"Pedal your crazy elsewhere. We're full up here."


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On another board that I'm on, one that has several thousand posts a day(It's related to gaming), I can't remember the last time we had someone claiming that we inspired them to attempt suicide, caused them a stroke/heart/attack/destroyed their marriage/made their home get hit by a meteor, etc.

For some reason, on this board, I can count on numerous posts of melodrama that are clearly made up to get a pathetic response. I have seen husbands log in to their wives LDS.net account specifically to find the boards they post on and say 'So and so attempted to commit suicide last night'. I have heard people say 'So and so passed away last week and wanted me to come on here and let the one place where she felt accepted and loved know.' 'Oh! Can we, the one place she felt accepted and loved, know where the services are held? We'd love to send flowers. You know: Read the obits from her local papers, etc.' 'NO! JERKS!' and various other clear lies. Because of this, I have a question:

Does anyone ever really fall for this? Like... Ever? Is it really that we have hordes of crazies with a laser-sight on lds.net or do you think we have the same crazies logging in under different usernames? Why are they attracted to lds.net?

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Does anyone ever really fall for this? Like... Ever? Is it really that we have hordes of crazies with a laser-sight on lds.net or do you think we have the same crazies logging in under different usernames? Why are they attracted to lds.net?

Do people fall for it? Yes, which is one of the reasons these people come back.

Do we have hordes of crazies or do we have the same ones coming back? Yes. I think people like to come here just to mess with people, and I think there are probably frequent posters, who come back again and again.

Why are they attracted to lds.net? In my opinion it is because crazies and trolls like to throw something into the water and watch all the fishies roil about in the drama it causes. Any forum can give them that, and every forum attracts them. To continue my fish analogy, forums are chum for trolls and crazies.

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On another board that I'm on, one that has several thousand posts a day(It's related to gaming), I can't remember the last time we had someone claiming that we inspired them to attempt suicide, caused them a stroke/heart/attack/destroyed their marriage/made their home get hit by a meteor, etc.

For some reason, on this board, I can count on numerous posts of melodrama that are clearly made up to get a pathetic response. I have seen husbands log in to their wives LDS.net account specifically to find the boards they post on and say 'So and so attempted to commit suicide last night'. I have heard people say 'So and so passed away last week and wanted me to come on here and let the one place where she felt accepted and loved know.' 'Oh! Can we, the one place she felt accepted and loved, know where the services are held? We'd love to send flowers. You know: Read the obits from her local papers, etc.' 'NO! JERKS!' and various other clear lies. Because of this, I have a question:

Does anyone ever really fall for this? Like... Ever? Is it really that we have hordes of crazies with a laser-sight on lds.net or do you think we have the same crazies logging in under different usernames? Why are they attracted to lds.net?

I used to be on a witchcraft forum, and every day there'd be 3 or 4 people wanting a healing spell for whatever ailed them, and lists of medical problems people were going through. (Love spells were #1). I think that any religious/spiritual board attracts people wanting miracles.

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Why are they attracted to lds.net? In my opinion it is because crazies and trolls like to throw something into the water and watch all the fishies roil about in the drama it causes. Any forum can give them that, and every forum attracts them. To continue my fish analogy, forums are chum for trolls and crazies.

Keep in mind as we are a Christian board if we don't swallow hook line and sinker and make with the out pouring of sympathy we are horrible uncompassionate unchristian people, so there is a safety net of sorts, they are guaranteed drama.

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Keep in mind as we are a Christian board if we don't swallow hook line and sinker and make with the out pouring of sympathy we are horrible uncompassionate unchristian people, so there is a safety net of sorts, they are guaranteed drama.

Very true, thank you for continuing to use the fish analogy. :D

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I think you meant peddle. :D

From As Good As It Gets: Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

I still remember ____ and _____. Yep. Crazies! And lots of people fell for it. What can I say, we Christian folks are built for that kind of sucker!

Edited by anatess
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But you gotta admit--pedal that crazy someplace else has real meaning!

And let's look at the bright side--having some drama means that we all get entertained more than normal and gives pam something to do. Can you imagine the havoc pam could cause if she didn't have someone to moderate? Our avatars would all be cookies--an army of gingerbread cookies! EEK!

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But you gotta admit--pedal that crazy someplace else has real meaning!

And let's look at the bright side--having some drama means that we all get entertained more than normal and gives pam something to do. Can you imagine the havoc pam could cause if she didn't have someone to moderate? Our avatars would all be cookies--an army of gingerbread cookies! EEK!

Gingerbread cookie army made me think of this.

