Ghosts in the home: prison or paradise?

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Hi I've been wondering and pondering something quite a while and i feel that i should ask on here. I have done "paranormal investigations" in my home and have actually gotten some recording of voices and such. I have never felt threated, or at least of what I can remember.

So on to my question, are these spirits that communicate through recordings from spirit prison or even evil spirits? Like I said, i don't feel in trouble, but I don't want something like that in my house. I'm thinking so because those in spirit paradise would be too busy to talk to someone with a recorder, they would just visit you upfront if allowed by Jesus Christ. So what are your thoughts?

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Ooh, I do hope this is an appropriate conversation for here, as I do love this sort of thing.

Though to be honest, the very idea of EVPs terrify me.

I actually like the theory that these aren't ghosts persay, but merely energy, shadows of the past.

Though if it does bother you, consider having the house blessed.

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I believe in Loch Ness, so you don't even wanna know what I think! :D

I want to visit Loch Ness someday! Along with Nessie, I am also open-minded about "Bigfoot"!

As for ghosts, I believe, but I don't like to dwell on it, and certainly never want to live in an environment where they are "invited" into my home. If I felt there was one in my home, I'd have a priesthood blessing on the house.

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I don't believe in paranormal activity. I believe some people have over active imaginations, and I believe in TV drama and special effects.

I also believe in the various Prophets warning people to stay away from things like that: in the past it was Ouiji boards, ghost knocking, etc

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I don't know if there are Ghosts of once living people wandering the earth or not, but I know that there are spirits that do.

Contentious spirits yes. When Husband and I were married and living in his home in AZ, we frequently had to have him bless the house and banish the contentious spirits from it.

His brother, the meth addict & all around nasty person, lived there previously for 6 years. The house and grounds seemed to be over saturated with evil.

I am much more sensitive to the evil than husband was, and when I started seeing shadows of imps - husband blessed the home, house and grounds.

We had to work very hard at keeping the contention out of our personal lives. If we didn't set aside times during the day and week to keep to our scripture reading, praying, studying the Ensign - then the contention would flood us. Every time we talked about his brother and/or nieces- the negativity, contention, evil would just overwhelm us.

Being here in Oregon- we notice the HUGE difference in the harmony in our home and between us. Neither one of us is cranky, emotionally upset or negative. We can talk of his brother, nieces and no overwhelming evil brings us down.

Long answer to your question. Short answer- I believe the only good spirit on Earth is the Holy Ghost and the Angels that Father sends to you.

Those you hear on recording devices are NOT sent by God. Quit with the recordings, because in effect you are inviting these not nice spirits into your home. Banish them, bless and dedicate your home, and only invite the Holy Ghost into your home.

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Well I come from a very superstitious culture, so paranormal activity isn't so far fetched to me. I've personally never seen a ghost/spirit but there have been plenty of times where I have felt positive and negative energies. In general I believe that the positive energies and sensations I get are from the Holy Ghost (like Jiminy Cricket whispering me guidance & precautions etc). The bad energies I get I know don't ever come from the Lord but the polar end.

Anyway, the house that hubby and I currently live in has not been placed, and there have been times where I've felt an uneasy presence when I'm downstairs in our basement. I know that sounds so typical (basements are perfect Hollywood haunting spots) but I genuinely hate going down there by myself to run laundry etc etc. It's not like anything strange has happened down there but I get this icky feeling that someone is watching me. Haha, I swear I'm not paranoid! :D

OK, maybe just a bit. Seriously though, like others have mentioned, maybe consider having your home blessed? I think when you invite the Spirit into your home, it's hard for the "bad" ones to be present as well.

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good answer, know the only reason i did recording was because there were things that were going on in my house that i couldn't explain so i wanted to see. note that by ghosts i mean spirits, to me their the same thing

also i don't think evps would be appropriate on this, maybe im wrong?

Is there even a way of posting evps on here?

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Try to communicate, just ask the ghost before going to bed, what you want to know? its works with me 12 years ago... and dont be scared. Look for the verses in the book of mormon on how to know if they are good or bad spirit and what you should do if you encounter one......

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Yep. There's a guy living on the 3rd floor of our old 2-story house. He and my uncle and dad (it was a duplex - we lived on the ground floor, my uncle and his family live upstairs) made an agreement that we will not burn down the house if he leaves us alone. No, he wasn't evil or anything. We just had an episode where he got attached to the housemaid and he got upset when she decided she didn't want to work for us anymore, so he made all our chairs "stick" to the wall, dropped a rock in the soup bowl once, stuffed all the shoes with dirt, etc. My uncle got the exorcist to come (yeah, they're all Catholics) but the exorcist said it's not an evil spirit...

Yeah, yeah, I know... nobody believes me when I recount this story... Disclaimer: I wasn't born yet when this happened. And I never saw him. My older brother wasn't born yet either when this all happened, but he did play with him when he was a toddler. From what my uncle tells me - he was not a mortal man who died... and he still lives "upstairs" until today but he doesn't show himself to anybody anymore except my uncle.

Don't ask me how this all fits in the gospel. I have no idea. I was Catholic - and I just filed him as one of the "unseen" in the "I believe in God, creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen" in the creed, and never bothered to file him under LDS doctrine.

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IMHO: Isaiah 8:19 is still relevant:

¶And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

I don't think you're going to hell if you participate in a seance, or anything. But the fact is: you don't know who these spirits are; you know nothing of their intentions or allegiances; and if you want to know about the afterlife the best way to go about it is to ask the One who governs the afterlife.

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So Anatess, has your uncle ever asked this spirit what he does with all the time he has? I think when you die it would be very boring if there is nothing to do but hang around a house.

Yes, he lives among us and used to interact with the people who live in the house - we moved out long time ago, and some of my other uncles/aunts have lived in the ground floor. But, he stopped doing that not too long after we moved out - I'm not sure, but my uncle may have told him not to do that anymore... or maybe he just decided to stop on his own.

Like I said - this guy is not somebody who died. He's always been a spirit... or so he says.

I'm thinking about this now and I'm wondering if he's one of those spirits in pre-mortal existence... Catholics don't believe in pre-mortal existence, so we never considered that.

Oh, one thing that happened when I was about 5 years old... we got robbed once. A thief broke into the house in the middle of the night. My mother is a very light sleeper but for some reason, she never woke up when the thief broke the window and grabbed stuff out of the house. So, we found out about the robbery in the morning! The thief had all night to take all our stuff. But... for some reason, the thief took an old, broken, heavy stereo and left the brand new component system sitting next to it... he takes a very heavy Buddha figurine bank filled with coins and left the wallet with big bills in the drawer under it... etc. We didn't lose anything of value - except for sentimental stuff. My uncle said the guy "upstairs" helped us during the night - did something so my mother won't hear anything because the guy was armed, veiled the expensive stuff, etc. etc.

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From the Current Gospel Principles manual

Chapter 41 the Postmortal Spirit World

Where Is the Postmortal Spirit World?

Latter-day prophets have said that the spirits of those who have died are not far from us. President Ezra Taft Benson said: “Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1971, 18; or Ensign, June 1971, 33). President Brigham Young taught that the postmortal spirit world is on the earth, around us (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young [1997], 279).

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