Would you change?


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Sometimes I notice (either in myself or others) an annoying habit. Often, they are harmless, just annoying. I'm wondering if someone approached you to tell you about it (because all too often we are unaware that it is annoying), how would you react?

And I'm not talking about the rude confrontation--in your face, loudly proclaiming your error for all eyes and ears to see/hear. I'm talking about a tactful approach (either in person, email, etc) that is simply to let you know of the habit and how it is perceived. Would you appreciate it or would you rather leave well enough alone? And would you be one (or have you) to do something like this? Would you approach someone with that?

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Depending on the habit I may or may not change it. Some habits I have are ones that I don't much want to get rid of, others are habits that I wouldn't mind getting rid of. Recently I got a camcorder that I plan to use to take videos of family events. Last weekend my dad recorded both my husband and I. I noticed from it that I tend to run my words together. I would like to change it but I am not completely sure how, as I do not notice when I am talking that I am running my words together. However other habits I might not get rid of, like for example I tend to shake my feet when sitting or sometimes bounce my leg, it is a little habit I picked up from my mom. It sometimes bothers people but it helps to calm me and often helps to make me feel at peace, so even if someone asked me to change that habit I probably would not.

I am not much the type of person who tells people about habits or things they may want to change. For example my brother in law had some very bad body odor, but neither myself or my husband told him about it because we figured it would be rude. He was finally told by a complete stranger and later asked us about it. When we told him the truth he changed his deoderant and changed the way/frequency he uses cologne and deoderant.

Another example is a lady I work with, she has awful teeth and very bad breath, however I can not bring myself to tell her about this and ask her if there is something she can do about it because I am afraid of offending her.

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I think initially I'm a bit taken by surprise when someone points out an annoying habit I have that I'm not aware of. Depending on my own mood, my reaction can be understanding or offended. I'm not sure how annoying a habit it is but my family pointed out that when I get frustrated or upset, I'll rub my forehead with the palm of my hand. I guess it's more of a nervous/anxious twitch more than anything. Hubby does this heavy sigh when he gets frustrated, which isn't so much a big deal but I totally notice it and I guess after awhile it kind of does get a bit annoying. He's not aware of it unless I point it out the moment he does it. But to answer the question, I don't have a problem with change or trying to change. The issue is more of if I can catch myself doing it to stop..

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A few years ago, I heard about an anonymous service that would send someone a politely-worded email, letting them know that someone had noticed [insert bad habit here], and wanted to gently inform you in a nonconfrontational way about it.

I have not showered since that day, so I guess it means that service isn't around any more, or I just am too perfect to have BO. It's probably the latter.


(why do people keep moving out of my aisle?)

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Sometimes I notice (either in myself or others) an annoying habit. Often, they are harmless, just annoying. I'm wondering if someone approached you to tell you about it (because all too often we are unaware that it is annoying), how would you react?

And I'm not talking about the rude confrontation--in your face, loudly proclaiming your error for all eyes and ears to see/hear. I'm talking about a tactful approach (either in person, email, etc) that is simply to let you know of the habit and how it is perceived. Would you appreciate it or would you rather leave well enough alone? And would you be one (or have you) to do something like this? Would you approach someone with that?

Just tell me what it is, Beefche. I know something is on your mind. Chances are, I"ll accommodate you in every way possible!

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Well, I just didn't want to be the one to say it, PC. I was hoping you would take that broad hint and figure it out.

But, please stop picking your teeth! I know you like having a snack every once in a while, but come on, brother! Eat some apple or pretzels, not your lunch leftovers. :P

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Guest mormonmusic

I would consider the advice. If it was delivered harshly, then I probably wouldn't care about it. I find that if it's repetitive feedback from multiple people, then it probably has some validity.

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Would I change? No.

Not unless I personally wanted to, like if I saw my own habits as destructive enough to bother me. Or unless everyone who was bothered by my "habit" allowed me to pick out a habit of theirs that I didn't like, and change right a long with me.

What right do they have to point at me and say, "You're imperfect. You should change." ? Even if they do say it nicely.

They're imperfect, with annoying habits too. We all are. Besides, if you're a decent person, you should never ask someone else to do something that you yourself are not willing to do.

Edited by Melissa569
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