Morning chat with coworker... 2 different Gods?

Guest mirancs8

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Guest mirancs8

I got into the office today and my beer brewery coworker did his normal sit on my desk and chat a while session as he does every morning. This time though the conversation was somewhat strange... confusing... ummm I don't know how do I word it, just odd. So here it is.

He started to talk about how by nature men and women were not made by God to be monogamist etc. Biblical backing was naturally given by him. That wasn't as disturbing as the next line of discussion. Can you guess the topic? It was homosexual couples and such. Apparently he doesn't see anywhere in the scriptures about marriage being between a man and a women huh? OK, but he definitely didn't hesitate to give me examples of husbands with many wives earlier on.

This is the doozy. He then tells me that there were 2 different Gods. There was a God in the Old Testament and a entirely different God in the New Testament. the NT God said heck with all of what the OT God said. I have never heard this 2 different God's theory before can someone enlighten me a bit? I have no idea what denomination he is I just know he's not LDS.

Naturally I didn't entertain the conversation by getting into a deep discussion about it reflecting my views. I tend to keep the other person talking by asking questions. Being at work I just don't get into those discussions too deep but it's fun listening to others ramble away. I know he knows my views already so there is no need for me to confirm them to him. I have to hand it to him he says something off the way nearly every morning we have our chat but this morning topped it off.

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Guest mirancs8

Not a friend... he's a coworker. I have no idea what denomination but do plan to ask one of these days. Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this 2 God theory. I never heard it before.

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I have never heard this 2 different God's theory before can someone enlighten me a bit? I have no idea what denomination he is I just know he's not LDS.


I tend to keep the other person talking by asking questions.

Sounds like you had what you needed sitting there on your desk. Any particular reason you didn't ask him?

"Now that's interesting - I hadn't heard that before. Did someone teach you that, or did you come up with it yourself?"

Pretty easy.


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I know a guy (writer) who believes in two different Gods as well. In his theory though, the God of the Old Testament is nothing but an invention from the Jews to get people under strict control. He believes in the New Testament and believes the God from the New Testament is the "Real" God.

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Guest mirancs8

Sounds like you had what you needed sitting there on your desk. Any particular reason you didn't ask him?

"Now that's interesting - I hadn't heard that before. Did someone teach you that, or did you come up with it yourself?"

Pretty easy.


Yeah well I had just gotten into the office and didn't crack open my Pepsi Zero yet. My mind wasn't function at it's optimal caffinated capacity this morning :P

Tomorrow I'll be sure to drink it on the way in so that I can be on top of the conversation more;)

Remember I'm at work so it's not like having a conversation outside of work. I try to be a bit more careful what I ask about their personal lives. My questions were more like, "ow so do you think the laws should be at a state level or federal?"

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I have never heard the whole 2 Gods concept, but I can see how it could be interpreted that way. God in the OT seems to act much differently than God in the NT. What some people probably don't understand is that though they seem to act differently they are the same God. It is my belief that we see a different side of things in the OT because there were many revisions over the years and much of how God acts is due to faulty translations and revisions. Much like when Moses asks Pharoh to let the Israelites go, in the Bible it says that God hardened Pharoh's heart, but if we read the Joseph Smith translation we see that Pharoh hardened his own heart.

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Its a common argument as many people see the O.T. God as a fire and brimstone kind of guy with lots of rules and regulations and the N.T. God as Jesus talking about love and rejecting all the rules.

Y'all need to get out more, this is a somewhat common belief in the non-LDS World with non-theologians.

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Why? I don't feel a need to roll in the mud with pigs to understand the mire stinks.

Then you shouldn't be suprised when people talk to you about stuff like this.

Learning what others believe is not 'rolling in the mud' you don't have to believe what they do to undertsnd where they are coming from.

You might want to keep in mind that pesky Article of Faith about allowing all to worship God as they see fit:

"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

Edited by mnn727
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Guest mirancs8

Its a common argument as many people see the O.T. God as a fire and brimstone kind of guy with lots of rules and regulations and the N.T. God as Jesus talking about love and rejecting all the rules.

Y'all need to get out more, this is a somewhat common belief in the non-LDS World with non-theologians.

I believe what you are talking about is the view of Jesus being God in the NT. Is that correct? Because of the trinity issue that other denominations believe that Jesus is God. I know in my previous experiences with other denominations they view Jesus and God as one, but they will mostly refer to him as Jesus. So maybe the way that he worded it saying 2 different Gods meant that he means their view that Jesus is God in the NT. That wasn't how the conversation went this morning. He was very clear as to say 2 completely different Gods.

FYI, I was born and raised not in the LDS faith so I am familiar obviously with other denominational beliefs. I simple have not heard someone describe anything about 2 seperate Gods before. He was clear that it wasn't Jesus he was talking about. He stated that there was 2 different Gods.

I'll be interested to hear what denomination he belongs to that supports this view, or could it be a personal view he has that isn't reflectant on the denomination he is with. I guess I have to wait till tomorrow morning.

Thank you everyone for your comments.

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Jesus is God. He is just not God the Father. The saviour created this earth at the command of The Father. He instituted the Plan of Happiness at His command, and was born, suffered, and died a mortal death to pay justices price for sin so that all may be forgiven if they repent and dwell with Him in His kingdom in the next life.

