Help! What does it all mean?

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I had a dream once, it was very real and not very pleasant, When I woke up I was so relieved it was a dream. About a year later it my dream happened in real life. Was I being prepared I don't know but I do know that when it happened in real life it wasn't so much of a shock to me.

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I dreamed last night a purple fish jumped out of a lake and was attacking me. It kept trying to lick me and pet me. I kept swatting at it and every time I touched it I thought how warm and furry it was. When I woke up my cat was sitting at the end of my bed giving me an offended look. :rolleyes: She was probably trying to steal my pillow again. Somehow every night she does it. I go to sleep with my head on my pillow and I wake up with my head hanging off the edge of the bed and my cat stretched out on my pillow looking smug. I guess this time I decided to fight back.

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I know MOE's wife and you are right she doesn't. Add also the fact that she won't even read the Twilight Series....and sheesh...that just puts her even farther down on my list of favorite people. :P

Hey, I'm liking MOE's wife more and more. She puts up with MOE AND doesn't like Twilight...patience and good sense....

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Boohoo beefche! :-)

- From a Twilight-Jacob fan who thinks Team Edward is what beefche is referring to - lacking good sense.

I dreamed I was a vampire who passes out at the sight of blood... wonder what that meant.

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Hey, I'm liking MOE's wife more and more. She puts up with MOE AND doesn't like Twilight...patience and good sense....

Actually anyone that can put up with MOE has to be a saint.

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First things first - I think you need to calm down. Sometimes dreams mean something and sometimes they don't mean anything.


I think MOE should hold with that thought of it not meaning anything till he starts having dreams about Bananas. That would mean he is hungry.

As far as wives go, tell them you dreamed of how slender she looks in her dress or pants. :D

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I used to have dreams about being with another man other than my husband, they were vivid and intense dreams (then again most of my dreams are vivid and intense) but I always awoke from them feeling slightly strange, because though I didn't approve of my behavior in the dream, it was after all just a dream and what could I do? Recently though, since my affair and since I have been working at repentance I have had a few dreams where I have sex with another man, except in these dreams I feel a crushing sense of guilt and the dream always ends with me in anguish over committing the sin again and having to go to the bishop and confess. I have woken from these dreams often happy that they were just dreams, but with a great fear during the dream. I have told my husband about all of these dreams, as they bother me and he helps me work through them.

If it were me having your dream, I would talk to my wife about the dream and see what her thoughts were about it. I too would like to know what my dreams mean, especially since I have such vivid dreams, however whenever I have had someone try to interpret them for me it always feels wrong, as if the interpretation is not right at all. Just my thoughts on the matter.

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Hey! I haven't read any of the Twilight series, and I thought you liked me OK. ;)

Here, let me sum up the 400 pages or so of the 1st book....

"Oh he's so cute!" (repeat that for about 150 pages)

"Her blood smells so good!" (repeat that for about 160 pages)

Intermix those pages with:

"How can he like me? I'm so clumsy."

"You must stay away from me...cause your blood smells so good."

Then the last 90 pages or so it's interesting.

Watch the movie--you only get the last 90 pages or so....

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I appreciate all the thoughtful comments, but I feel I must apologize to those who took me so seriously. I put this up just to be silly and playful and am surprised at the number of people who took it seriously. To be honest, I was surprised when even one person took me seriously.

Rule # 1: Never take MOE seriously

Rule # 2: When MOE sounds like he's being serious, see Rule # 1.

By the way...I told my wife...I believe her response was something along the lines of, "you're a dork."

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Here, let me sum up the 400 pages or so of the 1st book....

"Oh he's so cute!" (repeat that for about 150 pages)

"Her blood smells so good!" (repeat that for about 160 pages)

Intermix those pages with:

"How can he like me? I'm so clumsy."

"You must stay away from me...cause your blood smells so good."

Then the last 90 pages or so it's interesting.

Watch the movie--you only get the last 90 pages or so....

Hey beef, you forgot the whiny:

It's all my fault! (repeat on every single page in the entire series)


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Hey! I haven't read any of the Twilight series, and I thought you liked me OK. ;)

Okay, it's one thing to READ them. Curiosity and all that... But it's another thing ENTIRELY to enjoy them. Ugh.

Watch the movie--you only get the last 90 pages or so....

Why would you make such a thoughtless and hateful suggestion? Possibly one of the worst pieces of cinema of all time. :eek:

And don't let HOST fool you, either. It's the same story, but with different names...


And one final note: are there really that many of you so insecure in your marriages that you'd be afraid to tell your spouse about a dream? Wow. How can you live with someone you can't trust? I don't mean to be... well, "mean" - I just can't fathom it.

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Okay, it's one thing to READ them. Curiosity and all that... But it's another thing ENTIRELY to enjoy them. Ugh.

