Which Church!


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Hi Guys,

My previous post came out a little misconstrued I think, so I thought of a better way of explaining my dilemma I think.

First, I have the problem that I can't be 100% sure if the LDS Church is true, 100% true for me, or even just true enough for me to follow it.

Despite the draw that I feel for the Church, I feel something pushing me away.

So the confusion I have, is the draw or the pushing away from God? That's why I keep looking for a little bit more, that little bit of extra guidance, something that is significant to me, no matter what it might be.

But the next problem I have, at the moment, while I appreciate the idea about making the next step in going to church, the problem I have, is which church do I select?

Im interested in three different religions. Should I go to them all and see what they're like? I know God wants me to go to church, but which one?

So that's why I've been looking for some signs, or some kind of revelation, say asking God if I can be inspired to be in a certain place at a certain time and see something or hear something that makes sense and get to discuss things, but it has to be something unique, something that doesn't happen every day, it can't be coincidence or routine.

As I say, one of the problems, is what's from God? If I read any significance into seeing an LDS Church and seeing the Mormon Missionaries on the streets, then by the same token, isn't seeing a Catholic Church at random significant? Jehovas Witnesses coming to the door, is that significant? Is one more significant than the other?

If none of these are significant or signs, then maybe receiving the Book of Mormon wasn't a sign? If that wasn't a sign, then maybe God isn't drawing me to the church at all?

So that's my problem(s). I really don't know.

Should I just go to all the churches Im considering and see what they're like and try and feel the spirit? At least do something towards the next step?



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Yeah, PC is right... go to the nearest Assemblies of God Church, Catholic Church, Baptist Church, LDS church, Kumbaya Church... but, better yet... just kneel down in sincere prayer and ask God. Sincerely. Ask. God. He'll tell ya. Just like he told Joseph Smith. No, it won't be a booming voice from the sky or God appearing infront of you. Probably not. But, you should be able to recognize the guidance - the prompting.

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Hi Guys,

Im interested in three different religions. Should I go to them all and see what they're like? I know God wants me to go to church, but which one?



Personally, I would look for the sign of EAT HERE - GET GAS. Short of that, que es la tres religiones? I have visited so many and I would be happy to give you a tip.

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Hello ,

So i still find you in the same place lol! me too, I am in exactly the same positition as you. I am annoyed with myself for not knowing/feeling where God wants me to be at, i thought my relationship with Him was pretty fine, but now it seems im on my own in making this descion.

I know that not every church can be right, but i know there is a right one for me.

I get so close, thinking im just going to go and make a commitment, but then somthing happens and i hold off, or i learn somthing about the church which makes me think even more!!!

aaarrrrggghhh, sometimes i think im going crazy.


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Personally I do not believe G-d will lead one person to one church and another person to another church and then have them be confused over which doctrine is better for who. Most people become confused because they are looking for something for them, something that fits their needs, desires or whatever.

It is this confusion over getting something for ourself - be it blessings, salvation or whatever. Being led by G-d is never - NEVER - about you or what you need or what you want.

If you find any church more willling to involve you in service from the moment you join, than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, would you please return to this forum and tell me personally about what you have found.

The Traveler

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If you find any church more willling to involve you in service from the moment you join, than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, would you please return to this forum and tell me personally about what you have found.

The Traveler

Don't know about "more willing," but I've found that Episcopalians and Lutherans in my community are very excited about new people, and they do try to get you involved from the get-go in committees and vestry positions.

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Hi Guys,

My previous post came out a little misconstrued I think, so I thought of a better way of explaining my dilemma I think.

First, I have the problem that I can't be 100% sure if the LDS Church is true, 100% true for me, or even just true enough for me to follow it.

Despite the draw that I feel for the Church, I feel something pushing me away.

So the confusion I have, is the draw or the pushing away from God? That's why I keep looking for a little bit more, that little bit of extra guidance, something that is significant to me, no matter what it might be.

But the next problem I have, at the moment, while I appreciate the idea about making the next step in going to church, the problem I have, is which church do I select?

Im interested in three different religions. Should I go to them all and see what they're like? I know God wants me to go to church, but which one?

So that's why I've been looking for some signs, or some kind of revelation, say asking God if I can be inspired to be in a certain place at a certain time and see something or hear something that makes sense and get to discuss things, but it has to be something unique, something that doesn't happen every day, it can't be coincidence or routine.

As I say, one of the problems, is what's from God? If I read any significance into seeing an LDS Church and seeing the Mormon Missionaries on the streets, then by the same token, isn't seeing a Catholic Church at random significant? Jehovas Witnesses coming to the door, is that significant? Is one more significant than the other?

