Desperate plea for love and attention.


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I know that I'm just being dramatic and emo and stuff but I'm really upset right now. Part of the reason that I come here is to try and recieve fellowshipping from church members. I've always been somewhat of an outcast and social idiot and I'm way oversensitive.

I guess the reason I'm posting this is because of certain conversations on this forum I just feel devoid of love. I didn't want to derail that thread so I wanted to start a new one on the importance of showing love to one another and holding each other up. As members of this church and this Family it is our duty.

I don't know. Maybe I don't belong here. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive. I'm just really sad right now. :(

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Guest mirancs8

Yes at times one may feel exasperated by many of the posts here as a new comer or not so frequent visitor. Once you get to know us all we are genuinely nice and caring individuals (OK, maybe not ALL of us:p). There's a lot of love though. I know we don't always let that side of ourselves out of the closet but it's there in each of us. We all have our problems, and our opinions can be strong and more often then not very blunt. Sometimes threads will go on and on till the point of ad nauseam and one of the monitors will close it down. It can get ugly and mean, but then another thread starts and we're off to the new issue of the day.

Stick around you'll get to know us all and see that under all this armor we are all down to earth friendly people. I think I can safely say that we each have in some way shape or form helped another lift up. How often we have helped another with advice on an issue in their life. Gave a spouse holding the last threads of their marriage the hope that things can be better. A number of us sharing our own life experiences so that others know they are not alone. Some of us have felt the pain of someone going through a horrible trial in their life such as a terminal illness or death. Giving someone a reason to laugh at themselves for a change. Some of us have even personally reached out beyond this board to help someone who was desperate and crying out for help.

If you search hard enough you will see that there is love in each and everyone of us here. Maybe we just needed your post to remind us of that.

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I know that I'm just being dramatic and emo and stuff but I'm really upset right now. Part of the reason that I come here is to try and receive fellowshipping from church members. I've always been somewhat of an outcast and social idiot and I'm way oversensitive.

I guess the reason I'm posting this is because of certain conversations on this forum I just feel devoid of love. I didn't want to derail that thread so I wanted to start a new one on the importance of showing love to one another and holding each other up. As members of this church and this Family it is our duty. I don't know. Maybe I don't belong here. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive. I'm just really sad right now. :(

My friend, do not despair or be sad, especially, stop listening to those whispering that you are a social idiot. . I am your friend and brother in the faith.

Read what President Ezra Taft Benson spoke concerning the 12-steps to overcome disparity:

01] Repentance - Book of Mormon we read that “despair cometh because of iniquity.” (Moro. 10:22.), Every law kept brings a particular blessing. Every law broken brings a particular blight. Those who are heavy laden with despair should come unto the Lord, for his yoke is easy and his burden is light. (See Matt. 11:28–30.)

02] Prayer - “Pray always, that you may come off conqueror” (D&C 10:5)—persistent prayer. “Exerting all my powers to call upon God to deliver me” is how the young Joseph Smith describes the method which he used in the Sacred Grove to keep the adversary from destroying him. (JS—H 1:16.) This is also a key to use in keeping depression from destroying us.

03] Service - When you find yourselves a little gloomy,” said President Lorenzo Snow, “look around you and find somebody that is in a worse plight than yourself; go to him and find out what the trouble is, then try to remove it with the wisdom which the Lord bestows upon you; and the first thing you know, your gloom is gone, you feel light, the Spirit of the Lord is upon you, and everything seems illuminated.” (Conference Report, 6 Apr. 1899, pp. 2–3.)

04] Work -We should work at taking care of the spiritual, mental, social, and physical needs of ourselves and those whom we are charged to help. In the church of Jesus Christ there is plenty of work to do to move forward the kingdom of God.

05] Health -The condition of the physical body can affect the spirit. That’s why the Lord gave us the Word of Wisdom. He also said that we should retire to our beds early and arise early (see D&C 88:124), that we should not run faster than we have strength (see D&C 10:4), and that we should use moderation in all good things.

