Life Goals


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I want:

To have a yurt

To grow a large garden at least once (even if it fails horribly)

Improve my penmanship

Write a book, even if it doesn't get published

Own a house (living in a yurt counts if I own the land)

Keep a beehive

Just don't keep the beehive in the yurt if you're living in it.

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Just don't keep the beehive in the yurt if you're living in it.

This gives me visions of standing in the middle of the yurt, with the bees flying all around me while I laugh maniacally with my hands up in the air. I'll be saying something along the lines of 'Yes, my pretties! We will destroy them ALL!'

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The penmanship takes a lot of practice. I remember my mom making me sit and draw loops ad nauseum that were all exactly the same size and shape. But, I did win an award for penmanship in school. (They probably don't have those now.)

I'm with you on the garden, but I don't think I'd be very happy in a yurt come winter.

I also want a beehive. I already have books, just need the space.

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The penmanship takes a lot of practice. I remember my mom making me sit and draw loops ad nauseum that were all exactly the same size and shape. But, I did win an award for penmanship in school. (They probably don't have those now.)

I'm with you on the garden, but I don't think I'd be very happy in a yurt come winter.

I also want a beehive. I already have books, just need the space.

Yurts are actually way easier to keep warm than cool. A lot of ski lodges use yurts. If you're on facebook there's a family that live in a yurt and the name of their page is gypsy house. They live in Canada and they have a lot of winters in the negative degrees, but stay warm.

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What are some of your life goals?

There are so many things... but to keep it brief, I will list only the biggest one on my mind right now and explain.

.... to leave a legacy.

I want to make a lasting impact on this world through the things I share- the people I teach, the example I set. I want everything I have done to actually mean something. I want to be more than just another drop of water in the river. I want to make a difference. I want there to be something important, memorable, and good left behind when I am no longer in this life. There are many ways I am seeking to accomplish this goal- through my son, through my writing, through helping others, through my work and education, through the church, etc.

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To teach my children good and correct principles. And for them to use them, always.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I even know what good and correct principles are. Let alone pass them to my children. So, all I can really hope for is that I'll lead them close enough to God and that they'll find the rest of the way. :(

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Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I even know what good and correct principles are. Let alone pass them to my children. So, all I can really hope for is that I'll lead them close enough to God and that they'll find the rest of the way. :(

I didn't say I did's a goal, guess a smaller goal would be to learn them first. :D

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