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Hello, this is Rameumptom's brother. Ram went on a trip to Nigeria, where he was kidnapped by some nefarious people. They are demanding a ransom be paid to get him back. If you'd like to help, as I know you will as he says he's one of the most respected people on this list, you can send money to the following address:

BR-549 Road

Lagos, Nigeria 0025995


I'll be looking forward to your checks. I mean, the bad guys will be receiving your checks and he'll be released soon.

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Hello, this is Rameumptom's brother. Ram went on a trip to Nigeria, where he was kidnapped by some nefarious people. They are demanding a ransom be paid to get him back. If you'd like to help, as I know you will as he says he's one of the most respected people on this list, you can send money to the following address:

BR-549 Road

Lagos, Nigeria 0025995


I'll be looking forward to your checks. I mean, the bad guys will be receiving your checks and he'll be released soon.

Darnit, Rameumptom, I told you you can't get a mail-order bride by e-mail.

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Hello, this is Rameumptom's brother. Ram went on a trip to Nigeria, where he was kidnapped by some nefarious people. They are demanding a ransom be paid to get him back. If you'd like to help, as I know you will as he says he's one of the most respected people on this list, you can send money to the following address:

BR-549 Road

Lagos, Nigeria 0025995


I'll be looking forward to your checks. I mean, the bad guys will be receiving your checks and he'll be released soon.

No thanks. I only donate to worthwhile charities.

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On my petsitting list, there was a girl who claimed her sister was on one of the 9/11 flights --this was the week after it happened, so everyone was really raw. Luckily, a couple of bloodhounds (no pun intended) on the forum cleared that up right quick. What a horrible thing to do when so many families were hurting by that.

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Folks if I have to tell all the stories of people I know offline and online in similar scenarios I will have to write a book! But let me share a few....

1. Female poster with a long history of controversies suddenly passes away. "Husband" contacts the site and shares the sad news, people send flowers, cards, etc FOR WEEKS. Couple of years later, the account is "resurrected" (along with her) and with that comes a very bizarre story of heavenly visitations, the devil and Bush (George Bush).

2. Online: LDS mother of 4 contacts me and asks me if I could chat with her husband online (and explain or else!) She is too depressed and crying because she cannot understand why I would be so mean as to fight her character in a game online.

3. LDS man contacts me to make a consultation for a job that I used to do. When I tell him the price he tells me I am not a good Latter Day Saint "because you shouldn't profit with the gifts Heavenly Father has given you".

There is more....MANY....MANY...MANY more.

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In this other board... which I am not supposed to talk about here... :D Pam look the other way! It really is a pitiful forum. I think there in fact is only 2-4 people that are more or less against LDS, and who came in with many different names (registring is not needed) and starts a negative thread over and over again with a diffferent name all the time.... if you are a tiny bit stright forward with your answer without considering the writters feelings ... you get to hear it. And let me assure you with that use of adjectives those people would be kept miles away from LDS.net.

Banned one from the Finnish LDS forum and keep hearing, that people can not discuss anything there, as I bann everyone who does not agree with me. Bad thing is there is not many who write, so maybe this nag has got under the skinn of people. You would love the adjectives he used in front of our dear Profet JS. I gave him a chanse (as people are not used to a forum where you are reqired some behaviour) to delate and change his wording himself/herself... nothing happened.

Sometimes I think how they are (in this or the other forum) laughing and smiling as they again fooled us... but did they? :angel:

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I have made up many many things on this forum and on my profile. Sometimes, hoping to get a laugh. Sometimes, just to see what response I get. Mostly, because I see my reality as too boring. And how often do "average" things get a response.


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I have made up many many things on this forum and on my profile. Sometimes, hoping to get a laugh. Sometimes, just to see what response I get. Mostly, because I see my reality as too boring. And how often do "average" things get a response.

Oh, so that little trip to the hospital was fake?

And were your words here fake as well?

Originally Posted by Boris_Natasha

Shame on you for bearing false witness... and promoting chaos. No thank you, for your lies.

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I have made up many many things on this forum and on my profile. Sometimes, hoping to get a laugh. Sometimes, just to see what response I get. Mostly, because I see my reality as too boring. And how often do "average" things get a response.

This is really weird. Personally, I like for people to think I'm truthful and speaking from my heart --not just trying to get a reaction.

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Well, there are other forums that I wouldn't mind pretending to be a 20-year-old Angelina-Jolie-type to get a reaction... not that I've ever done it. But lds.net is just not that kind of forum, ya know?

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Does anyone ever really fall for this? Like... Ever? Is it really that we have hordes of crazies with a laser-sight on lds.net or do you think we have the same crazies logging in under different usernames?

You can usually tell who they are ...esp when they create a rant thread complaining about other fellow crazies loggin' in and posting about crazy stuff. Forreals bro.

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