Pictures doing illegal drugs?


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If a person displays a photo on myspace doing what I would assume is illegal drugs is that enough to have the police investigate or something?

When I was 11 I moved to NY from OR. A family friend and past ward member in Oregon son is friends with me on myspace and has posted pictures of himself with what I'm assuming (after a google search) is a bong of some sort. So, I guess I'm wondering if thats enough to report someone to the police for illegal drug use?

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This is from Wikipedia: Bong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the United States, under the Federal Drug Paraphernalia Statute, which is part of the Controlled Substances Act, it is illegal to sell, transport through the mail, transport across state lines, import, or export drug paraphernalia.[citation needed] However, all smoking accessories before being used with any illegal substance are legal.

In countries where marijuana and hashish are illegal, some retailers specify that bongs are intended for use with tobacco in an attempt to circumvent laws against selling drug paraphernalia. While technically 'bong' does not mean a device used for smoking marijuana, drug-related connotations have been formed with the word itself. Due to these connotations, some head shops will not serve customers who use the word "bong" or "bongs".[10]

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Guest Godless

There are actually restaurants all over the US called "hookah bars" where people can go to smoke flavored tobacco through a hookah/bong. You can also buy the hookah and tobacco to smoke at home. I'm thinking about buying one in Iraq to send home. They have some very nice ones here.

And no, I don't think pics of people doing drugs (especially weed) is grounds for police action. Heck, some jurisdictions won't even book a person who's physically caught in the act. When I was living in MD, the cops had a catch-and-release policy for pot smokers that were caught with less than an ounce. It's really not a serious thing, and the best thing to do is to let it go.

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the only cases i've heard of being investigated over a pic are when there is a child pictured with the bong or in the same room as one that is actually being used to smoke (not just the item itself).

i also know of ppl that have used such pics as evidence to win custody situations but that's not the same as an all out investigation.

i'm also curious why you would want to report it. i could understand possibly wanting to bring it to the parents attention but the police? seems like there is more to the story.

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I see what you're getting at, Lizzy.

But sometimes policing others is more than it's worth. I know that for me to keep my own sanity, I can't worry about the world and carry its burdens on my own shoulders. I think you have to weigh out the situation and know where the line is drawn because if you don't—where does the policing end? I know that in Utah you must be 19 to legally purchase and use tobacco. But I (presumably) see youngsters with their hands on smokes all the time. I was a teen that smoked and drank. Many of my friends did this as well. I think in society as a whole, it's just impossible to stop these kinds of technically illegal activities. Witnessing something else of a greater offense, like child pornography being posted or a video clip of people beating an animal, I think those are activities I'd seek authorities.

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If a person displays a photo on myspace doing what I would assume is illegal drugs is that enough to have the police investigate or something?

Most likely not. It might give police probable cause to go knock on the guy's door. But since all they know about the situation is "dood might smoke a little weed", they probably wouldn't bother, because there are more pressing matters requiring their attention.

(Not to mention that the cultivation, possession, and use of marijuana is legal in Oregon if you tell someone it's medicine.)

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You could probably ruin a persons reputation -- such as a celebrity like Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, who was caught on camera smoking pot if that was your goal.

Although a picture can speak a thousand words at times, I doubt anything would happen to the average Joe -- unless you wanted to tell his parents -- but since there is no evidence other than a picture -- I don't think the law would have a leg to stand on.

People in Israel have been smoking out of Hookah's for a long time. Unless things have changed there are several states where pot is decriminalized -- usually anything under an ounce and it's no big deal.

When I was in high school I think there were about 9 states at the time with such laws, I'm not sure what is is now -- and I think Oregon was one with decrimilization along with California, Alaska and others.

In fact, I think in Alaska you can still grow it in your back yard if it's for personal use.

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Really? I'm going to Oregon in July and I've been feeling rather sickly lately. :P

Yea, there's many pot shops in Cali that are legal by the state for medical reasons -- then usually the feds poke there head in and raid the place and then they fight it out in court and then the guy usually winds up opening another one, from some of the shows I've seen.

The Feds would probably leave them alone except you have bogus precriptions being filled out by a bogus doctor.

The doc diagnoses a pothead with a stubed toe and gives the person a prescription to go buy at the pot store.

It just hurts the people who use it for real problems such as cancer or glaucoma etc.

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If a person displays a photo on myspace doing what I would assume is illegal drugs is that enough to have the police investigate or something?

When I was 11 I moved to NY from OR. A family friend and past ward member in Oregon son is friends with me on myspace and has posted pictures of himself with what I'm assuming (after a google search) is a bong of some sort. So, I guess I'm wondering if thats enough to report someone to the police for illegal drug use?

No. You can make a picture like that with photoshop.

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I would report it, but I am a meany. I also have delt with a lot when it comes to things like that. I wish I was strong enough, knew enough, and wise enough to call the cops when I found things in my own home. I now know since it was in my house, I could have been in trouble, too, since I didn't report it. I did, however flush it!! :D

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Its not that I want this guy in trouble. His family knows what hes doing and his mom is very hurt and worried about him. I guess as his childhood friend I feel like I should do something.

