earrings. One pair of earrings is President Hinckley’s personal choice, but it surely is not doctrine. Personally, I have no tattoos, but would get one if I knew of something I wanted on my body for the rest of my life. Again, it is strictly a personal decision and President Hinckley’s talks at GC don’t mean much to me, because he was simply speaking as a man…you know, it isn’t official doctrine or anything. How do I know this, because God I know would not be giving personal revelation on the number of earrings while 28,000 children die every day from starvation alone. It seems he has bigger problems on his plate.

While I agree with you that tatoos is not a doctrinal injunction, I disagree that the Lord has bigger problems on His plate. I believe the Lord cares about what we care about--be it starvation or our next test in school.

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While I agree with you that tatoos is not a doctrinal injunction, I disagree that the Lord has bigger problems on His plate. I believe the Lord cares about what we care about--be it starvation or our next test in school.

I concure. However, do you think His priorities would be right if he were more concerned about earrings or tattoos versus the larger issues at hand? IMO, being a father of several children, basic needs of all my children would need to be met before I got down to that level of scrutiny.

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I concure. However, do you think His priorities would be right if he were more concerned about earrings or tattoos versus the larger issues at hand? IMO, being a father of several children, basic needs of all my children would need to be met before I got down to that level of scrutiny.

I guess it depends on what reason He might have 'to go down to that level of scrutiny'. I think it would be wrong to assume reasons for His commandments (that term is used loosely as I accept it's debatable as to whether it is a commandment), when quite frankly we don't have reasons for a lot of them. Could it be because not having tattoos gives His church a better image to the majority, thereby saving many more souls? In that case, it's not such a little thing.

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I concure. However, do you think His priorities would be right if he were more concerned about earrings or tattoos versus the larger issues at hand? IMO, being a father of several children, basic needs of all my children would need to be met before I got down to that level of scrutiny.

This presupposes that he has a limited amount of attention to spread around and thus must prioritizes to get things done, which isn't necessarily the case. For instance paying attention to every sparrow wouldn't even make my list of things to take note of family or no they'd be forgotten in an instant and this isn't even going into numbering the hairs on the heads of my children.

Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

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This presupposes that he has a limited amount of attention to spread around and thus must prioritizes to get things done, which isn't necessarily the case. For instance paying attention to every sparrow wouldn't even make my list of things to take note of family or no they'd be forgotten in an instant and this isn't even going into numbering the hairs on the heads of my children.

Exactly. What was that about omniscience and omnipresence?

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After receiving the truth...YES! Maybe, graffiti painted on the wall of the Lord's house [temple]?

Wonder if we could extend that analogy to ask whether dressing in skirts, in 1915, above the ankle also decreased the worth of ladies in the eyes of God? What about when gentlemen quite wearing hat and dressing in suits when they went strolling on the wide streets of Salt Lake City?

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Well, speaking from personal experience I can tell you that the pain in getting a tatoo and getting one removed is like night and day--physically and financially speaking.

Years ago I got a couple of tatoos with one of them having to be re-done about three times with more ink and different colors.

My arm felt like tenderized meat on that particulair one. Most of them are not bad as far as pain.

But here comes the kicker--years later I decided to get rid of the one that had been re-shaded a few times--I just didn't like it anymore and then decided since I was getting rid of the one, I might as well get rid of the other (which I rather liked)

Long story short when I had them laser removed--the pain was incredible while they were doing they're treatment. It took about 22 treatments -- one every month-- on the one it took forever to get out because colors take much longer to get out, whereas just black ink is quite easy to remove.

Finally to get the last bit out they had to cut about a 3" by 1/2 strip and then another section of 2" by 1/2 strip off of my arm and then suture the skin back together.

What resulted when it all healed up was a scar that looks like a cross with the surounding areas of the pigment being removed from the laser.

The original intension of the tatoos were of religious meaning--but the star being removed wound up a cross after the skin removal.

I just told everybody I was starting a new fad -- scar and skin pigmintation tatoos.

