Help! What does it all mean?

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Okay, so I had a dream last night, and I’m not sure what it means and I need your help interpreting it.

To be more accurate, I had a dream that I had a dream. And in my dream’s dream, I had an affair. As if that wasn’t enough, I had an affair with a married woman, and she got pregnant as a result of our affair. So here I am with a love child on the way. But being the upstanding citizen that I am, I got my affair partner to go to a court with me to put down some legal agreements so that I would have visitation rights. We’re sitting down, talking to a judge, and I explain my situation. I just want to be able to help support and to visit my kid that this other woman is going to be raising with her kids. But when I explain it, I see an odd look in the woman’s face. So I say, “I just assumed you wanted to keep the child. Is that not accurate?” And in a burst of emotion she confesses that she doesn’t want this child and constant reminder of her affair to be raised with her other children.

Well that changes everything! So now I have to get my wife involved (as if confessing an affair wasn’t bad enough). I leave the courthouse and go home and talk to my wife to ask her permission to adopt my love child into our family, making us the full legal guardians. Unfortunately, I never got to hear my wife’s reaction because I woke up from that dream.

But I didn’t really wake up…I only woke up from the dream inside my dream. So in the dream I’m totally weirded out by the inner dream and I tell my wife all about it. This time, however, my alarm goes off and I never know what my wife’s response to my dream was.

So here I am, fully conscious (I think), and wondering if I should tell my wife about the dream and the dream in the dream. Will she think I’m crazy? Truth be told, I’m more afraid that I’ll never know what she thinks. What if it’s just like in my dream and something happens and I never know what she thinks!? I can’t handle that kind of suspense!

So tell me—what does it all mean?

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You're in luck - I'm a graduate of the Loudmouth Dream Interpretation Academy and taco stand (Motto: We also install aluminum siding!).

Your dream is easy to interpret. It means you worry that your brains isn't enough to protect you from doing dumb things. You see all the intelectual maturing you've done over the years, and while you value them highly and believe they've made you a better person, you worry that your natural-man inclincation to sin will still find a way to harm those you love.

Either that, or you harbor a deep need for aluminum siding.


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First things first - I think you need to calm down. Sometimes dreams mean something and sometimes they don't mean anything.

While it's always good to be a touch guarded in our actions for God and Heaven's sake, I would not say anything to anyone else about this until I had taken the time to seriously pray and ponder CAREFULLY about it. There might be good lessons to be gleaned from this experience. If you feel there are, accept them and let the rest go.

May I also add, you're not the first to have an unusual dream of this nature. Lots of people do - including myself. Seriously, the best thing to do is confide in Heavenly Father. He'll always help us sort it all out if we are willing to not over-react and deal with the situation patiently.

So, take a deep breath, calm down and allow the Spirit to guide. Have a great day! (I say that because any day spent with the Spirit is great.)


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First things first - I think you need to calm down. Sometimes dreams mean something and sometimes they don't mean anything.

While it's always good to be a touch guarded in our actions for God and Heaven's sake, I would not say anything to anyone else about this until I had taken the time to seriously pray and ponder CAREFULLY about it. There might be good lessons to be gleaned from this experience. If you feel there are, accept them and let the rest go.

May I also add, you're not the first to have an unusual dream of this nature. Lots of people do - including myself. Seriously, the best thing to do is confide in Heavenly Father. He'll always help us sort it all out if we are willing to not over-react and deal with the situation patiently.

So, take a deep breath, calm down and allow the Spirit to guide. Have a great day! (I say that because any day spent with the Spirit is great.)


Wow. You really haven't read many of MOE's posts, have you?

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First things first - I think you need to calm down. Sometimes dreams mean something and sometimes they don't mean anything.

While it's always good to be a touch guarded in our actions for God and Heaven's sake, I would not say anything to anyone else about this until I had taken the time to seriously pray and ponder CAREFULLY about it. There might be good lessons to be gleaned from this experience. If you feel there are, accept them and let the rest go.

May I also add, you're not the first to have an unusual dream of this nature. Lots of people do - including myself. Seriously, the best thing to do is confide in Heavenly Father. He'll always help us sort it all out if we are willing to not over-react and deal with the situation patiently.