06] Reading -reading. Many a man in his hour of trial has turned to the Book of Mormon and been enlightened, enlivened, and comforted.

07] Blessing -In a particularly stressful time, or in the anticipation of a critical event, one can seek for a blessing under the hands of the priesthood. Even the Prophet Joseph Smith sought and received a blessing under the hands of Brigham Young and received solace and direction for his soul.

08] Fasting -A certain kind of devil goes not out except by fasting and prayer, the scripture tells us. (See Matt. 17:21.) Periodic fasting can help clear up the mind and strengthen the body and the spirit. The usual fast, the one we are asked to participate in for fast Sunday, is for 24 hours without food or drink.

09] Friends -The fellowship of true friends who can hear you out, share your joys, help carry your burdens, and correctly counsel you is priceless. For one who has been in the prison of depression, the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith have special meaning when he said, “How sweet the voice of a friend is; one token of friendship from any source whatever awakens and calls into action every sympathetic feeling.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 134.)

10] Music -Inspiring music may fill the soul with heavenly thoughts, move one to righteous action, or speak peace to the soul. When Saul was troubled with an evil spirit, David played for him with his harp and Saul was refreshed and the evil spirit departed. (See 1 Sam. 16:23.) Elder Boyd K. Packer has wisely suggested memorizing some of the inspiring songs of Zion and then, when the mind is afflicted with temptations, to sing aloud, to keep before your mind the inspiring words and thus crowd out the evil thoughts. (See Ensign, Jan. 1974, p. 28.)

11] Endurance -When George A. Smith was very ill, he was visited by his cousin, the Prophet Joseph Smith. The afflicted man reported: “He [the Prophet] told me I should never get discouraged, whatever difficulties might surround me. If I were sunk into the lowest pit of Nova Scotia and all the Rocky Mountains piled on top of me, I ought not to be discouraged, but hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage, and I should come out on the top of the heap.” (George A. Smith Family, comp. Zora Smith Jarvis, Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1962, p. 54.)

12] and last, Goals -Every accountable child of God needs to set goals, short- and long-range goals. A man who is pressing forward to accomplish worthy goals can soon put despondency under his feet, and once a goal is accomplished, others can be set up. Some will be continuing goals. Of Jesus’ preparation for his mission, the scripture states that he “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Luke 2:52.) This encompasses four main areas for goals: spiritual, mental, physical, and social. “Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be?” asked the Master, and he answered, “Verily I say unto you, even as I am.” (3 Ne. 27:27.) Now there is a lifetime goal—to walk in his steps, to perfect ourselves in every virtue as he has done, to seek his face, and to work to make our calling and election sure.

Each of these areas if applied will help you to become involved in the gospel and aid you to displace those feelings. As President Benson stated:

“Some of you will recall in that great book Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan that the main character known as Christian was trying to press forward to gain entrance to the celestial city. He made it to his goal, but in order to do so, he had to overcome many obstacles, one of which was to escape from the Giant Despair. To lift our spirit and send us on our way rejoicing, the devil’s designs of despair, discouragement, depression, and despondency can be defeated in a dozen ways, namely: repentance, prayer, service, work, health, reading, blessings, fasting, friends, music, endurance, and goals.

May we use them all in the difficult days ahead so that we Christian pilgrims will have greater happiness here and go on to a fullness of joy in the highest realms of the celestial kingdom is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Ref: - Ensign Article - Do Not Despair

Edited by Hemidakota
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I am sorry you are feeling down.

I think people are all just more outspoken on the internet and do get too rude and we all need reminders to be more kind. I know that I do.

I think Hemi's post will really help you. People, unfortunately, will always let each other down, but the Lord never will. Start with one thing on the list of things to do and see if it helps. If you pray to find some tangible friends that can help lift you up when you are down, I believe the Lord will help you find them if you do your part of the work. There are good, kind people everywhere that are lonely and would like more friends.

Edited by crazypotato
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I know that I'm just being dramatic and emo and stuff but I'm really upset right now. Part of the reason that I come here is to try and recieve fellowshipping from church members. I've always been somewhat of an outcast and social idiot and I'm way oversensitive.

