Is the Lords hand behind Glenn Beck?


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Aside from being a member, he is doing some things on modern day TV, that I would've thought impossible. So, thoughts?

Is the Lords hand behind Glenn Beck literally?

I can't help but feel that way. What he has accomplished is unheard of - and for someone daily criticized for being a dummy, he has Entertainment industry gurus scratching their heads at his rise to fame. Yes, he can be goofy, yes, he can be over-the-top, but his message and direction of his message is bang on.

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Is the Lords hand behind Glenn Beck literally?

I can't help but feel that way. What he has accomplished is unheard of - and for someone daily criticized for being a dummy, he has Entertainment industry gurus scratching their heads at his rise to fame. Yes, he can be goofy, yes, he can be over-the-top, but his message and direction of his message is bang on.

You mean, you support his political views? That's great. Now from THAT to say that the Lord's hand is behind him is a long walk my friend.

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Aside from being a member, he is doing some things on modern day TV, that I would've thought impossible. So, thoughts?

Is the Lords hand behind Glenn Beck literally?

I can't help but feel that way. What he has accomplished is unheard of - and for someone daily criticized for being a dummy, he has Entertainment industry gurus scratching their heads at his rise to fame. Yes, he can be goofy, yes, he can be over-the-top, but his message and direction of his message is bang on.

well, we are to acknowledge God's hand in all things.

Now I don't think it would be there for the show's sake, but if Beck is trying to be honest and faithful as he can I don't see any reason why the Lord would not be with him at some point.

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Aside from being a member, he is doing some things on modern day TV, that I would've thought impossible. So, thoughts?

Is the Lords hand behind Glenn Beck literally?

I can't help but feel that way. What he has accomplished is unheard of - and for someone daily criticized for being a dummy, he has Entertainment industry gurus scratching their heads at his rise to fame. Yes, he can be goofy, yes, he can be over-the-top, but his message and direction of his message is bang on.

I believe GOD is behind every child on this earth regardless of choices and circumstances of life. Others may not feel this. For Beck, he uses his beliefs, along with his own opinions of the world. If Beck is worthy of the Spirit, he is entitled to personal revelation, not only for his church calling, his family, but his job. Using this simply principle, he could rely on the Spirit to guide him in his shows. Apostle Bruce R. McConkie spoke about the same revelation given to the brethren can be had by the same methods;

But there is more to the doctrine of revelation than the calling of apostles and prophets and the sending of them forth to proclaim the gospel to the world. The very gospel plan itself requires that every believing soul attune himself to the Infinite and get personal revelation in order to be saved. Personal revelation to the weak and the simple and the lowly is as essential to salvation as is the general revelation that comes to the spiritual giants who proclaim light to the world...

God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost." (D&C 121:26.) Such is the promise, and the promise is sure. The sole need on the part of any individual is to comply with the law that entitles him to receive the promised revelation. (New Witness for the Articles of Faith by Bruce R. McConkie)

That being said, as Funktown stated, only the servants of GOD speak for church. Edited by Hemidakota
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God does direct faithful LDS and non-LDS alike in many endeavors, including their day jobs.

I listen to Glenn Beck on occasion and I agree with him. I am glad he is doing what he is doing. There have been latter-day saints in the past who have filled similar roles, and though they don't speak for the Church, they are good examples of latter-day saints being active in bringing about good things in the world. Take Helmuth Hübener, Ruddi Wobbe, and Karl-Heinz Schnibbe for example. During WWII they distributed materials in Germany that denounced Hitler and Nazi party. All three were latter-day saints, and Hübener was ultimately executed and is the youngest opponent of the Third Reich to be sentenced and executed at age 16.

I'm glad there is someone nutty enough to look into some of the shady things going on in government. His program has been instrumental in exposing revolutionary communists like Van Jones, and spurring political activity in many Americans whoa are now involved in the 9/12 project and Tea Parties. Largely because of his program, people have begun to study the founders again, and the Constitution, and to be aware of the political landscape. All super good things in my opinion.



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For us LDS it is most difficult to reconcile the influence the Holy Ghost has with individual members involved in politics – such as Glen Beck and Harry Read. But far more important is the influence the Holy Ghost has with you in how you treat your fellow men (including Glen Beck and Harry Read) when they are not present to answer to your public accusations.

It is possible that the L-rd has a hand in what both are doing.

The Traveler

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I think God works through whoever's disposed to do His will at the moment. Sometimes it's Glenn Beck, but other times it's Harry Reid.

I do think Beck is a little heavy on the "end times" rhetoric, and this may inflate the degree to which he feels he's doing God's work--and that sense percolates through his show. I wouldn't necessarily call it egotism in his case, but I don't think that the feeling is entirely justified.

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I enjoy Glen for the most part. Where he looses me, is where most politicians loose me, when they can't compliment or agree with anything the "other" party says and does, ever. Point out legitimate points but I think it would be more accurate to includes those times when we can all agree that something is going well. To me that is a political voice, not an inspired one. That keeps the masses stirred up, not unified. Now, I am Canadian so I will stay out of this one. Just wanted to share my two cents.

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Glenn Beck is a clown. :rainfro::joker:

Wow - I am not certain what you may mean by this statement but if you are providing a witness that you hold to be true and you are doing so to denegrade or to oppose him. I hope for your sake you can be specific in showing in detail where Glenn Beck is not accurate in his research or his representing what has been written or said by others.