So, take a deep breath, calm down and allow the Spirit to guide. Have a great day! (I say that because any day spent with the Spirit is great.)


You just don't know MOE that well yet. He's a pig and we all know it! :P


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Whatever you do... DO NOT TELL YOUR WIFE! She'll flip. I doubt she has a sense of humor when it comes to things like this. BUT you might soften it all by telling her that you're going to make your millions by giving up your position as head LDS.NET Statistician and take up writing soap operas. :)

Edited by Honor
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Whatever you do... DO NOT TELL YOUR WIFE! She'll flip. I doubt she has a sense of humor when it comes to things like this. BUT you might soften it all by telling her that you're going to make your millions by giving up your position as head LDS.NET Statistician and take up writing soap operas. :)

Well, they say opposites attract, so you're probably right that MOE's wife has absolutely no sense of humor at all.

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I would say that telling your wife would probably just unnecessarily worry her, but you probably better know how your wife better than us (at least I hope so). I also don't think the dream necessarily "means" anything, but even if it does, it's not like this is a fantasy about having an affair, sounds more like a nightmare about what could happen.

Here is one of the more interesting theories I've seen on dreams: Slashdot | Dreams Actually Virtual Reality Threat Simulation?

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Wow, I'm always amazed at people that can have such clear, precise dreams. My dreams never really make any sense and are usually forgotten in 5 minutes. MOE, just be happy that you have such memorable dreams. :)

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Wow, I'm always amazed at people that can have such clear, precise dreams. My dreams never really make any sense and are usually forgotten in 5 minutes. MOE, just be happy that you have such memorable dreams. :)

I'm like you most of the time Maureen, but I dunno, sometimes I wonder if we're not better off just not knowing...

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I'm like you most of the time Maureen, but I dunno, sometimes I wonder if we're not better off just not knowing...

I'm not sure what you mean Honor. But sometimes when I do have a disturbing dream, the first thing I think when I wake up is "Boy am I glad that was just a dream."
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Guest Alana

I remember a lot of my dreams, and they are pretty crazy, so I have a lot of experience on wondering what they mean.

I find that if I sit quietly and think about what it could mean, and I get an idea and it 'feels' right then that is probably it. If nothing comes to mind, then it means nothing.

I dream about zombies a few times a week. This is mostly because I like zombies. I dream about my teeth falling out. It's usually on nights I forget to brush. I once dremt that my neighbor cut his head and I was helping him and then his wife came home and I said 'Here, he's your husband!' and the reason I had that dream was because we'd been doing a lot of things for each other... like when I made their family cookies, he was the one who was home (i assumed they all were) and when I needed to borrow a nail, he was also the one home. I also have a reoccurring airport dream. I think I know what it means, but I'm not sure, so I'm ok with not knowing for sure.

So basically, how do you feel about your fidelity to your marriage? How do you feel about your wife's stance on children? If nothing rings a bell, chalk it up to what you ate:)

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I'm not sure what you mean Honor. But sometimes when I do have a disturbing dream, the first thing I think when I wake up is "Boy am I glad that was just a dream."

I mean that I don't always want to remember my dreams and since Moe was so upset by his, it made me think that I'm probably better off not having them weigh on my mind.

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Well, they say opposites attract, so you're probably right that MOE's wife has absolutely no sense of humor at all.

I know MOE's wife and you are right she doesn't. Add also the fact that she won't even read the Twilight Series....and sheesh...that just puts her even farther down on my list of favorite people. :P

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my favorite site for this kind of thing... An Online Guide To Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are dreaming, signifies your emotional state. You are excessively worried and fearful about a situation or circumstance that you are going through.

To dream that you commit adultery or have an affair, signifies your sexual urges and desires that are longing to be expressed. Alternatively, it indicates self-betrayal from your subconscious. You may find yourself entangled in a situation that is not in your best interest, perhaps even illegal.

been going on to many scout activities and not being with the wife and kid enough? or maybe the wife isn't getting what she needs enough and you are worried she is going to take off and leave you with the kid? .... or it just makes for entertaining conversation. lol

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I know MOE's wife and you are right she doesn't. Add also the fact that she won't even read the Twilight Series....and sheesh...that just puts her even farther down on my list of favorite people. :P

Hey! I haven't read any of the Twilight series, and I thought you liked me OK. ;)
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