Why would you make such a thoughtless and hateful suggestion? Possibly one of the worst pieces of cinema of all time. :eek:

And don't let HOST fool you, either. It's the same story, but with different names...


Because there were some interesting things in the book--but it was the last 90 pages or so. I really like Edward's family--they were cool and I loved their family strength. I love vampire stories in general and from a girly standpoint--there was some cute vamps (and some "dogs")--nice eye candy.

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Because there were some interesting things in the book--but it was the last 90 pages or so. I really like Edward's family--they were cool and I loved their family strength. I love vampire stories in general and from a girly standpoint--there was some cute vamps (and some "dogs")--nice eye candy.

I'm a SUCKER for vampire books myself, but this didn't pass muster. I mean, c'mon! Vampires can't go in the sun because they glisten? Ugh, I threw up a little in my mouth just typing that!

And, as a side note, do NOT read the Sookie Stackhouse series. They're vile.

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What makes them vile? I thought the previews for the Trueblood series looked good (although I'm hesitant to watch it since HBO produces it...i'm sure nudity and language abound).

I admit I have a dark side--love zombies, vampires, werewolves, etc...

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What makes them vile? I thought the previews for the Trueblood series looked good (although I'm hesitant to watch it since HBO produces it...i'm sure nudity and language abound).

I admit I have a dark side--love zombies, vampires, werewolves, etc...

I started the audiobooks, and they're loaded with gratuitous sex. It reached a point in the book where there was no real plot. Just sex. I gave up waiting for it to get back on track and moved to the next book. Same thing...

Subpar writing from a subpar mind.

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your not the only one who has novel size dreams, I do it all the time and at times there interesting I will wake up and fall back to sleep to finish the dream or at lest see were its going. one thing is for sure your not getting much deep sleep, you only dream when your in a light sleep, stop eating cr@# before you go to bed and dreams mean very little.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden

Okay, so I had a dream last night, and I’m not sure what it means and I need your help interpreting it.

To be more accurate, I had a dream that I had a dream. And in my dream’s dream, I had an affair. As if that wasn’t enough, I had an affair with a married woman, and she got pregnant as a result of our affair. So here I am with a love child on the way. But being the upstanding citizen that I am, I got my affair partner to go to a court with me to put down some legal agreements so that I would have visitation rights. We’re sitting down, talking to a judge, and I explain my situation. I just want to be able to help support and to visit my kid that this other woman is going to be raising with her kids. But when I explain it, I see an odd look in the woman’s face. So I say, “I just assumed you wanted to keep the child. Is that not accurate?” And in a burst of emotion she confesses that she doesn’t want this child and constant reminder of her affair to be raised with her other children.

Well that changes everything! So now I have to get my wife involved (as if confessing an affair wasn’t bad enough). I leave the courthouse and go home and talk to my wife to ask her permission to adopt my love child into our family, making us the full legal guardians. Unfortunately, I never got to hear my wife’s reaction because I woke up from that dream.

But I didn’t really wake up…I only woke up from the dream inside my dream. So in the dream I’m totally weirded out by the inner dream and I tell my wife all about it. This time, however, my alarm goes off and I never know what my wife’s response to my dream was.

So here I am, fully conscious (I think), and wondering if I should tell my wife about the dream and the dream in the dream. Will she think I’m crazy? Truth be told, I’m more afraid that I’ll never know what she thinks. What if it’s just like in my dream and something happens and I never know what she thinks!? I can’t handle that kind of suspense!

So tell me—what does it all mean?

It is called in ancient terms, "I dream a dream." In answering this, it has already been revealed. Did not Lehi receive the same type of dream?

Edited by Hemidakota
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Okay back to MOE's original question about what does it mean. are just crazy.

Nothing crazy...example, while in the dream, one minute you are walking with a messenger and when the messenger stops and gives a small book, instantly you now see yourself with the book in hand with a shock expression when caressing the pages. Simple interruption here...what may occur. Nothing in a dream is concrete but a warning to him on what may occur.

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It is called in ancient terms, "I dream a dream." In answering this, it has already been revealed. Did not Lehi receive the same type of dream?

Lehi dreamed he was going to cheat on his wife and have a love child? Man I need to re-read my Book of Mormon. I totally missed the soap opera portion of it. :D

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I appreciate all the thoughtful comments, but I feel I must apologize to those who took me so seriously. I put this up just to be silly and playful and am surprised at the number of people who took it seriously. To be honest, I was surprised when even one person took me seriously.

Rule # 1: Never take MOE seriously

Rule # 2: When MOE sounds like he's being serious, see Rule # 1.

By the way...I told my wife...I believe her response was something along the lines of, "you're a dork."

Are you absolutely sure that there isn't the slightest bit of truth in all your play and silliness??? Hmmmmmm........

I don't know....I mean the "you're a dork" line sounds pretty true.

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