What cost me about $100 to get the tatoos put on--cost me about $2500 to get removed in the final analysis.

Edited by FlaviusHambonius
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Wonder if we could extend that analogy to ask whether dressing in skirts, in 1915, above the ankle also decreased the worth of ladies in the eyes of God? What about when gentlemen quite wearing hat and dressing in suits when they went strolling on the wide streets of Salt Lake City?

Not the same issue here friend. Nice try. ;)

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Well, speaking from personal experience I can tell you that the pain in getting a tatoo and getting one removed is like night and day--physically and financially speaking.

Years ago I got a couple of tatoos with one of them having to be re-done about three times with more ink and different colors.

My arm felt like tenderized meat on that particulair one. Most of them are not bad as far as pain.

But here comes the kicker--years later I decided to get rid of the one that had been re-shaded a few times--I just didn't like it anymore and then decided since I was getting rid of the one, I might as well get rid of the other (which I rather liked)

Long story short when I had them laser removed--the pain was incredible while they were doing there treatment. It took about 22 treatments -- one every month-- on the one it took forever to get out because colors take much longer to get out, whereas just black ink is quite easy to remove.

Finally to get the last bit out they had to cut about a 3" by 1/2 strip and then another section of 2" by 1/2 strip off of my arm and then suture the skin back together.

What resulted when it all healed up was a scare that looks like a cross with the surounding areas of the pigment being removed from the laser.

The original intension of the tatoos were of religious meaning--but the star being removed wound up a cross after the skin removal.

I just told everybody I was starting a new fad -- scare and skin pigmintation tatoos.

What cost me about $100 to get the tatoos put on--cast me about $2500 to get removed in the final analysis.

Silly how we do make mortal probational mistakes and the cause-n-effect later with our own eternal cost.

My friend had his forearm tattoo removed and he noted the amount of pain it caused him. :D

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I like this quote by President Hinckley:

I cannot understand why any young man—or young woman, for that matter—would wish to undergo the painful process of disfiguring the skin with various multicolored representations of people, animals, and various symbols. With tattoos, the process is permanent, unless there is another painful and costly undertaking to remove it. … A tattoo is graffiti on the temple of the body.”

—President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 52.

Also another statement I found:

Thousands of years ago, the Lord told His people, “Ye shall not … print any marks upon you” (Lev. 19:28). Today, President Gordon B. Hinckley has given the same message: “You are a child of God. Your body is His creation. Would you disfigure that creation with portrayals of people, animals, and words painted into your skin?

Leviticus 19:28

28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

For anyone that wants to say that something a Prophet says is not necessarily doctrine but opinion...There you have it in scripture.

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Not the same issue here friend. Nice try. ;)

Thank you for the compliment. Okay here is another one: The usage of mascara and eyeliner. Did you know that at one time this was considered to be something only hussies and loose women used. What if personal preferences against such eye beautification products were declared to be something Mormon women must avoid?


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Thousands of years ago, the Lord told His people, “Ye shall not … print any marks upon you” (Lev. 19:28). Today, President Gordon B. Hinckley has given the same message: “You are a child of God. Your body is His creation. Would you disfigure that creation with portrayals of people, animals, and words painted into your skin?

Leviticus 19:28

28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

For anyone that wants to say that something a Prophet says is not necessarily doctrine but opinion...There you have it in scripture.

So I take it you don't eat shellfish either?

Leviticus 11:9-12

9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.

10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.

12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

I seriously doubt that many Christians strictly follow all the laws laid out in Leviticus.

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I don't need a reason to follow a Prophet's command/counsel. I often have people ask me why I don't drink coffee or tea. And I tell them that frankly, I don't know. It's not the caffeine because we can't drink decaffeinated coffee/tea. I tell them that I believe that it is a commandment from God and for that reason I don't drink it.

Now, I'm not saying tattoos are the same as the WoW or that it was commanded by Pres. Hinckley. But, I'm asking why must there be an absolute reason? Pres. Hinckley says it is because we are defacing one of God's temples by having a tattoo. Maybe he's right, maybe there is another reason.

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