President Monson to meet with President Obama


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Jenamarie, that comment was a comment. How would that person know if it hasn't been mentioned in any news article as of yet. Obama had given, I believe, England's PM DVD's; but Monson and Brown are two different people. I wouldn't take it seriously until you've read it from a legit source.

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Jenamarie, that comment was a comment. How would that person know if it hasn't been mentioned in any news article as of yet. Obama had given, I believe, England's PM DVD's; but Monson and Brown are two different people. I wouldn't take it seriously until you've read it from a legit source.

I'm pretty sure that the comment was facetious.

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Jenamarie, that comment was a comment. How would that person know if it hasn't been mentioned in any news article as of yet. Obama had given, I believe, England's PM DVD's; but Monson and Brown are two different people. I wouldn't take it seriously until you've read it from a legit source.

I realized it was just a comment. I also thought it was a pretty funny one, which is why I posted it here. ^_^

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I understand the meeting went very well and that President Obama was very grateful for the multi-volume genealogy book set he received from President Monson. He said he would be reading it to his daughters.

I'd wonder if this was some way to "smooth over" the idea that President Obama's mother was baptized for the dead and why we do it as an LDS faith?

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You haven't heard some of the political speeches of Ezra Taft Benson, a former prophet of the church. They speak out against the exact policies and current actions of Obama. It's actually a little scary how he describes events 30 years prior to their fruition.

I thought even President Benson believed we should exercise our right to vote with our conscience and did not say where each person should put a cross


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I've heard them, and they reek of Cold War-era fear-mongering. It was unnecessary back then, and it's completely irrelevant now.

Unless he was a prophet of some sorts and knew that his own country would forget the lessons learned during the Cold War and its leaders would try to lead it down that exact... same... road...


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Came across this quote of President Monson from 1988- Maybe all of our "leaders" need to have a meeting with President Monson!

"In our time, when otherwise honorable men bend the law, twist the law, and wink at violations of the law, when crime goes unpunished, legally imposed sentences go unserved, and irresponsible and illegal conduct soars beyond previously recorded heights, there is a very real need to return to the basic justice that the laws provide when honest men sustain them.

Coming as I do from the world of business, I also mention obedience to the laws, not theories, of economics. One cannot continually spend more than he earns and remain solvent. This law applies to nations as well as to men. A worker cannot, in the long run, adhere to a philosophy of something for nothing as opposed to something for something. Nor can management dismiss as optional the necessity of an adequate corporate profit and a reasonable return to shareholders if an economy of free enterprise is to flourish.

When economic decisions are based on theory rather than law, we find the chaos experienced a number of years ago in Uruguay:

“Labor wanted higher wages; industrialists wanted bigger income; but nobody wanted to do any work. Citizens thought more of their rights than of their obligations. The country’s vast web of social legislation redistributed wealth but did not create it. … Nobody had the vision to see that what Uruguay needed was production.” (John Gunther, Uruguay-Utopia Gone Wild.)

One person of wisdom observed, “Laws are the rules by which the game of life is played.” In reality, they are much more; for obedience to law is an essential requirement if we are to be successful in our quest for the abundant life."

Thomas S. Monson

Kind of shows how long these things have really been going on.

I wonder if President Monson had been reading Atlas Shrugged ?

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You haven't heard some of the political speeches of Ezra Taft Benson, a former prophet of the church. They speak out against the exact policies and current actions of Obama. It's actually a little scary how he describes events 30 years prior to their fruition.

I would prefer to think the Ezra Taft Benson's John Birch ideas were strictly his own and not endorsed by the LDS Church. Didn't President McKay address this topic.


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I'd wonder if this was some way to "smooth over" the idea that President Obama's mother was baptized for the dead and why we do it as an LDS faith?

The Church has done it for past presidents, including Clinton and George W. Bush. It's not just Obama, and it likely doesn't really have much to do with that incident at all.

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And there have been many leaders in the Church that would disagree with Benson.

You kind of have to remember that Benson was an extreme case. In fact, the current practice of not allowing General Authorities to hold political office was put in place because of the problems that Benson's political involvements created in the Church. It got to the point that when Elder Benson was a junior member of the Quorum of the Twelve, at least one of the First Presidency hinted at disciplinary action because of Benson's actions regarding his political views.

David O. McKay and the rise of ... - Google Books

Let us not suppose that opposition among the Brethren to President Benson's outright advocacy from the pulpit of the John Birch Society and particular writings was some sign of some sympathy or agreement with soviet Communism or government usurpation of control over the means of production.


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I understand that when they met, Pres. Monson gave him (Obamas) family geneology in mulitple leather books. Now that would have been some interesting research, especially in light of the ongoing controversy over his citizenship.

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Don't mind me, I'm just amusing myself imagining a Yoda versus Palpatine style Jedi fight happening in the White House.

President Monson: Your reign is at an end Barack.

President Obama: Guards, get him!

President Monson: *Draws blue saber*

President Obama: *Draws purple saber*

And then the fight commences complete with force lightening, force jumping, and portraits and furniture being force thrown all over the place.

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Don't mind me, I'm just amusing myself imagining a Yoda versus Palpatine style Jedi fight happening in the White House.

President Monson: Your reign is at an end Barack.

President Obama: Guards, get him!

President Monson: *Draws blue saber*

President Obama: *Draws purple saber*

And then the fight commences complete with force lightening, force jumping, and portraits and furniture being force thrown all over the place.

This would have been a lot more convincing with Cheney instead of Obama :P

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And there have been many leaders in the Church that would disagree with Benson.

You kind of have to remember that Benson was an extreme case. In fact, the current practice of not allowing General Authorities to hold political office was put in place because of the problems that Benson's political involvements created in the Church. It got to the point that when Elder Benson was a junior member of the Quorum of the Twelve, at least one of the First Presidency hinted at disciplinary action because of Benson's actions regarding his political views.

David O. McKay and the rise of ... - Google Books

Just out of curiosity, what political ideas of Elder Benson, went against the ideas and concepts that were held by the First Presidency at that time?

Was it his stand on self reliance?

His feeling about abortion?

Did the First Presidency at the time, not know that the Constitution of the United States was inspired by our Father in Heaven?

From what little I read, from the book mentioned above, Elder Benson and President Mckay were simpatico on fighting the evils of communism.

Is the devil in the details? Or was it that the Prophet's from Joseph Smith down to President Monson, have always stated that we need too look at the issues, for our self and see how they fit into what our Prophets have told us, that our Father in Heaven has in mind for us.

As Prophet, President Benson made a statement (see below), that I can not find fault with, and can not reconcile with President Obama's currant policies. Maybe you can enlighten me.

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