If none of these are significant or signs, then maybe receiving the Book of Mormon wasn't a sign? If that wasn't a sign, then maybe God isn't drawing me to the church at all?

So that's my problem(s). I really don't know.

Should I just go to all the churches Im considering and see what they're like and try and feel the spirit? At least do something towards the next step?



Simon, being a convert to the church, I was in the same boat as you in searching for the true church or religion. All my life since the age of eight, I had looked at different churches and their concept of theology. What was different from the churches I had visited and this church, they didn't ask me to be baptized right away but to seek those answers directly from GOD. There were but two questions I presented before GOD, 1] among all the churches in the world, is the LDS church HIS only church? 2] Was Joseph Smith called by HIM to restore the gospel as a prophet? When we receive those answers, it becomes our own testimony of what is truth and what is not.

However, I would caution you. Don’t be caught up in the moment among those various religions but allow it to ponder within to determine what to ask GOD. You will be surprise on what is given. ;)

I hope and pray, your faith is strong and you are attuned to the Spirit.

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Personally I do not believe G-d will lead one person to one church and another person to another church and then have them be confused over which doctrine is better for who. Most people become confused because they are looking for something for them, something that fits their needs, desires or whatever.

It is this confusion over getting something for ourself - be it blessings, salvation or whatever. Being led by G-d is never - NEVER - about you or what you need or what you want.

The Traveler

I so agree with you on this one Traveler! So many times, people do not join a particular church because of the change in lifestyle involved. So many times, people join a church because of the kumbaya involved.

So yeah, it is not about what you get really. It is what the light of Christ manifests.

That is really one thing I loved about my husband - not sure if this is generally true for LDS members - he never "convinced" me to become LDS. If I ask him a question, he answers. But, he never said, "oh, you're bad for not being LDS!". He even went to Catholic mass with me - every Sunday and special events like Ash Wednesday and such. But, then, of course, he made it clear that the LDS church is true and that it is impossible for him to become Catholic. He led by example until I got curious enough to inquire. And then I followed his example of fasting and praying (which he does every first Sunday, so I knew about it). And that's how I got started...

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I suggest you ask very specific questions in your prayers. Ponder the teachings of the LDS Church. Write down a list of pros and cons about the Church. Read the Book of Mormon prayerfully.

Then ask these two questions: Was Joseph Smith truly a prophet of God? Is the Book of Mormon the word of God?

God answers in certain ways according to LDS scripture. You can use this. If it is true, it will feel delicious to you, burn in your bosom, and enlighten your mind. If it is false, you will receive a stupor of thought about it. So be specific with God. "Heavenly Father, if Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God, will you cause the burning in the bosom for me? And if not, will you fill me with a stupor of thought?" Do the same with the Book of Mormon, etc.

If you have a witness of 1. Jesus Christ as Savior, 2. Joseph Smith as Prophet of the Restoration, and 3. a testimony of living prophets in the LDS Church; then all the rest will come. Such would be the spiritual evidence you would need to be able to then decide to join the LDS Church.

Will there be issues that bother you after this? Possibly. No Church's history is perfect and spotless. But that isn't the issue. The issue is: is this the Church God wants you to join, and is it led by true prophets of Christ. If that is the case, then the other issues are of secondary importance to what is key to salvation.

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November will be two years since I joined the church. There was a full year from the time I read the Book Of Mormon and knew that it was inspired until I was baptized. For that year I went no further...I tried to rationalize everything. I could not deny that the Book of Mormon was was a work and message from God, but I didn't know it the rest was true. So one day the thought struck me: If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith must have been a prophet, and if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, then this was the church I wanted to belong to. For me it was a leap of faith...my testimony of the first thing led to a testimony of the rest. Two years later....no regrets.

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November will be two years since I joined the church. There was a full year from the time I read the Book Of Mormon and knew that it was inspired until I was baptized. For that year I went no further...I tried to rationalize everything. I could not deny that the Book of Mormon was was a work and message from God, but I didn't know it the rest was true. So one day the thought struck me: If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith must have been a prophet, and if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, then this was the church I wanted to belong to. For me it was a leap of faith...my testimony of the first thing led to a testimony of the rest. Two years later....no regrets.

There you have it, the ultimate question about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Is the Book of Mormon true? If so, then Joseph Smith was a modern-day prophet. No other question compares.

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I so understand your struggle. I think most people face a similiar point in their lives, whether they are converts or born in the Church. There comes a time they must know for themselves that the Church is true. You can't live on someone else's faith.