I guess the reason I'm posting this is because of certain conversations on this forum I just feel devoid of love. I didn't want to derail that thread so I wanted to start a new one on the importance of showing love to one another and holding each other up. As members of this church and this Family it is our duty.

I don't know. Maybe I don't belong here. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive. I'm just really sad right now. :(

One of the “drawbacks” of the internet is that the nicer you are the less attention you get. This does not mean that no one loves what you say it is just that nice things are nice – what can be added to nice? The best way to get attention is to be obnoxious and silly. For what-ever reason people like telling others they are obnoxious and silly. This can be really sad if you are trying to say something important to you. I personally like a good laugh but my wife tells me that I am only funny when I am trying to be serious.

I have read your posts and find you the kind of person I like having around. I may not always agree with you – but if we agree on every point what is the point of discussing something in more detail? Thus our best conversations will come when there is some disagreement. But this is not because of a lack of love that we disagree. Please do not ever think of disagreement as someone that does not care or love. I know for me – if I do not care I will not push a point I think is important. So since I care and love – I am responding. But be careful – if we become close friends then as a close friend I may go a little deeper and sharper to get to know what you are really thinking.

The Traveler

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I know that I'm just being dramatic and emo and stuff but I'm really upset right now. Part of the reason that I come here is to try and recieve fellowshipping from church members. I've always been somewhat of an outcast and social idiot and I'm way oversensitive.


I have quite a thick skin but if a thread or topic may bother me, I would either reply with a good debate (if I am prepare to handle it) or do not participate at all. Maybe, if you think you are an oversensitive person, you could choose to avoid certain topics that may cause your feelings to get hurt easily. In the end, being offended is a choice we all make. Wishing you all the best! :)


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Hi LocalFarms! I love you buddy. And I love your boxer, he is a Boxer, right? This forum has all kinds of people, LDS members and non-LDS (like me) and I honestly feel that's a big part of what makes it great. There is no such thing as a perfect forum. You're always going to have someone that wants to push buttons or basically rain on your picnic. Why? I think it's because they have some sort of insecurity themselves and making others hurt or feel bad somehow makes them feel better. I don't understand all that but it is how it seems some people are AND you've got to realize something else too, this is the internet. In spite of all that, this forum has been one of the best forums I've ever been a member of and I've joined a bunch in the past. Like someone else said, there are a lot of loving, smart, wonderful, funny/witty, compassionate people here who are always there to help, give support and advice and the advice is many times from a scriptural viewpoint which is really wonderful to me. I think you did the best thing when you left the thread that started to get crazy and moved to another or started your own. Not everyone here is like me who throws love out verbally to everyone but I know for sure most here are really good folks. I'm pretty new myself and it takes a little warming up to but it's really a great forum. :) What's your Boxers name???

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The lonley people?

You see them hanging out in corridors when they are supposed to be in class.

Sitting by themselves in sacrament.

Sitting in classes usually up the back or front sitting silently staring into space.


It will take time. Don't give up. The gospel is your salvation.

People are just people. Alot of people in my ward claim they are too busy to help fellowship some members. I assure you. Go and you will see that you have been missed.

It may not be right away. Keep that in mind.

Just don't give up. ETTE!

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I'm sorry you feel blue, LF. I don't go to church enough to get really connected with people in my ward, so I'm usually sitting to the side or the back of class....well actually I'm usually sleeping, maybe that's why few people talk to me :P BUT I know how it feels to be left out, that's why I love this site. Even when I'm rationally discussing a topic with a few others who are rationally explaining their opposing point of view and eventually the thread gets shut down from all the rationalizations going on I feel that I am in the company of Fellow Saints and Worthy People of Other Beliefs and there is comfort in that. Remember, this is the internet, you don't have to read through a thread you don't like, or one that has a tone you find objectionable. There is a lot that is praiseworthy and of good report here. Go forth, and here's something from me that makes me happy: {cookie}

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