The Traveler

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i think we all know that only the prophet speaks for god.

we are told to find truth anywhere we can. that does not mean a source that has some truth has all truth. we are to pray about things before just blindly accepting them. god can and has been behind many ppl. that does not mean those ppl will do everything and only things god wants them to do.

there are many that share political views with mr beck and many that do not.

this is an official warning for this thread. keep it civil and to things you can point to facts on. it's on the edge of having run it's course already, don't push it.


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i think we all know that only the prophet speaks for god.

we are told to find truth anywhere we can. that does not mean a source that has some truth has all truth. we are to pray about things before just blindly accepting them. god can and has been behind many ppl. that does not mean those ppl will do everything and only things god wants them to do.

there are many that share political views with mr beck and many that do not.

this is an official warning for this thread. keep it civil and to things you can point to facts on. it's on the edge of having run it's course already, don't push it.


I am not sure I agree - It is my understanding that anyone speaking by the Power of the Holy Ghost speaks for G-d and that through the power of the Holy Ghost the truth of ALL THINGS is made known. However, I also understand that there is order that requires a person seek and ask and that truth is only given to those that have stewardship when they seek.

It is my understanding that we all have stewardship as citizens for insights into our own countries but we cannot be guided unless we seek. For myself I am still seeking - especially in regards to politics in the USA - I have my personal opinions but to be honest I cannot testify to the truthfulness or lack of truth in ether party. But I am concerned with testimonies that degrade any individual and if that person knows by divine revelation or not - As to some of the comments on this and other threads - It appears to be opinion and usually with little research. If there is something specific concerning Glenn Beck that he is not accurate - I am very interested in what Glenn said and the source that indicates Glenn is inaccurate.

The Traveler

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I am not sure I agree - It is my understanding that anyone speaking by the Power of the Holy Ghost speaks for G-d and that through the power of the Holy Ghost the truth of ALL THINGS is made known. However, I also understand that there is order that requires a person seek and ask and that truth is only given to those that have stewardship when they seek.

It is my understanding that we all have stewardship as citizens for insights into our own countries but we cannot be guided unless we seek. For myself I am still seeking - especially in regards to politics in the USA - I have my personal opinions but to be honest I cannot testify to the truthfulness or lack of truth in ether party. But I am concerned with testimonies that degrade any individual and if that person knows by divine revelation or not - As to some of the comments on this and other threads - It appears to be opinion and usually with little research. If there is something specific concerning Glenn Beck that he is not accurate - I am very interested in what Glenn said and the source that indicates Glenn is inaccurate.

The Traveler

I think what Gwen is saying is that even though someone like Glenn Beck might be inspired to say or do things from time to time, not everything they say and do is the will of God. The same can be said about anyone, including the prophet.

I think she is also pointing out that we all know that only the prophet speaks for the whole Church. Glenn Beck has never made that claim, and neither did the OP, so I think it was a good reminder to those who are participating on this thread.

I'm with you on wanting to see the specifics from the critics of Glenn Beck, because I don't recall anything huge that he has said that was inaccurate - that he hasn't corrected himself after someone pointed it out that is.



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I have no specific criticisms of Beck, except that he's a clown :rainfro::joker:

I'd say that of any major talking head on television. The fact is that they get paid to bring in ratings. The relative or absolute truth value of what these people say on "opinion" shows makes no difference to the networks as long as they bring in the cash. So far, the only way to do that seems to be through incendiary and extreme speech.

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Being familiar with Glenn Beck's radio show mostly, and an occasional consumer of his TV shows from CNN to FOX, I don't think Glenn Beck's program falls into that catergory of "incendiary and extreme speech". Is that a specific critiscism you have of him? That he is extreme and incendiary in his speech? How so?

The name calling is quite predictable when it comes to his critics. References to the name calling among his critics are actually a regular feature in the comedic part of his program. It seems like those who don't like him have a hard time with specifics and end up simply calling him names. I was actually surprised to see that you of all people would be like that. I always considered you to be one of the more reasonable debaters out here.

You are ofcourse welcome to have your opinion, so I won't badger you about it.



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I don't think Glenn Beck's program falls into that catergory of "incendiary and extreme speech".

Well thats ONE persons opinion :eek: of couse if he agrees with your politics you're going to think he's great and reasonable.


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Personally, I don't have issues with a lot of things he says (maybe a few but not even worth debating). It is his style or the way he delivers whatever he wants to say that I personally don't like and find it annoying. Add to that the tears (for the ratings or not, I don't know) and I just turn off the TV or change the channel. I don't feel his style is genuine and before anyone jumps at me for this, this is MY personal perception.

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Well thats ONE persons opinion :eek: of couse if he agrees with your politics you're going to think he's great and reasonable.


There are a lot of peole who I think are great and reasonable, with whom I don't share the same political views. But what about his speech is so "incendiary and extreme"? Is it because he is passionate about the things he says? Is it because he can get emotional? Is he telling lies? Is he trying to incite people to violence, or to the extremes? If so show me some examples, that way I know what to respond to.

I'm not interested in the character attacks (he's a cry baby, a clown, etc...).



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