Unless he's right there in front of you doing it, leave it. Let his family deal with this issue. These types of problems are intense on the family and to have a third party come in and try to do good will only alienate them from you. About the only thing you can do is to talk to the person themselves and let them know the uncoolness of it all. If you decide to do that, be prepared to loose a friend because addicts don't take well to that. Not until they clean up and begin to work the 12-steps and reconcile with the people they've hurt.

Drugs and addictions are difficult beasts to tame. Being on the outside limits what you can do. You will feel helpless and hurt, but people have their free agency to decide to do good or bad. What they can't decide is the consequences. And that's going to be painful to watch.

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If a person displays a photo on myspace doing what I would assume is illegal drugs is that enough to have the police investigate or something?

When I was 11 I moved to NY from OR. A family friend and past ward member in Oregon son is friends with me on myspace and has posted pictures of himself with what I'm assuming (after a google search) is a bong of some sort. So, I guess I'm wondering if thats enough to report someone to the police for illegal drug use?

Depends where an individual lives. I have no idea if it'd be worth to do that or not, but..

If there is a location given for the account, probably about the most you can do is contact authorities in that state (preferrably any that are close to a stated location) and say, "hey look at this". Otherwise about all you can do is contact the mods and say about the same thing.

And certainly nothing is wrong for doing that, and that way you've done what you could with it.

I doubt that alone going to be enough to warrant any kind of search.... but if something is going on hopefully it will help tip the authorities in the right direction.

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If my friend was doing that, I would encourage him to take that photo off the internet. And then, I would try to do my best in encouraging him to stay off of that stuff. Nothing too pushy. Just a simple reminder of the bad things smoking can do to people.

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Again, smoking MJ is legal in Oregon. If you want something done, going to the cops probably won't result in anything.

The only way smoking MJ is legal here in Oregon is if the Dr gives you a script for medical MJ. It is also illegal to grow the stuff UNLESS the Dr gives you a script and you go through a bunch of red tape to register to grow it, and it better be just enough for you, according to the Dr's script.

Otherwise if you get caught you are going to get arrested. If it is less than an ounce, then you will get put into the system, and released on your own recognizance. If more than an ounce, you get put into the system, and when you go before the judge you will be given a bail amount to pay. Depending on what alerted the cops to your smoking, such as driving erratically, you just may not be given bail.

I was trying to find the articles in our local newspaper for the court updates- to show that possession of MJ is illegal here in Oregon. BUT I don't want to pay for a year's subscription to the on line paper just to get to the Court Updates.

Oh, by the way, if they are caught with MJ paraphernalia that has smoked MJ debris yet no MJ, they are still charged with possession. IF they are driving a vehicle and have these items in the car, then they are also charged with Driving While Under Intoxicating Substances.

Izzy, if you want to tell someone, tell his Bishop. Unless he is inactive. Smoking anything whether from a bong or not, is not okay with the Church. Also, have you told him how you feel about the picture? Sometimes that kind of peer input is enough to "slap" some sense into someone.

Edited by Iggy
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The only way smoking MJ is legal here in Oregon is if the Dr gives you a script for medical MJ. It is also illegal to grow the stuff UNLESS the Dr gives you a script and you go through a bunch of red tape to register to grow it, and it better be just enough for you, according to the Dr's script.

Yeah, I know. We have the same deal here in Colorado. And yet somehow, the vast majority of MJ prescription holders still end up being 18-45 year old males without any signs of terminal illnesses.

It's interesting to watch go by. If you ever have a saturday afternoon to kill, park across the street from your local dispensary and watch who goes in and out. You won't see many people in wheelchairs, or folks bald with chemotherapy, or any such thing.


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Guest Alana

Legal or not, in a lot of places in Oregon, pot is a low priority amongst the police. In my lovely town (in California) they even made it a law that it's a low priority. So... just be his friend, be a good example, and do your thing.

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You won't see many people in wheelchairs, or folks bald with chemotherapy, or any such thing.

So what? I guarantee you, for most of those people, that's just a sign of how effective Medical Marijuana is, in that, without it, they DO walk bent over and in wheelchairs, but with it, they don't. That is a good thing.

I take a lot of pain medication every day (not MM, I'm in Utah). With it, I walk, upright, without a wheelchair, and you'd have no idea I am in chronic pain. But that's because the drugs work, not because I don't have the disease. Without it, I'm crippled.

Additionally, I guarantee you that while you are watching all these 18-45 year-old males go in for their illegal drug, not only are you judging some of them wrongly, you're missing the 50-year-old woman who is doing the same.

My point is, unless you're a specialist in pain management, you really can't tell anything about a lot of people's pain by parking yourself across the street and watching them walk, upright, into the drug store. For some, the fact that they can do that demonstrates how effective MM is and why it is so important they be allowed to continue taking it.


Edited by Elphaba
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