Edited by MisterT
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Guest mirancs8

Jesus is God. He is just not God the Father. The saviour created this earth at the command of The Father. He instituted the Plan of Happiness at His command, and was born, suffered, and died a mortal death to pay justices price for sin so that all may be forgiven if they repent and dwell with Him in His kingdom in the next life.

When I said God I am saying HF.

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Well, to be accurate, there are two Gods. There is God the Father, and God, aka, Jesus Christ. We, as members of the church, have a greater understanding of the actual foundations of the Earth because of the revalations given to Joseph Smith and the correct translations of Genesis as presented in the Pearl of Great Price and is revealed during the sacred Temple ordinances.

It may seem confusing to some, and I don't think that many members really dwell on the notion all that often. But the fact of the matter is that God the Father, Elohim, did not create this earth; that was done by Jesus Christ with the assistance of Michael, the Archangel; who also had another role to play in the foundation of humanity...

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You might want to keep in mind that pesky Article of Faith about allowing all to worship God as they see fit:

"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

I don't see where he claimed they couldn't or even shouldn't. Quoting the 11th Article of Faith is kinda off key, you'd be better off making a play towards mutual understanding, if we communicate that we feel other's beliefs are stinky and not worth learning about even academically then they would most likely be less inclined to research into our beliefs and feel them something other than stinky.

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Why? I don't feel a need to roll in the mud with pigs to understand the mire stinks.

I can understand not wanting to mingle with sin in the name of understanding it...but scripture does instruct us that we are "in the world, but not of it." You won't get hurt by interacting a we bit with us Gentiles. :D

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I can understand not wanting to mingle with sin in the name of understanding it...but scripture does instruct us that we are "in the world, but not of it." You won't get hurt by interacting a we bit with us Gentiles. :D

I think you can well understand PC that is not at all what I was getting at. If I get close enough to a "two gods" idea to smell it for what it is, I see no need to go further and immerse myself in the ideas to understand it. It is what it is, and is foolish. You know that. It's not about avoiding interaction with people that don't have similar beliefs as myself. It's about not needing to immerse oneself in silly ideas others have simply for the sake of saying I understand more than just that it stinks.
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I think you can well understand PC that is not at all what I was getting at. If I get close enough to a "two gods" idea to smell it for what it is, I see no need to go further and immerse myself in the ideas to understand it. It is what it is, and is foolish. You know that. It's not about avoiding interaction with people that don't have similar beliefs as myself. It's about not needing to immerse oneself in silly ideas others have simply for the sake of saying I understand more than just that it stinks.

Surely there is a difference between understanding it and believing in it? I don't think knowledge is a negative thing, even if it's not something you agree with. Although I admit it happens too often, I don't like to be ignorant and I have in the past researched the beliefs of others close to me (including a coworker once) in order to not be ignorant of the subject.

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I got into the office today and my beer brewery coworker did his normal sit on my desk and chat a while session as he does every morning. This time though the conversation was somewhat strange... confusing... ummm I don't know how do I word it, just odd. So here it is.

He started to talk about how by nature men and women were not made by God to be monogamist etc. Biblical backing was naturally given by him. That wasn't as disturbing as the next line of discussion. Can you guess the topic? It was homosexual couples and such. Apparently he doesn't see anywhere in the scriptures about marriage being between a man and a women huh? OK, but he definitely didn't hesitate to give me examples of husbands with many wives earlier on.

This is the doozy. He then tells me that there were 2 different Gods. There was a God in the Old Testament and a entirely different God in the New Testament. the NT God said heck with all of what the OT God said. I have never heard this 2 different God's theory before can someone enlighten me a bit? I have no idea what denomination he is I just know he's not LDS.

Naturally I didn't entertain the conversation by getting into a deep discussion about it reflecting my views. I tend to keep the other person talking by asking questions. Being at work I just don't get into those discussions too deep but it's fun listening to others ramble away. I know he knows my views already so there is no need for me to confirm them to him. I have to hand it to him he says something off the way nearly every morning we have our chat but this morning topped it off.

There is no end to what people believe of G-d. As LDS we should be clear about the what other believe of G-d – let then believe of G-d how, when and what they may.

I personally have concerns with the tenant and doctrine of many homosexuals and those that support homosexuality in that they are devoutly in opposition to agency and free will – dismissing any resemblances of possible choice to individual purpose and destiny in life.

The Traveler

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Y'all need to get out more, this is a somewhat common belief in the non-LDS World with non-theologians.

I was raised with a Roman Catholic mother, a Southern Baptist father, went to both churches as well as a Methodist church for awhile and have friends of many different faiths all over the world. I also did research into a lot of faiths before joining the LDS church. This is the first time I've heard of Bible-believing Christians thinking that there are two Gods. It really doesn't seem all that common to me.

If I was a gambler I'd almost bet my house that his answer would be the latter...

I'm thinking the same thing.

Edited by MormonMama
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I think you can well understand PC that is not at all what I was getting at. If I get close enough to a "two gods" idea to smell it for what it is, I see no need to go further and immerse myself in the ideas to understand it. It is what it is, and is foolish. You know that. It's not about avoiding interaction with people that don't have similar beliefs as myself. It's about not needing to immerse oneself in silly ideas others have simply for the sake of saying I understand more than just that it stinks.

OK...that does make sense. Especially with the fellow mentioned in the OP. IMHO he's just philosophizing off the cuff.

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