Types of Trolls


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So I was reading an interesting website about Trolls, widely considered to be the lowest form of Internet life and came across this site:

The definitive guide to Trolls - Ubuntu Forums

It raises some good points: A lot of times Trolls will create puppet accounts to post the same irrelevant poop that they always post, only using accounts that people don't recognize.

But if you do read people's posting styles, a lot of times you can figure out who they are. Hahah. Boy, would anybody who creates fake accounts be stupid. And probably are divorced, since nobody in the world likes them. And most likely are estranged from their family, who avoid them like the plague because they're useless human beings.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this. Trolls are a funny lot. But no, I'm not talking about anyone in particular.

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So I was reading an interesting website about Trolls, widely considered to be the lowest form of Internet life and came across this site:

The definitive guide to Trolls - Ubuntu Forums

It raises some good points: A lot of times Trolls will create puppet accounts to post the same irrelevant poop that they always post, only using accounts that people don't recognize.

But if you do read people's posting styles, a lot of times you can figure out who they are. Hahah. Boy, would anybody who creates fake accounts be stupid. And probably are divorced, since nobody in the world likes them. And most likely are estranged from their family, who avoid them like the plague because they're useless human beings.

Anyway, just thought I'd share this. Trolls are a funny lot. But no, I'm not talking about anyone in particular.

Yeah, wikipedia is full of sock puppets too, though in that case there is a use for them as the more people who seem to support an opinion, the more likely the opinion will be reflected in the main article. It is pretty sad. I am a member of two forums that I visit more than once a month now, this one and a technical one. It takes enough time to keep on top of both of these with just one account on each, let alone two or more :o

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the more people who seem to support an opinion

When I first read this I thought it was "support an onion." I was like..yeah I'm all over that one...Long live the onions.

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Ugh, I hate trolls. On another website, there is a tag team husband and wife who avoid the "no personal attacks" by simply attacking the specific ideology of a poster in a passive aggressive snide way, and then complain that they are being attacked in vile, vicious ways when they are called to task. I believe the classification is the "Artistic Troll". Unfortunately, 90% of the participants are of the same ideology, so they get a lot of "We're with you trollie and mrs. trollie."

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Ugh, I hate trolls. On another website, there is a tag team husband and wife who avoid the "no personal attacks" by simply attacking the specific ideology of a poster in a passive aggressive snide way, and then complain that they are being attacked in vile, vicious ways when they are called to task. I believe the classification is the "Artistic Troll". Unfortunately, 90% of the participants are of the same ideology, so they get a lot of "We're with you trollie and mrs. trollie."

Hmm, I'm glad we have no husband/wife tag teams around here!

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Ugh, I hate trolls. On another website, there is a tag team husband and wife who avoid the "no personal attacks" by simply attacking the specific ideology of a poster in a passive aggressive snide way, and then complain that they are being attacked in vile, vicious ways when they are called to task. I believe the classification is the "Artistic Troll". Unfortunately, 90% of the participants are of the same ideology, so they get a lot of "We're with you trollie and mrs. trollie."

Sounds like a husband and wife team we used to have on here. They're banned now.

Hmm, I'm glad we have no husband/wife tag teams around here!


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Or like Sheik, life is like an onion...peeling away....so forth. ^_^

Ahhh, reminds me of a shrek quote:

Shrek: For your information, there's a lot more to ogres than people think.

Donkey: Example?

Shrek: Example? Okay, er...ogres...are...like onions.

Donkey: [sniffs onion] They stink?

Shrek: Yes...No!

Donkey: Oh, they make you cry.

Shrek: No!

Donkey: Oh, you leave them out in the sun and they turn brown and start sproutin' little white hands.

Shrek: NO! LAYERS! Onions have layers. OGRES have layers. Onions have layers...you get it. We both have layers.

Donkey: Oh, you both have layers. [sniffs onion again and winces] You know, not everybody likes onions. [pause] CAKES! Everybody loves cakes! Cakes have layers!

Shrek: [restraining temper] I don't care...what everyone likes. Ogres. Are not. Like cakes!

Donkey: You know what else everybody likes? Parfaits. Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait"? Parfaits are delicious.

Shrek: NOOO!!! YOU DENSE, IRRITATING, MINIATURE BEAST OF BURDEN! Ogres are like onions! End of story! Bye bye! [whispers] See you later!


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Boy, would anybody who creates fake accounts be stupid. And probably are divorced, since nobody in the world likes them. And most likely are estranged from their family, who avoid them like the plague because they're useless human beings.

People who post under multiple (fake) accounts are, according to you:


-probably divorces

-unliked by anyone in the world

-likely estranged from their families

-useless human beings.

That's quite a claim. I'd being willing to wager that the only one of the claims that you can credibly support is that such trolls are human beings... but you do get extra points for name-calling, so that's a bonus, you know.

Edited by Snow
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Hahah. Yeah, are you right, Snow. Trolls are totally useless, inept and worthless human beings.

I didn't read what you actually said, but I'm fairly certain it was agreement. Because Trolls are utterly worthless, contemptible piles of human waste. Hahah. Oh, man.

Trolls suck hard.

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