Words or phrases you dislike


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Okay, this one is a wierd one, but hear me out.

In a retail setting, I can't stand to hear the words "You're Welcome" from the person at the cash register when I say thank you.

Shouldn't it be THEM thanking ME?

When I was a bank manager, I told my tellers that the words "You're Welcome" were SWEAR words in my branch. They need to thank the customer for coming in and doing their transaction with us. So, if the customer says "thank you", one should respond - "no. Thank YOU."

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I have heard many give thanks for the rain; but WHY would one be thankful for snow??? :eek:

I dunno TG. It's like well it's like nasty. I hear people basically say I love me some snow. In times of drought we just don't got none. So they reply..well that's like gay. "Ahhhh" they say...well it should be first and foremost. So get over it I done heard them say.

Well anywho..this is gay so I gots to go.

Edited by pam
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I also dislike it when people say "I'll give 150%" - hmmm, how is that possible?

Thats in the same vein as give 110%, its not possible at least not in the sense they mean, I suppose one could give over 100% of their usual effort, but it isn't possible to give more than your all. So I'm not sure I'd say I dislike it, but I do think its silly, double points if its from a manager of some sort.


That bugs me when its misused.

The ditsy blonde said, "I was like literally waiting at the bus stop for a week!"

Considering you are talking about this morning, no, you weren't.

Being on an LDS forum, the first word that came to mind was "moisture". Why can't we thank God for the rain? Or for the snow? Why does every publicly offered prayer express gratitude for "moisture"???

Because we aren't picky. Particularly in the intermountain west where a lot of the moisture we really need is snow on the mountains. :D

In a retail setting, I can't stand to hear the words "You're Welcome" from the person at the cash register when I say thank you.

Most people find the no, thank you game annoying its almost like they are trying to refuse my thanks or one up me. The response "You're Welcome" is standard polite response in the English language to being thanked. The solution though is pretty simple.

Customer: Thanks.

Employee: You're welcome and thanks for coming in.

Those honestly I tend to respond to thanks with, "No Problem." so I suppose I shouldn't get to stuck on standard responses.

Now for my own:

Irregardless: Irto irwhom irit irmight irconcern, iryou irdon't irneed irto irstick ir irfront irof irperfectly irgood irwords.

News flash people, the suffix already makes the word mean without regard, what exactly you are trying to correct with the ir I'm not sure.

Edited by Dravin
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Most people find the no, thank you game annoying its almost like they are trying to refuse my thanks or one up me. The response "You're Welcome" is standard polite response in the English language to being thanked. The solution though is pretty simple.

Customer: Thanks.

Employee: You're welcome and thanks for coming in.

I agree with you (as does my wife when I told her about my post).

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Irregardless: Irto irwhom irit irmight irconcern, iryou irdon't irneed irto irstick ir irfront irof irperfectly irgood irwords.

News flash people, the suffix already makes the word mean without regard, what exactly you are trying to correct with the ir I'm not sure.

This English major says: THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Seeing or hearing that is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

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Okay, this one is a wierd one, but hear me out.

In a retail setting, I can't stand to hear the words "You're Welcome" from the person at the cash register when I say thank you.

Shouldn't it be THEM thanking ME?

When I was a bank manager, I told my tellers that the words "You're Welcome" were SWEAR words in my branch. They need to thank the customer for coming in and doing their transaction with us. So, if the customer says "thank you", one should respond - "no. Thank YOU."

I tend to say "no problem", but I'm trying to train myself to say "my pleasure." But I don't mind people saying "you're welcome"--I don't like when people don't respond at all when I say thank you. That drives me batty.

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I work in retail and I'm surprised the majority of the time if I even get a hello. Most customers are too busy on their cell phones to get any kind of a response at all. But that is an entirely different subject.

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Well if we are talking about typing and not just about speaking; I do have a hard time with people not spelling words out. Instead they use the text version of words. There is a time and a place.

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Being on an LDS forum, the first word that came to mind was "moisture". Why can't we thank God for the rain? Or for the snow? Why does every publicly offered prayer express gratitude for "moisture"???


I agree...its so gay....oopps :eek::lol:

I have to stop myself from snickering during the opening prayer when someone uses 'moisture', its got to be a Utah thing.

This is Texas people - its rain! -- not going to be snow or hail here, could be fog I guess, but I'm never thankful for fog and we don't get a lot of it anyway.

Edited by mnn727
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I HATE L337-SPEAK ("leet speak")! All these abbreviations, etc.? Things outside the normal written word... no wonder kids can't spell or read properly.

Below is the same paragraph written above but "translated" into "leet speak".

1 |-|473 L337-5P34|< ("L337 $P34|<")! 4LL 7|-|3$3 4BBr3\/14710|\|$, 37(.? 7|-|1|\|9$ 0U7$1D3 7|-|3 |\|0r/\/\4L \/\/r1773|\| \/\/0rD... |\|0 \/\/0|\|D3r |<1D$ (4|\|'7 $P3LL 0r r34D pr0P3rL'/.

brenz.net | L337 Speak Converter (Leet Speak Translator) for Hacker to English Translation

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Okay, here's a BIG one I hear all the time:

"I could care less."

EXACTLY! Which makes such an inane comment irrelevant!!

It's "I couldn't care less", you people!!!!!

This was going to be my answer! I HATE HATE HATE that phrase!!!!!

I also dislike "off of" or the use of "of" when you mean "have" (e.g., with nausea - "should of done").

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I HATE L337-SPEAK ("leet speak")! All these abbreviations, etc.? Things outside the normal written word... no wonder kids can't spell or read properly.

You know I could actually read a fair bit of that, kinda disturbing when you think about it.

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"Big deal" - don't know why this bugs me. I think it's because of a kid I knew at school who used it a lot.

Pluralization of the word "money" - "monies" always makes me cringe.

"Router" - when pronounced so as to rhyme with "doubter". I'm talking about the Internet kind of router. The woodworking tool you you can pronounce however you wish.

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I agree...its so gay....oopps :eek::lol:

I have to stop myself from snickering during the opening prayer when someone uses 'moisture', its got to be a Utah thing.

This is Texas people - its rain! -- not going to be snow or hail here, could be fog I guess, but I'm never thankful for fog and we don't get a lot of it anyway.

Well, here in the deserts of Southern Idaho we're just happy to get anything with water content.

The phrase that bugs me is 'For your convenience'. Like they're doing me a favor by opening my luggage or monitoring my every move by means of security cameras?

I also hate 'Duh'. I think it's quite possibly one of the most offensive words out there.

Edited by talisyn
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