For me, it took 5 years from the first missionary discussion. Of course, I can't say I prayed for a testimony or attended Church for 5 years straight! I came and went, explored other faiths, and eventually was baptized. A lot of the reason why was the ward at the time. When I went to another ward after I moved, my testimony was challenged. Unfortunately, it eventually waned. I can't say I have a "church horror story" or something awful happening. It was more a benign neglect- and some unkind and judgemental Sisters in RS. So, after almost two years away, I went back to Church Sunday. I have moved again, so it's a new ward. The experience really spoke to me. I met the RS President, was invited to dinner this past week with her family and the missionaries. After talking together, the missionaries and I decided to go through the lessons again, just like I'm an investigator.

My only advice: stay with it. Even when I was out of the Church, there was much about it I still appreciated and agreed with. There will probably always be things I question. I can't just accept something as true unless I think about it, ponder it, pray about it, struggle with it.

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So one day the thought struck me: If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith must have been a prophet, and if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, then this was the church I wanted to belong to.

This is really terrible logic.

Even if the Book of Mormon was God's work, why should anyone believe that God placed his stamp of approval on EVERYTHING Joseph Smith did for the rest of his life?

Edited by Mason
received an infraction.
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I"m not sure everyone believes that God put his stamp of approval on EVERYTHING that Joseph Smith did. He was human just like the rest of us and made mistakes just like the rest of us.

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I dunno Mason. Maybe because if the Book of Mormon is God's work, then Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God? Maybe we ought to... you know... follow the prophets of God?

Just an idea. Don't want to get too technical or anything, but your implied assertion- that even if the Book of Mormon is true, then God either did or did not approve of EVERYTHING Joseph Smith did- is a false dilemna. We can reasonably assume that the Lord approved of some things Smith did, and did not approve of others.

Who's using bad logic now?

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I really wish I can find the title of that stand-up-comedy-like video of this guy who was acting like he was Joseph Smith. I really loved that part when he said, "You know, the problem I have is that if I make a mistake, it gets written down in D&C.". Yeah, like when he gave the pages of the book of Lehi to Martin Harris. Also in that skit, he said something like, "I am a big guy. And I use my fists too much.". Apparently, he had a problem with getting in brawls a lot...

Yes, he was very human indeed.

Oh, I gotta add this story from my experience! Okay, I've mentioned on other threads that I had several missionaries go through the discussions with me but I only end up in Lesson 3 - because that's when they talk about the apostasy... anyway, it has come to a point that a missionary would come by, I'll let them in but we won't talk about lessons - we just talk about stuff like what's in the news and such - because I just didn't want to go through a discussion again. Anyway, these missionaries are always nice and courteous and very "Christ-like". A year or 2 - it was a long time - pass by and I meet Elder Radmall. Same thing, we wouldn't talk about church stuff much. So, one time, I took the missionaries fishing in the lake in the backyard. And Elder Radmall was hot (having to wear that tie in the middle of Florida summer) and we weren't catching any fish. So, finally, after a while, Elder Radmall took his fishing pole and impatiently started using it to swat the water, grumbling loudly with frustration the entire time! It was hilarious! It was sooo... HUMAN - non-missionary-like. It was the very first time I saw a missionary do something so un-missionary. It triggered something in me. I ended up having Elder Radmall taught me all 6 discussions. Then he got transferred out. And a year or so pass by (while I was getting experiences leading to my conversion) and finally, when I gained a testimony, lo-and-behold, Elder Radmall got assigned to the Mission office back in my town. It was perfect. He baptized me! My husband wanted to baptize me too - but we ended up choosing Elder Radmall - he was just the perfect guy to do it.

It was the idea that everybody is in this journey together - from the prophets to the atheists - that made me look at Elder Radmall a different way. That God chooses people with frailties to take His word and spread it - and these people still has to struggle with righteousness. That He trusts us enough to let us keep our free agency while carrying the sacred words of God. And that He is perfect but we are not - but that His work will not be put assunder. I saw Elder Radmall on that lake and acknowledged that human frustration as a sign of humility. He did not act "beyond human". He acknowledged he is very human and was not afraid to show me.

Edited by anatess
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I dunno Mason. Maybe because if the Book of Mormon is God's work, then Joseph Smith was indeed a prophet of God? Maybe we ought to... you know... follow the prophets of God?

Just an idea. Don't want to get too technical or anything, but your implied assertion- that even if the Book of Mormon is true, then God either did or did not approve of EVERYTHING Joseph Smith did- is a false dilemna. We can reasonably assume that the Lord approved of some things Smith did, and did not approve of others.

Who's using bad logic now?


Perhaps you should re-read my last post. I was pointing out the false dilemna of believing everything Smith claimed from God was automatically from God because the BoM is true.

You only underscored my point, not contradicted it.

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