LDS Belief Survey


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I would like the know the purpose of such a survey???? I mean... there is no question made here that can't be simply answered by a quick read of "True to the Faith".

How many members understand the issues the survey covers, however? I think the point is to gain an understanding of the members' understanding of the Church.
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I can just see a NY Times article headline, "40% of Mormons believe in extraterrestrials." or some such nonsense.

I did think that was an odd question. I clarified it within the confines of official doctrine (that it's a reasonable assumption, but there's no hard, doctrinal evidence for it).

If anyone tries to trick us into answering the survey so they can tear down the Church, they'll literally have Hell to pay (unless they repent ;)). However, I didn't think the survey seemed threatening- just long and a little hazy on some of the questions. I could see the intent being "what % of Mormons understand their theology correctly".

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Just my personal thing. I don't fill out surveys when it takes me to another site that I'm not familiar with. When I don't know for what purpose my answers might be used.

I normally think Pam is a little paranoid on these issues, but here I do find myself agreeing with her :P

A little more detail and explanation from the OP would have been nice if she expects people to spend their time filling it out.

Edited by Mahone
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I've taken many, many surveys. This one is short. Believe me, it's short.

The other site is a site where people create surveys. It does not appear to be a fake site designed to lure Mormons into revealing secrets or embarrassing details about the church nor about their personal lives.

Of course a person can get some dry information from a dry book. Personal answers, in a person's own words (for those courageous enough to set down the tired old script) are actually more informative about how a doctrine or practice or belief is actually held and performed in real life - as opposed to the book-theory. Also, personal answers add color, personality - life! - to an answer. Encyclopedia answers are full of words, but no feeling.

I took the survey. I did not get hurt. It was fun. I was able to say a few things about my personal views and my own understanding of official doctrine and practice. I said "no" to some questions asking if I "know why" something-or-other. You see, in a survey, you usually can skip questions. I've taken some surveys where I've answered less than half the questions. I am no slave. I can pick and choose what I answer, and I can formulate my own answers independently of someone standing over me dictating the words I should use.

Quathy said she needed help. Who am I to refuse help to a stranger. Should I suspect every request for help, or should I offer assistance and trust in God to protect me from evil-intentioned gentiles? With my free agency, I choose to help. I am "more good" :) ("Mor-mon")

Go, Quathy!

And share your conclusions with us please. or at least with me. :)

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Quathy said she needed help. Who am I to refuse help to a stranger. Should I suspect every request for help, or should I offer assistance and trust in God to protect me from evil-intentioned gentiles? With my free agency, I choose to help. I am "more good" :) ("Mor-mon")

It would still be nice to know what it was for - e.g. if someone asks for money for a charity, I usually ask which one, not just hand the money over ;)

Edited by Mahone
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Mahone, the $ request is for the Chaplain's Entertainment Fund. It's used to buy donuts for the chaplain. The theory is that if the chaplain is happy everyone is happy. I promise any funds raised at this site will not be used to purchase coffee (I'll hit up for that fund). 1.800.glad.4.pc

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I went and tried to answer the thing but after the first 20 questions I gave up the answers wouldn't help much anyway.

example #6 Can you tell me where lds scriptures come from? Who makes it?

answer: Who makes it is the lds Distribution center I believe in Utah. Where it comes from is God through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

The next 4 questions I answered see #6. The next 14 was the same vein. All of them were saying where does the church say..... not something like what is the church belief or what does God direct the church to ....

Either a young person has created this or someone who is trying to lead answers to confirm an opinion they already have. Or at least that is how it seems. So I stopped it.

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11. What does the church say: What is Christ's roll? How does he do it?

According to my CTR 6 class this last Sunday, the individual who died for us and made repentance possible is Michael Jackson.

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Quathy said she needed help. Who am I to refuse help to a stranger. Should I suspect every request for help, or should I offer assistance and trust in God to protect me from evil-intentioned gentiles? With my free agency, I choose to help. I am "more good" :) ("Mor-mon")

Because I've also been taught to be careful who you give out information to. I realize that this is not personal information but when I'm giving out information about my beliefs and what the Church believes..I want to know what they are being used for. Good or bad.

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I would like the know the purpose of such a survey???? I mean... there is no question made here that can't be simply answered by a quick read of "True to the Faith".

The survey is part of a college sociology experiment to see if you can get complete strangers to waste 15 minutes of their time simply by saying please.

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I've taken many, many surveys. This one is short. Believe me, it's short.

The other site is a site where people create surveys. It does not appear to be a fake site designed to lure Mormons into revealing secrets or embarrassing details about the church nor about their personal lives.

Of course a person can get some dry information from a dry book. Personal answers, in a person's own words (for those courageous enough to set down the tired old script) are actually more informative about how a doctrine or practice or belief is actually held and performed in real life - as opposed to the book-theory. Also, personal answers add color, personality - life! - to an answer. Encyclopedia answers are full of words, but no feeling.

I took the survey. I did not get hurt. It was fun. I was able to say a few things about my personal views and my own understanding of official doctrine and practice. I said "no" to some questions asking if I "know why" something-or-other. You see, in a survey, you usually can skip questions. I've taken some surveys where I've answered less than half the questions. I am no slave. I can pick and choose what I answer, and I can formulate my own answers independently of someone standing over me dictating the words I should use.

Quathy said she needed help. Who am I to refuse help to a stranger. Should I suspect every request for help, or should I offer assistance and trust in God to protect me from evil-intentioned gentiles? With my free agency, I choose to help. I am "more good" :) ("Mor-mon")

Go, Quathy!

And share your conclusions with us please. or at least with me. :)

Remember this is 2009, not 1950.:)

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I figured it was a student putting together a paper on Mormon beliefs. As has been noted, the information given is not generally what we think of us personal. Church beliefs, doctrines, practices, and history, are available in many places. The less familiar someone is with Mormonism, the longer it will take them to find, collect, read, digest, and synthesis this information. I could tell her, go read thirty or forty books and you'll have your answer. Or I can give her my short answers, an dlet her have some fun, and see things not from a book-learning perspective, but from a personal, true blue believing Mormon perspective. I figure she is not Mormon, so the more testimony she gets, the better informed (spiritually) she will be.

Since some people have already declared they ahve answered the survey (with some silent parts, but that's to be expected), it is no longer an issue of keeping things private or secret or not letting evil people have the information (why should we want to keep evil people from hearing the Gospel!), but in how accurate and helpful the information is. The fewer who answer, the greater the likelihood imo that evil-intentioned people will give misinformation. Only when there are enough real Mormons answering, and that means lots of us, will the answers become more trusted.

No Mormon should be afraid of the truth, or afraid to give their testimony (answers to questions on the gospel), or so lacking in faith that they are afraid their answers will be wrong. Pray and search your hearts and you will see that this is a good thing. Or not.

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Hello there,

If you happen to have some time, I have a survey on LDS beliefs Im hoping people will fill out for me.

Heres the link: Survey - LDS (Mormon) Fact Survey

I'd like to thank you in advance if you fill it out, its a lot of help to me.

Thanks very much, Kathy

Kathy, I hope you understand that the survey does not give a broad view into LDS doctrine but could skew understanding of LDS pending on what someone intended to do with the servey.

The Traveler

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