Why aren't garments subsidized?


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hree years? That's it? I still have some that I bought when I was first endowed in 1999! Then again, they've worn so thin that they're practically transparent (I've been telling myself to buy new ones for about 5 years now).

I guess that might be the new mormon lingerie.:D

My husband likes when I wear the DriSilques because they're silky and see through! :lol:

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Three years? That's it?

Considering I've only been endowed for ~3 years (Actually I suppose it's closer to 3.5 years, my how time flies) I haven't really had the opportunity to test them for longer, though two of those years were a mission. :) I do think they've life in them yet, but you lose 100 lbs+ and you start thinking about buying new ones even if they are still in good condition (depending on how frugal I feel at the moment. I keep on saying I should buy new ones but have yet to actually do so).

Edited by Dravin
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:) I do think they've life in them yet, but you lose 100 lbs+ and you start thinking about buying new ones even if they are still in good condition (depending on how frugal I feel at the moment. I keep on saying I should buy new ones but have yet to actually do so).

:):):) Congratulations on losing over a hundred pounds! When they fall off you, is a good indicator of it being time to get new ones.

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Guest mysticmorini

I for one would gladly pay more than the current prices for some better quality! I bought one top that had a sleeve sewed to the stomach and after i cut it lose I found that one sleeve was shorter than the other. I got several pairs of bottoms supposedly the same size/length but all were no less than an inch different in length. some good ole american cotton boxer style bottoms is all i want.

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Guest mysticmorini

surly your not referring to the travesty that is the cotton-poly mesh boxers. I know they used to have 100% jersey cotton bottoms but i haven't seen them online in a while. if you know where i can get some i'd love to hear it. guess i should clarify that i am talking about men's bottoms, wouldn't feel comfortable wearing women's bottoms.

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not mesh. firmer to the body than boxers.... like the boxer briefs that you see advertised on tv. i think they are 100% cotton but don't quote me on that. lol i saw them when i reordered hubby and i new garments (a yr or so ago i guess) they were new to me then so i ordered one pair for hubby to try. he doesn't care for them, he is used to the looser style. i'm trying to talk him into ordering more.

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Guest mysticmorini

yes, they do have 100% cotton boxer briefs but believe me they are not the same as the regular boxer style, i like your husband prefer the looser boxer style. my current favorite it the drilux boxer bottoms but they are only 15% cotton and the fabric is a little thinner than I would like.

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For some time they were subsidized. When we went to the temple in 1999 they were 1/2 price so we bought enough that we still have a box of unopened under garments. It ran that way for some time before going back up in price.

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So, I was talking to my boyfriend a couple days ago, and he mentioned that he experienced some sticker shock when he went to buy garments the other day. He added that he doesn't get why garments aren't tithing subsidized, since so many other things are within the church.

I think he has a good point, so I started thinking about it to. If BYU is tithing subsidized, which few members proportional to the total amount get to attend, then why aren't garments, which are doctrinally-speaking mandatory for endowed members, also subsidized?

note: I'm not trying to be contentious about this, I just think it is an interesting thing to think about.

Good question. I have a necessary and corollary question that goes along with it:

Why don't people give me money, feed me automatically when I open my mouth, and massage my feet when I am tired?

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Well, I haven't been to the Temple yet. But, I am soooo thankful I DON'T have to sew my own undergarments like they used to before they were commercially available. I shudder to think what would happen... you think a sleeve sewn to a stomach is bad, just wait until you see my TRY to make undergarments. I'd probably end up with three leg holes and no place for the waist. LOL

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One religion professor I know who teaches at BYU right now told me that for every $1.00 of tuition costs, $0.70 is paid for by tithing.

So basically, students only pay $0.30 for every $1.00 of tuition.

I think that's great.

As for garments. Bottom line: No one who is endowed and worthy will go without garments if they can't afford them personally.

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as far as i know they dont sell "decent quality undergarments" at any regular stores anymore. my "hanes for her" and my husbands "frut of the loom" have bolth gone from "decent quality" to "Oh my GOODNESS! thase are brand new black boxers and i can see right through them!" as long as garment quality hasnt simmialy changed I would be willing to pay $10 a set, (althought i would probaly only beable to afford one set a month at first[maby i should start saving now]) I could just imagine explaning that to my husband "fifty bucks for underwear! what are they silk?!" Oh well, it'll be a while yet before that happens, as i do not feel sperituly ready to contemplate reciving my endowments.

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In 1999 my garment top and bottoms cost $3.50 each. I wear the DriSilque. I can't remember what year it was that Pres Hinkley had the prices lowered so that more endowed members could afford to buy new and retire their old raggedy ones. He also lowered the prices of the Temple whites and ceremonial items at the same time.

My DriSilque now cost $1.75 and $1.95- CHEAP by nearly any standard, and the ones I bought in 1999 are nearly like new- unfortunately I have grown a bit and they no longer fit!

Before I received my endowments I wore camisoles under my bra. This kept the hardware of the bra from irritating a particular spot under my shoulder blade- I tend to get a skin tag there and the hardware rubs and causes it to flare up - very painful.

The non-lds women I worked with in the restaurant, lounge and later in an office, often wore camisoles under the revealing blouses- plus it helped the snugger fit blouses to fit better, and lay flat without bunching.

The only stain I could not get out of the DriSilque with just regular washing was when I spilled Kroeger brand knock-off of a powder drink that you add to bottled water. I did not get the lid on the bottle right so that when I shook it, it spilled all over me. I was wearing a cotton bathrobe and my garments. That pair of garments have pink spots now. They are fading with each wash- so now they are very pale pink.

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When I bought my first sets of garments and some temple clothing at the same time, I received half off the temple clothing but not the garments, to let you all know. As far as the price, they were more than I'm used to paying for. $2 for quality underwear is no problem when you shop at Ross:P

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I was told the same thing when I made my first garment purchase (and I didn't get a discount on the garments, though I did get half-off on the white clothing and the ceremonial clothing). At ~$7 a pair, though, they are still much more expensive than the underwear I bought before (does that make me look like a cheapskate?).

I'm looking at having to buy maternity garments in the very near future, and I'm actually really struggling to see where the money's going to come from. I'm sure I'll find a way, but it truly is a lot of money for us at the moment. Possibly I'll have to rig up some sort of corset out of duct tape to make my normal ones last longer . . .

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